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Its a collection of my English poems.


Written by: Rajmohan 


Personnel epage:-


Member: AMAZON Writers central :


Digital Production:- Digital Book World


 Published by FB Group:--അക്ഷരം മാസിക


 Comments from readers:-

 Judycolella -Your latest offering, "Nice Poems, is nicely written.   Lazarus:-Not Bad...  Dianne-Thank you for share with me. Your ebook is great. Never Quit from Life

 Never Quit from Life

Ever wonder why life is so ruthless,
Making you feel that you are worthless,
All ventures ending up in tragedy and pain,
Resulting in huge losses without any gain,

Your loved ones fleeing from you unable to bear,
Your sad stories of which they don't care,
Scars inflicted all over your body by bitter words,
Piercing your heart with a thousand words,

None around you lend a helping hand,
By expect you to rise up swiping all the sand,
When all around you is fading and dark,
With none to give you an encouraging spark,


Life tries hard to pull you down and make you lose,
Get up and move on searching for your muse,
Write your legacy each and every day,
SO that your history forever will stay,

Work until you see success within the reach,
Then will others about your path will preach,
In all that you do just be yourself,
The only thing to quit is Quitting itself.

My Thought

 Beautiful Pictures Stairs Heaven

My Thought...


What is the time now? It is 11:50 pm It’s the end of the day, my eyes are heavy…. But I  can’t fall asleep. Thoughts are coming like rain. As I am in bed, I tried to remember  All the previous moments that occurred in my life. I speak to myself. Then  I realized… It is not the end, I have to go on….more and more… Life has so much to offer.   But only the beginning. God created me intentionally to do more… God created me completely to do more…and more Only God can justify my feeling... Travel

  If you want to travel around the world... You need too much money ...

You work for knowledge than more wealth.

You can't succeed until you fail. You love life and accept the failure if any, You can't succeed until you fail. If you travel around the world. You will get more knowledge. Spend more money and time for traveling.





All the knowledge is yours,
Fantasy is your darshan,

Do not match with the soul,
What kind of mirror is that?

Your Generation is sad,

There is a thought of slaves.

The poison of mind should not come out,
What kind of mantra is this?

The essence of the teeth is forgotten,

Education has forgotten the promises,

Strange truth to the truth
The form of artwork.


From the confusion of the routine
Pick up the eyes and look outside.
To whom I thought to be dust,
That Sea is the one.


You have the blood of the warriors,
You are the son of blood seeds.
You have the qualities of a child......RM

Images of Love   You received me as an angel Like a flower ready to cut. Like a wind coming towards…to me… Like a fire ... inside of you. I will surely live with you. Looking into your eyes….I see myself sailing with you...  I will surely live with you....up to end…

You are in my dreams …. you can make it happened.

When you capture my hand, I felt the love in you. I will surely live with you...


In Serch of Love

    All are in search of finding true love…

Finding true love is unexpected ….

It may find out anytime….


maybe it’s from the wrong place,

maybe it’s the wrong time

but really  it’s the right person


If its love….It's nothing right and wrong….

but love is not blind at all…

it’s an unconditional finding…

 The heart will say one day….


you’re the one for me….

 there end the searching of LOVE...

Do it now


When I'll be dead... 

your tears will flow...
you will send flowers...

you will publish in the newspaper...
you will say words of praise...
you will forget my faults...

you"ll miss me then...
you will wish.... you had
spent more time with me...
spend it now.... more time. 
with me...

(Try to spend more time with your loved ones)

Love and Love Only


In the heavens above!

Even if the candles fade away
and winds of silence start blowing
and rotten leaves start to
embrace your coffin
and roses that lay by your grave
begin to wither petal after petal

Even if the clouds passing by
shed their tears in blind agony
and even the stars
that we used to see together
that sparkled our love
begin to shine...

like as if they were never there
even if the suns of happiness
leave the evenings of your heart
and the autumns of death

triumph the valleys of your life
and even the emptiness
begins to fill up the air
Even if u are gone to the world
Of eternity far of....far away...

with every passing beat of my heart
I will be by your side my Love
Always there for you
To see the smile of your's
In the heavens above! 

Broken Hearts

The Brain Says...

No! don't approach her.
The Heart Says
Go! and get her...

Brain Says...
You Can’t Love Her.
Heart Says
Put nothing above Her.
Brain Says
Look She’s Breaking You.

Heart Says
Calm Down- She’s Just In A Bad Mood.

Brain Says
She’s Going To Leave You

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