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Book online ยซThe OOBS by CC Raz (electronic reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author CC Raz

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So... I hope you'll be able to read this. Maybe. Hopefully. You'll know who you are if you are able to read it. Anyone else... I guess just enjoy.

If you're not a certain Ms. Havoc, then... you probably won't know what all this is about. Unless your name is Hay Bailes or Mac Flurry. So I'll just give a quick explanation.

This is supposed to be private. Just for me and a certain friend. But I really have no way of privately communicating with her right now, because she isn't able to respond back. So I'm hoping... maybe.. she'll be able to comment on my book or something.

You see, she's in Colorado. With some family, for a coupe weeks. And she's not allowed to contact us (her best friends), because of lots of reasons. I would tell you the reasons, but it's really none of your business. If it was your business you'd already know and I wouldn't have to explain. But she's not allowed to contact us, but we've still been sending her emails every day in case she is able to check her email. So that she knows we still love and care about her. Well, she started posting our emails in a book on here. So... I'm HOPING that that is her way of trying to say "HEY!!! TALK TO ME HERE!!" So I'm gonna give it my all.

And this is the beginning. Daily emails, that will now become chapters in my book. It's kind of like a diary. Or kind of like a notebook. Shared between two best friends because they could pass notes in class, but they just have a little bit too much to say.

So if you really want to dive into the lives of two teenage girls (well, really only one, trying desperately to communicate with the other), then go ahead. I really don't mind at all. But whether you read it or not, just remember. While it is available to you, it is not FOR you. You might not understand all the words that I use as inside jokes, and you'll just have to deal with it.

And now... It's time for me to address the person for which this book is really intended.



CC Raz

OOB#Days 1 and 2 without my Gwenisha


So, I know it's been a couple days and I haven't sent you anything. But I wanted to make sure that I sent you one tonight.

This morning I got up and went to the STEM camp. And, OH GWEN. There was this little boy, Dallyn, that you would have loved. He was just so adorable. I can't wait to help him with his rocket ship tomorrow. It'll be lots of fun. He was just so cute. He's one of the kids who's really smart, popular, and seems to have everything that he needs, but you know will probably be a stoner when he grows up, which is kinda sad, but... I dunno. He was awesome. He has this little lisp going on, and he's got curly blonde hair. He was adorable.

But that's not all I wanna say about STEM camp. Mr. Elinski talked to me a little about you and your situation while I was waiting for my mom to pick me up. He said he could tell that, while I was hiding everything pretty well and I seemed happy and careless while I was there, he knew that something was off. He asked me how I was doing without my partner in crime (because, you know. You and I commit all kinds of crimes. Gonna go to juvie together. You for being a runaway and me for helping a runaway). He said he talked to you at Charley's, and that you explained to him the situation. And he said that if there's anything that he can do, to let him know. And he asked if there was any way that we could get your dad to step up. So I told him that Brittainy talked to him and got him to get going on the custody stuff.

By the way... try to talk to your dad while you're there. I don't know if you'll get this at all when you're up there. But if they don't let you talk to your dad... That's bad. Not letting you see him is one thing. But not even allowing you a phone call? It would help the case out a lot. So, if you can, try to get a chance to talk to him. If they don't let you, record it with a date and everything in the notebook or on some other paper and make sure you keep it with you, because you'll need it for court. And if they don't let you, keep asking. If it's multiple times, it's even better for you. And, if they do let you talk to him, then you can get an update on what's going on there, and maybe ask him to send a message to Bailey, Jacob, and I or something, so that we hear from you too. Either way, it'll be a good thing. So, ask to talk to your dad. Every day, every other day, whatever. Just try to talk to him if you can.

Just know that we're all waiting for you down here, Gwen. You've got a lot of people who love you and care for you and are doing all that they can to help you out and get you what you need. These next couple weeks are going to be pretty stressful, not knowing what's going on with you. But we'll lean on each other and stay strong for you. Just try to talk to your dad, and pray for strnght. I know you feel like by making this choice, you are turning your back on God. But He knows your reasons and He knows how much you love Him and there is NO way that He will not give you the strength that you need to make this choice.

Love you, Gwen. Hang in there. :) I would think of more stuff to say, but I figure if you do get a chance to check your email, it'll be a short amount of time, so I should probably keep these short and sweet so you can also read Jacob and Bailey's stuff. But it doesn't mean that I don't love ya.

I'll see you soon.
CC Raz

OOB#Some asshole stole my kids


Just got back from STEM again. And my kids were taken from me.

Dallyn and Korbyn. Such adorable little children. They were finished with their stuff, and waiting for the next step. They were bored. So they stuck the glue sticks in their hats. And Mr. Hoffman (that man BUGS me) brought them to the hall and told Mrs. Davidson, "They were putting glue sticks in their hats so that they could steal them and take them hime, so I'm sending them home." Asshole. And then some other kid, like 30 seconds later, asked me for help. "I have no idea what to do." I asked him why he didn't pay attention and he goes, "Wel your little boyfriends were distracting me when he was giving directions so I just gave up on listening." Asshole.

Now I'm just talking to Jacob a little about your situation.

I sent an email to your dad, asking him to pass on any news about you to the three of us. I figure they might let you talk to him, but there's NO WAY that the three of us will be allowed to talk to you. I just wanna make sure that if anyone gets news of you, I hear it. You know? Yeah. Maybe I'll ask Kenny if he's talked to you or heard anything from you tomorrow at STEM. But he doesn't really like me, so... who knows how that'll go.

Alejandro says hi.

Maybe I'll send another message later tonight, but I gotta give the kids a bath.

Still praying, still staying strong. Love you, Gwen. :)

CC Raz

OOB#the child that I was


So, I have a story for you. Just close your eyes, sit back, relax... And I think you'll enjoy it. :)

In second grade, I moved to Garden Valley in the middle of February. And my new teacher, Miss Morrison (now Mrs. Brist. She's married and has gorgeous little girls) was VERY VERY VERY allergic to peanuts and peanut butter. So if we brought lunch from home, and we had a peanut butter sandwhich, we couldn't stay in the classroom to eat it- we had to go to the cafeteria (if you brought cold lunch you had a choice of eating it in the classroom or the cafeteria). Now, I usually brought lunch and ate with morgan in the classroom. But one day, Morgan forgot her lunch at home so she ate in the cafeteria. And that day, I brought a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I had forgotten. I made the (possibly) fatal (for Miss Morrison) mistake.

So everyone else went to the cafeteria but I stayed in the classroom because that's where I was used to eating. And then Miss Morrison looked at me and said, "Is that peanut butter and jelly?" And I nodded, then went back to my lunch. I thought she was going to say something like, "Good choice" or something like that. But she pointed at the door and reminded me that she didn't feel like dying that day. So I went to the cafeteria, but i didn't want to walk in in the middle of lunch. I don't know why. But I felt like it would be

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