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Book online «All About Coffee by William H. Ukers (interesting novels in english TXT) 📖». Author William H. Ukers

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Ceylon, 236
Java, 216

Ungandae × Congensis, hyb., 146

Ukers, William H., 527

Ulman, Lewis & Co., 485

Umber, q., 182

Union Bag & Paper Corp., 472

Union Coffee Co., 477

Union Pacific Tea Co., 482, 501

Universal history of plants, Ray, 42, 543

University of Kansas, 714

University of Pittsburgh, 714

Unloading, 317–327
New Orleans, 323–325
New York, 317–323
San Francisco, 325–327

Unloading machinery, 325, 327

Uno Co., Ltd., 647

Untermeyer, Louis, q., 553

Urioste & Co., 488

Urruella & Urioste, 487

Urwin, William, chk., 84, 574

U.S. Dispensatory, q., 164, 184

Uses for c., New, 457

Utter, J.W., 503

Utter, Adams & Ellen, 503

Vacuum-packed c., 410
(see also Containers)

Vacuum-packing, Effect of, 168

Valentijn, q., 2

Valorization (Brazil), 473, 530–534
N.C.R.A., 511
Norris, Senator, 532, 533
São Paulo, 295, 472, 534
Surtax, 315
Sielcken, H., 521, 531–534
U.S. gov't action, 534

Van Cortlandt museum, 122

Van Dam, Anthony, 475

Van dan Broeck, Pieter, 43

Van den Bosch, Gov., 214

Van Dessel, Rodo & Co., 340

Van Essen, 43

Van Etten, E., 538

Van Gulpen, Alexius, 246, 638

Van Gulpen & Co., 638

Van Gulpen, Lensing & von Gimborn, 638

Van Linschooten, Hans Hugo (John Huygen), q., ill., 35

Van Loan, Thomas, 497, 498

Van Loan & Co., 498

Van Loan, Maguire & Gaffney, 497, 498, 499

Van Loo, 588

Van Ommen, Adrian, 6, 43

Van Ostade, Adriaen, 44, 587

Van Outshoorn, 6

Van Vliet, C.W., pat., 634

Van Zandt & Co., M.N., 508

Vancouver, 239

Vanderhoef, George W., 479

Vanderhoef & Co., George W., 479

Vanderweyde, P.H., pat., 637

Vane, Gov., 109

Vanessa (see Vanhomrigh)

Vanhomrigh, Esther, 562

Vaniére, 543

Vankorn, Guggenheimer & Co., 501

Vardy, James, pat., 627, 699

Variegata, C., hyb., 140

Varnar, 43

Vassieux, Madame, pat., 627, 700

Vatel, Charles, q., 566

Vaughn, V.C., q., 176, 177

Vauxhall garden, ill., 81, 82, 83

Velloni, chk., 103

Venard, G., 505

Venetian Republic, The, Hazlitt, q., 28

Venezuelas (c.), 348, 364, 365

Verborg, Henry, 503

Verdier & Closset, 507

Verlaine, Paul, 94

Verri, Alexander, 558

Verri, Pietro, 30, 558

Vertu and use of c., Bradley, q., 293

Vesling (Veslingius), q., 12, 26

Vickers. T.L., 498

Victoria Arduino-Societa Anonima, 651

Victorias (c.), 341, 343, 367

Vie privée d'autrefois, La, Franklin, q., 6

Viehoever, A., 160;

q., 144, 145

Besieged by Turks (1693), 49
Coffee-makers' guild, 50

Vienna, Relation of the siege of, Vulcaren, q., 50

Villon, François, q., 135

Vilain, 594

Vincent c.-pot, 604

Vintschgau, 186

Virey, q., 20

Virgil, 543

Visconti, 558

Vitamins, 180

Vitamines, The, Funk, q., 180

Viviani, Count, ill., 578

Voit, Carl V., q., 177, 179

Volkman, George, 506

Voltaire, 94, 98, 178, 556, 557;
q., 554, 565

Voyage de l' Arabie Heureuse, La Roque, 543;
q. 15, 31, 32, 34, 197

Voyage into the Levant, A, Blount, q., 38

Vulcaren, John P.A., q., 50

Vyal, John, chk., 109

Wagama, v., 316

Wagner & Co., H.M., 485

Wagon-route distributers
United States, 415, 416, 417
France, 681

Wagstaff, David, 476

Wahibis, 542

Waite, pat., 625

Waite, Creighton & Morrison, 477

Wakeful monastery, 14

Wakeman, Abram, 473, 478

Walbridge, Augustus, 480

Walbridge Inc., Augustus M., 480

Wales, Henry, 508

Walker, John, pat., 245, 246

Walker, Joshua, 478

Walker Sons & Co. Ltd., 246, 247

Wall, Dr., 579

Wallace, Alexander, 475

Wallace, Alfred Russel, q., 200

Wallace, C.L.H. (Mrs.), q., 181

Wallace, Hugh, 475

Wallace, John William, q., 126

Wallace, William, q., 657

Walle, Friedrich, 591

Wallen, Geo. S., 482

Wallen & Co., Geo S., 482

Walpole, Sir Edward, 583

Walpole, Horace, 578, 580, 584

Walsh, Rev. Robert, q., 557, 663–664

Walton, William, 475

Wanni Rukula, C., 144

Ward, Ned, q., 77, 84, 575

Wardell, q., 185

Ware (architect), 583, 584

Warfield, John D., 502

Warfield. W.S., 502

Warne, E., 508

Warner, Alonzo A., pat., 648, 649

Warner, C.M., 538

Warner, Ezra J., 502

Warnier, q., 164, 169, 719

Warren, 110

Warren & Bedwell, 506

Warren & Co., 482

Warton, Joseph, 573

Warwick, Lady, 575, 576

Wascana, v., 316

Wash-brew, 58

Washed vs. Unwashed, 250, 251

Washing machinery, 247

Washington, G., pat., 471, 538

Washington, George (Gen.), 120, 130, 468
Official welcome, New York, ill., 593

Washington, Martha, 130

Washington Refining Co., George, 538

Washington and Jefferson college, 521

Washington's Prepared C., G., 538

Wastell, 603

Water extract, 168, 169

Water power, Nicaragua, 264

Waterbury & Force, 482

Water-supply requirements, 198

Watering, Excessive, 513

Watjen, Toel & Co., 482

Watson, q., 126

Waygood, Tupholme Co., 641

Wear F.F., pat., 651

Webb, James R., 501

Webb, Rudolphus L., pat., 644

Webb, Thomas J., 502, 511

Webb & Son, James R., 501

Webb, Cheek & Co., 509

Webb, Hughes & Co., 509

Webb-Puhl Co., 443

Webber, q., 186

Webster, q., 704

Webster, Daniel, 110

Webster, George, 124

Wedding Breakfast (brand), 441

Wedgwood, 607, 612

Wedmeyer, q., 187

Weighing machinery, 403, 471

Weighmasters (N.Y. Exch.), 333

Weikel & Smith, 501

Weikel & Smith Spice Co., 470, 501, 635

Weir, J.B., 499

Weir, Ross W., 466, 448, 499, 511, 513, 514;
q., 424

Weir & Co., Ross W., 495, 499

Weir, Inc., Ross W., 495, 499

Weissman, John, 488

Weisweiller, q., 163

Weitzmann, pat., 158

Welch, Amos S., 492

Welch & Co., 488

Wellman, C.P., q., 410

Wells, D. Henderson, 482

Wells, John, 482

Wells Bros., 482, 485

Welsh, Ebenezer, 495

Wendroth, Clara, 519

Wessels & Bros., C., 482

Wessels, Kulenkampff & Co., 482

West Indies (c.), 350, 351, 361, 362, 363

West & Melchers, 485

Westcott, q., 126

Westen T. & S. Co., Edw., 485

Westfal, J.R., 496

Westfeldt Bros., 485, 486

Weston & Gray, 482

Westphal, pat., 167

Wet method, 136, 249, 252, 254

Wet roast, 389, 391

Wetherill, Charles M., q., 711, 712

Weyl & Co., G., 482

Weyl & Norton, 482

Wheeler & Co., Ezra, 478, 479

Whieldon, 607, 612

White coffee, 674

White, A.E., pat., 651

White, Francis, chk., 87

White, Herman M., pat., 625

White, Peregrine, 616

White House (brand), 441, 465

White Rose (brand), 441

Whitefoord, Caleb, 573

Whiting & Taylor, 502

Whiting, Goeble & Co., 502

Whitmarsh, Theodore F., 535

Wholesale Grocers Corp., 502

Wholesaling roasted c., 407–413
Capital invested, U.S., 415
Sales, annual, U.S., 415

Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors, Duncan, q., 59

Wickersham, Att'ney Gen., 593

Widlar, Francis, 507

Widlar & Co., F., 507

Widlar Co., 507

Wiji Kawih, 11

Wilcox, O.W., q., 147

Wild (see Flavors)

Wild c. (Abyssinia), 284

Wild, James, 469, 492

Wilde, Herbert W., 492

Wilde, John, 492

Wilde, Joseph, 492

Wilde, Samuel, 482;
biog., 492

Wilde, Jr., Samuel, 492

Wilde & Sons, Samuel, 492

Wilde's Sons, Samuel, 494, 499

Wilde's Sons Co., Samuel, 492

Wiley, Harvey W., q., 175, 176, 180, 182, 396

Wilhelm, R.C., q., 387, 393

Wilke, 579

Wilkie, 583

Willcox, O.W., q., 161, 388

Wille, Theodor, 532, 534

William III, 601

Williams, Frank, 477, 498

Williams & Co., R.C., 494


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