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Book online «All About Coffee by William H. Ukers (interesting novels in english TXT) 📖». Author William H. Ukers

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fruit (see Diseases)

Spot Market, New York, 329, 330

Spot quotation committee (N.Y. Exch.), 334

Sprague, Albert A., 502

Sprague, Irvin A., 477

Sprague, O.S.A., 502

Sprague & Rhodes, 477

Sprague & Stetson, 502

Sprague & Warner, 502

Sprague, Warner & Co., 483, 502

Sprague, Warner & Griswold, 502

Spreckels & Bros. Co., J.D., 488

Spring Garden Iron Works, 245

Spruce, Richard, q., 200

Squier, George L., 246

Squier Mfg. Co., Geo. L., 246, 247, 469

St. Germain's Fair (see Coffee houses, Paris)

St. Serf, Thomas, q., 554

Stachan, John, chk., 119

Stacie, chk., 579, 580;
q., 581

Stadium (circus), New York, 124

Stage coaches, Boston, 110, 112

Stamp Act (1765), 120, 125, 128

Stamps, Trading, 429

Stanton, Sheldon & Co., 479

Star Coffee and Spice Mills, 506

Star, London, newsp., 585

Star Mills, 494, 499

Starhemberg, Rudiger von, 49, 50

State of São Paulo Pure C. Co. Ltd., 445

Statistical Abstract, U.S., q., 299

Statue of Kolschitzky, 599

Steam power for roasting, 631, 635

Steel-cut, 401, 714
Baker-Duncombe suit, 649

Steele, Mrs., chk., 121

Steele, Sir Richard, 75, 80, 84, 557, 570, 572, 576, 577, 578, 579;
q., 558, 559

Steele & Co., E.L.G.S., 487

Steele & Emery, 508

Steele & Price, 470

Steele, Wedeles Co., 485

Steele-Wedeles Co., 502

Steeping, 720

Ste.-Foix, 94

Steinwender, Julius, 482

Steinwender, Stoffregen, 485

Steinwender, Stoffregen & Co., 338, 340, 482, 502

Steinwender, Stoffregen Co., 484

Stella (Esther Vanhomrigh), 562

Stenhouse, q., 163

Stenophylla, C., 216
Botanical description, 140

Stenophylla × Abeokutæ, hyb., 146

Stenophylla Paris, C., 146

Stephen, chk., 93

Stephens, Alvan, 507

Stephens, Henry A., 507

Stephens Samuel R., 507

Stephens & Co., A., 502

Stephens & Sons, A., 507

Stephens & Widlar, 507

Steppe, J.P., pat.,


Sterility, C. and, 23, 46

Sternau, Sigmund, pat., 649

Sternau & Co., S., 649

Sterne, Richard, 601

Stetson, Z.B., 502

Stevens, Alfred, 103

Stevens, Henry B., pat., 247

Stevens, W. & S., 508

Stevens & Armstrong, 480

Stevens, Armstrong & Hartshorn, 480

Stevens Bros. & Co., 480

Stewart, C.H., q., 349

Stewart, James, 478

Stewart, Robert C., 477, 498

Stewart & Co., C.M., 485

Stewart & Co., R.C., 477

Stewart & Walker, 478

Stickney & Poor, 501

Still & Sons, W.M., 647, 674

Stillman, Abel, pat., 627

Stiner & Co., Joseph, 409

Stitt, William J., 494, 497

Stitt & Co., W.J., 497, 499

Stock Exchange, New York, 122

Stofffregen, Carl H., 448, 511, 535

Stokes, John, 129

Stoning machinery, 381, 394, 395

Havre, 327
New York, 319, 321
Santos, 303
Venezuela, 315

Storia di Venezia nella Vita Privata, La, Molmenti, q., 27

Storm, Walter, 482

Storm, Smith & Co., 482

Story, Rufus G., 479, 496

Story & Co., R.G., 496

Story-tellers in c. houses, 666, 669

Stoufs, Joseph, 590

Stowe, Orson W., pat., 644

Strassberger, L., pat., 649

Straus, Oscar, 672

Strauss & Sons, L., 518

Street brokers, 337

Stringer, Mary, chk., 56

Strong, Joseph, 508

Strowbridge, Turner, pat., 644

Stuart, Alexander, 503

Stump, Aug., 482, 484

Stumpp & Co., August, 482

Suakurensis, C. (Java), 216

Substitute, C., advertising, 437, 438
Charts, 440, 441

Substitute-fakers, 435

Substitutes, 170
Barley, 13, 46
Betony, 74
Bocket, 74
Cereal (harmful to diabetics), 165
Chicory, 46
Corn, 46
Figs, dried, 46
Russia, 686
Saloop (sassafras and sugar), 73, 74
United States (1st patent), 470
Wheat, 46

Succory (see Chicory)

Succop & Lips, 503

Sucrose, 165

Suess-Oppenheimer, Joseph, 47

Sugar in c., 26, 58, 91, 98, 106, 667
Cairo (first use, 1625), 657, 695
Consumption (U.S.), 689
Great Britain (17th cent.), 696
Greece, 685
North America, 105

Sugar of c., 165

Sugar Trust fight, 521–523

Sullivan, Luke, 85, 584

Sully, D.J., 530, 572

Sultan, Café, 658

Sultane, Café, 694

Sumatras (c.), 355, 370–372

Sumerling & Co., 674

Sun, London, newsp., 578

Sun, New York, newsp., q., 175

Sunshine, per., 524

Sutton & Vansant, 485

Swain, Earle & Co., 501

Swaythling, Lord, 604

Swazey, S.L., 479

Sweated c., 316, 317
Artificial (U.S. rulings), 337
Sailing vessels, 353

Sweeney, John, 492

Sweet (see Flavors)

Sweet c.'s, 397

Sweet-bitter c.'s, 397

Swett, E.H., 501

Swift, Jonathan, 80, 84, 88, 89, 557, 562, 570, 573, 577, 578, 579, 587;
q., 571, 575

Swift & Co., H.H., 482

Swift, Billings & Co., 485

Sylva Sylvarum, Bacon, q., 38, 543

Arnold-Dash-Kimball, 527, 528
German Trading Co., 528

Syria, The Holy Land, Carne, q., 668–670

Syrups, Coffee; recipe for, 724

Szekacs, q., 185

Szyszka, q., 185

Tabasco c., 345, 358

Taber & Place, 434, 496

Table, The, per., 675

Table Traits, Doran, q., 705

Tachiras (c.), 349, 365

Tackaberry, William, 509

Tackaberry Co., Wm., 509

Taine, 102

Talbot, Winslow & Co., 507

Talbutt, Robert H., pat., 647

Talleyrand, Prince, 103;
q., 565

Tampico c., 345, 359

Tannin, 160, 182, 711

Tapachula c., 345, 358

Tapperi, David, q., 11

Tapping hands (Arabia), 312

Tatler, per., 75, 80, 85, 86, 561, 572;
q., 558, 559, 571, 573, 575, 584

Tatlock, q., 159

Tavernier, 31, 543;
q., 2

Blue Anchor (inn), 109
Bunch of Grapes, 111
Cole's (Inn), 109
First, 108
Green Dragon, 613
Indian Queen, 109, 110
King's Head, 109
Ship, 109
Sun, 109, 110
Red Lyon (inn), 109
Barn, 584
Golden, 583
Locket's Ordinary, 569
Mermaid, 60
Rose, 56
Shakespeare's Head, 576
New York
Atlantic Garden House, 117, 121
Black Horse, 118
Fighting Cocks, 118
Fraunces', 121
Jamaica Pilot Boat, 118
King's Head, 117
Queen's Head, 119
White Lion, 117
Philadelphia, 125
Blue Anchor (first), 126
City, 125, 128, 129, 130
Globe (inn), 126
New, 129
Smith's, 129

Arabia, 231
England (1714), 59
Germany, 47
Royal monopoly (1781), 46
Porto Rico (exemptions), 222
São Paulo (valorization), 534
Turkey, 20
(See also Duties; Fines; Licenses; Pure food, etc.)

Taylor, C.K., q., 177

Taylor, James H., 477

Taylor, John, 578

Taylor, William, 475

Taylor & Co., James H., 477, 479, 485

Taylor & Co., Moses, 476

Taylor & Levering, 484, 485

Tea, 35
Action in stomach, 178
American colonies
Introduction, 105, 106
Stamp act (1765) increases consumption, 106
Smuggled from Netherlands, 106
Antiquity, 15
Canada, 687
Discovery, 12
Great Britain
Consumption compared with c., 288, 289
First sold in London (1657), 56
Imports (1700–57), 75
Introduced at Court, 582
National beverage, 75
Preferred to c., 674
Prices (1662, 1714), 582
Sold in c. houses, 61, 78, 80
Taxation, 59
Eulogized by Mosely, 38
Johnson, Sam'l, 568
Europe (first used, 1610), 23
Literary stimulus, 357, 358
Mental efficiency, Effect on, 186
Philadelphia (introduction), 125

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