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Book online «All About Coffee by William H. Ukers (interesting novels in english TXT) 📖». Author William H. Ukers

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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@28500@28500-h@28500-h-57.htm.html#Page_686" tag="{}a">686
United States
Consumption per capita (1783), 468
Consump. comp. with c., 288, 289
Imports (1783), 468
Laws affecting, 337

Tea and coffee pots, 609

Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, per., 138, 402;
q., 34, 147, 155, 160, 161, 168, 175, 176, 177, 178,
179, 180, 181, 186, 387, 388, 399, 410, 418, 421, 422,
427, 439, 527, 558, 679, 689, 693, 715, 717, 720
Begins publication (1901), 472
Ukers assumes editorship (1904), 527
Urges nat'l organization of roasters, 511

Tea gardens (see Gardens)

Tea party (see Boston; New York)

Tea-rooms (London), 675, 677

Teeth, Effects of c. on, 175

Tegals (c.), 355, 373

T'eh (tea), 35

Teixelra, Pedro, q., 2

Telephone in retail stores, 424

Tellicherry c., 351, 369

Temperance, C. and, 61

Tennent, Robert Bowman, pat., 246

Terminology, 168

Terms and credits, 403, 513–515

Terms and discounts (Brazil), 306

Terry, Edward, q., 36

Testing (France), 679, 680

Text Book of Physiology, Flint, q., 176

Teyssonnier, 146

Thackeray, W.M., 103;
q., 563

Thannhauser & Co., 488

Thayer, Byron T., 501

Theatrum botanicum, Parkinson, 543;
q., 41

Thebaud, Joseph, 476

Thein, 160

Theobromin, 160

Therapeutic Gazette, per., q., 176

Thery, q., 543

Thévenot, 543

Thomas, C., 501

Thomas, Elizabeth, 575

Thomas, Gov., 127

Thomas, R.G., 494

Thomas Co., R.G., 494

Thomas & Son, J.W., 508

Thomas & Turner, 494

Thompson, Benjamin, inv., 621;
q., 163
(See also Rumford)

Thompson, Dr., q., 159, 181

Thompson, James, 492

Thompson, James Henry, pat., 246

Thompson, Patience, 492

Thompson, W.D., 479

Thompson & Bowers, 478, 480

Thompson & Davis, 479

Thompson Bros., 479

Thompson Co., J. Walter, 445

Thompson, Shortridge & Co., 478, 479

Thomsen & Co., 479

Thomson, A.M., 502

Thomson, James, 502

Thomson, James (poet), 574

Thomson, A.M. & James, 502

Thomson & Taylor, 502

Thomson & Taylor Co., 502

Thomson & Taylor Spice Co., 484, 502,


Thorn, A.B., 499

Thornley, Jesse, 501

Thornley & Bro., 501

Thornley & Ryan, 501

Thornton, Richard J., 505

Thornton, Richard J. (Mrs.), 505

Thornton & Co., R.J., 505

Thornton & Hawkins, 505

Thorpe, q., 159, 164

Thousand and One Nights (see Arabian Nights)

Three Reigns of Nature, Delille, q., 547

Thum, pat., 158, 164

Thumb-piece on English c. pots, 620

Thurber, A.D., 499

Thurber, Francis B., 557;
q., 182, 712

Thurber, H.K., 482

Thurber & Co., H.K., 499

Thurber & Co., H.K. & F.B., 482

Thurlow, Lord, 80, 88, 572

Thurmer, Max, 640, 641

Tibiriçá, Jorge, 531

Times, London, newsp. 585;
q., 175

Times, New York, newsp., 671, 672

Tilloch, Dr., 585

Tillyard, Arthur, 41

Timbs, John, 557;
q., 53, 69, 555, 570–585

Timby, pat., q., 157

Timor c., 355, 376

Tinned coffee (Great Britain), 673

Tinney, Henry C., 509

Tipping, origin of, 74

To arrive, 330
San Francisco, 327

In c. houses, 42, 77, 78, 84, 98
Intoxication, 182

Todd, Robert, 118

Togami, K., q., 179

Toledo & Co., Filipe S., 340

Tolimas (c.), 348, 364

Tolman Co., J.A., 485

Tomkyns, chk., 576

Toms, G.W., 513

Tone, Isaac E., 509

Tone, Jay E., 508, 509

Tone, Jekiel, 509

Tone, W.E., 509, 510, 511

Tone Bros., 509

Tonkin c., 352, 370

Tonti, Lorenzo, 122

Torner, Richard, chk., 572

Torro & Co., Louis M., 340

Totten & Bro., W.W., 508

Touches, Vicomte des, 532, 534

Tovars (c.), 349, 350, 365

Town Eclogues, Montagu, 573

Townsend, 496

Tractors, electric (Bush Co.), 322

Tracy & Avery Co., 485

New Orleans, 485–487
Overproduction disturbs (1898), 471
San Francisco, 487–491
Shifting currents, 293, 294, 295, 296
United States, 475–515
(1921), 299–302
Aden and, 301
Brazil and, 300
Tariff preferentials, 296
Booms, 468, 469
Central Am. and, 296, 300
Chronological review, 467–474
Colombia and, 300
Development (1865–1922), 297–299
Mexico and, 301
Netherlands E. Ind. and, 301
Panic (1880), 470
Venezuela and, 300
West Indies and, 301

Trade and Statistics Committee (N.Y. Exch.), 334

Trade Marks, U.S., 413, 469, 470

Trade names of c.'s (see Characteristics)

Trading, 291–302
Amsterdam (1640), 105
Brazil, 295
Early, 293
Europe, 327–340
Germany (begins 1670), 293
Havre, 327
Netherlands, 293, 294
First cargo sold (1640), 43
New York (early), 115
U.S. rulings, 337, 338
San Francisco and Central Am., 325
Sweden (begins 1674), 293

Trading stamps, 429

Traffic Assn. of St. Louis Coffee Importers (1910), 510

Trafton, C.K., q., 527

Traités Nouveaux et Curieux du Café, etc., Dufour, q., 2, 11, 432, 433

Transhipping ports, Europe, 289

Transportation, Inland
Abyssinia, 228, 229, 308, 310
Arabia, 266, 282, 293
Bolivia, 279
Brazil, 303
Central America, 308
Colombia, 308, 316
Nicaragua, 280
Venezuela, 308

Transportation, Seven stages of, 323

Travancore c., 351, 369

Travels, Herbert, q., 36

Travels, Rauwolf, q., 25

Travels, Teixeira, q., 2

Travels and Adventure, Smith, q., 36

Travels in Arabia Deserts, Daughty, q., 661

Travels in India and Persia, Della Valle, 27

Travels of Certayne Englishmen, etc., The, Biddulph, q., ill., 36

Travers & Son, Joseph, 445

Treatise in Latin, Meisner, 543

Treatise on Modern Stimulants, Balzac, q., 557

Tree, Coffee
Age, 203, 211, 213, 222
Salvador, 219
Chemistry of, 155
Height, 133, 142, 202
Arabia, 231
Indigenous to Abyssinia, 1, 5
Origin, 5
Wood, uses for, 138
Yield, 136, 203
Bolivia, 236
Brazil, 138
Colombia, 211
Mexico, 222
Nicaragua, 227
São Paulo, 208

Trees, Coffee
Number of
Brazil, 207, 208
Ecuador, 236, 278
Indo-China, French, 237
Guatemala, 219
Pernambuco, 205
São Paulo, 205, 207, 208
Venezuela, 212
Number to acre, 201
Colombia, 211
Haiti, 220
Porto Rico, 223
Venezuela, 213

Tremont Coffee & Spice Mills, 501

Trentman & Bro., C.A., 508

Trentman & Son, B., 508

Triage (grade), 258

Tribune, New York, newsp., q., 553

Tricolator, 168, 445, 651, 652, 701

Tricolette, 654

Triers, 321, 389

Trigg, C.W., pat., 406, 539;
q., 155, 174, 718–722

Trillado (grade), 260, 263

Trillo (grade), 264

Trinidad c., 351, 362

Triumph of C., Fakr-Eddin-Aboubeckr, 543

Troemner, Henry, 646, 472

True Way of Making and Preparing C., Broadbent, q., 697

Trujillos (c.), 350, 365

Trusdell & Phelps, 495

"Truth in advertising" movement, 435

Truxtun, Scott, 444

Tubermann's Son, G., pat., 638

Tupholme, Beeston, pat., 640

Turguenieff, 102

Turkey gruel, 70

Turkish ewer, 602, 603, 621

Turkish pocket cylinder mill, 615, 616, 617

Turner, A., 508

Turner, Robert, chk., 109

Turner (or Torner) Richard, chk., 572

Turner, William F., 480

Tussac, 8

Twitchell, Champlin & Co., 508

Tyler, George C., 556

Tyler, Henry D., 480

Typhoid fever, Effects of c. on, 181

Typografia Pizzolato, 558

Uganda c., 353, 377

Ugandæ, C.,

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