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Book online «How to Study Architecture by Charles H. Caffin (reading the story of the .TXT) 📖». Author Charles H. Caffin

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Khorsabad, 72, 131
Kibleh, the, 217
King-post, the (Gloss.), 296
Assyrian Palace, 73
Blenheim, at, 426
Châteaux, 377
Colonial, 432
English Mansions, 416
Koyunjik, bas-reliefs at, 71, 204
library, 61
mounds, 59

Labyrinth, at Cnossus, 93
Lake Dwellings, 13
Lancet windows (Gloss.), 274, 287, 290
Landscape design, 466
Lanterns (Gloss.):
Burgos, Cathedral, 401
Certosa, The, 313
Château de Chambord, in, 381
Church of the Apostles, Cologne, 259
Escoriál, The, 404
Florence Cathedral, 343
Gothic, Spanish, 309
Renaissance, French, 378
Romanesque, 258
S. Mark’s, 210
S. Paul’s, 422
S. Peter’s 371-2
Santiago de Compostello, 260
Tomb of Galla Placidia, 201
Worms Cathedral, 258
“Laokoon” by Lessing, 439
Lassen, Christian, discoveries in cuneiform script, 57
Late Pointed Gothic, see Perpendicular
Later Plantagenet, see Decorated
Leading, in windows, 275
Libraries, of Asurbanipal, 61
Babylon, at, 62
Bodleian, 412
Congressional, the, 447
École des Beaux Arts, of, 444
Laurentian, 349
Lenox, N. Y. C., 462
Merton, Oxford, 412
Pembroke, Cambridge, 419
S. Genéviève, 444
S. Marco, 354, 365
Theological, Princeton, 462
Tiglath Pileser, of, 59
Varro’s, 151
Lighting, of Greek temples, 123
of Gothic churches, 274
Lintels (Gloss.), in Egypt, 48
Persia, 84
Cathedral Porch, Piacenza, 251
Court of, Alhambra, 226
Decorative motive is, 100
Gateway of, Mycenæ, 88, 92, 99, 100
Heads of, in ornament, 130
Loggias (Gloss.), of Ca D’Oro, 360
City Hall, Antwerp, of, 407
Doge’s Palace, 316
S. Paolo, 344
Villa Farnesina, 347
Lombardy after Charlemagne, 323
Merchants of, 235
Rib vaulting in, 243-4, 310
Romanesque in, 249, 250
Adelphi Terrace, 428
All Saints Church, 452
Bank of England, 438
British Museum, 438
Chelsea Hospital, 423
Devonshire House, 426
Finsbury Circus, 428
Fitzroy Square, 428
Greenwich Hospital, 419
Holland House, 412, 414
Houses of Parliament, 450
Law Courts, New, 451
Marlborough, 423
Monument, the, 423
New Zealand Chambers, 460
Portland Place, 428
S. Mary-le-Bow, 423
S. Pancras, 438
S. Paul’s Cathedral, 288, 371, 388, 420-3
S. Paul’s Covent Garden, 419
S. Stephen’s, 422
Temple Bar, 423
Thames Embankment, 418
Westminster Hall, 297, 451
Whitehall, 418
York House, 419
Lotus, see Decorative Motives
Louver (Gloss.), 299
Louvre, The, 382-6

Façades, 383-4, 386
New Louvre, 383
Old Louvre, 383
Pavilions, 385
Roof, 385
Lunette (Gloss.), Gothic, 276
Renaissance, 368
Luther, Martin, 328
Lycians, the, 83-4

Machicolations (Gloss.), 378, 380
Machu Picchu, 19, 20
Maison Carrée, Nîmes, 169-170
Maksura, 217, 221, 224
Manetho, Egyptian historian, 25
Mantelpieces, colonial, 432
effect of in cornices, 475
Mantua, 345, 347
Marot, Clement, 376
Masonry, Ashlar, 254
Batter, 41, 47
Buttresses, in, 282
Cyclopean, 15, 98, 100, 155
Drafted, 81
Egyptian, 40
Gothic, Italian, 312, 358
Greek and Roman compared, 154
Leaning Tower, Pisa, in, 247
Muhammedan domes, in, 222
Primitive, 14, 20
Renaissance, in English, 412, 418, 421-2
French, 378, 382
German, 393, 395
Netherlands, 407
Spanish, 402, 404
Rib vaulting, in, 243, 272
Romanesque, 242, 244, 245
Romans, of, 153
Rubble, 85, 254
Rusticated, 292, 294, 348, 392, 407
Sky scrapers, in, 474, 476
Syrian, 199
Mastabas (Gloss.), 34, 38
Sakkarah, at, 41
Thy, of, 41
Mausoleum (Gloss.), 347, 404.
See Tombs
Mecca, 214, 220
Medes, 74, 75, 80. See Persians
Mediæval, Early, Civilisation, 232-240
Architecture, 241-260, see Romanesque,
Late, civilisation, 263-269
Architecture, 270, see Gothic
Medici, The, 344, 346, 358, 359, 386, 468
Medinet Abou, 54
Mediterranean races, 95
Megaron (Gloss.), 97, 98, 100, 102
Memnon, the Vocal, 46
Memphis, Obelisks, at, 43
Menes, ruler of Egypt, 25
Menhir (Gloss.), 13, 17, see obelisk
Merchant families, England, 410
Netherlands, 406
Spain, 397
Venice, 352-3
Mesopotamia, 56, see Assyria
Metal work: in baldachinos, 371
of Germans, 305
of Moors, 309
Metope (Gloss.), Coloured, 136
Hellenic, 126
Metropolitan Museum, 42, 219
Mexico, primitive remains in, 19, 20
Mezzanine floors (Gloss.), 384, 403
Mihrab, the (Gloss.), 217, 221, 224
Milton, John, 435
Mimbar, 217
Minarets (Gloss.), Great Mosque, Ispahan, 229
Mosque of Mecca, 220, 221
Mosque of Sultan Barbouk, 224
Taj Mahal, 230
Miniaturists, the Anglo-Saxon, 257
Minnesingers, 302
Minoan Architecture, 95
Lion Gate, 88
Mycenæan remains, 98, 100
Palaces 90, 92, 99
of Cnossus, 91, 96-8
Ruins in Phrygia, 99
Tiryns, 100-102
Wall paintings, 93
Minoan Civilisation, 88-94
Confirmation of Greek legend of Crete, 90
Early period, 90
Middle and Late Periods, 91
Rediscovery of, 88-9
Minotaur, Legend of, 93
Moat, 17, 379
Modillions (Gloss.), 165
Mommsen, Professor, quoted, 151
Dissolution of, 287, 411
Escoriál, in, 403, 404
Gothic, 286
Mediæval, 236-7
Mont Saint Michel, 254
Mosques equivalent to, 223
Mount Athos, 211
Norman, 258
San Marco, Fiesole, 344
Monoliths (Gloss.), 8, 15
Cyrus’ Palace, 81
Doorways at Tiryns, 102
Memphis, at 43
Sphinx Temples, in, 41
Monuments, at Abury, 17
Choragic, of Lysicrates, 131
Cleopatra’s Needles, 43
Milliarium, 158
Monument, The, London, 423
Propylæa, 121, 131, 141
Rostra, 158
Temple Bar, 423
Umbilicus, the, 157
Moors, influence of on Spanish Gothic, 308, 309
On Spanish Renaissance, 400, 403
Skill in metalwork, 398-9
Mosaics (Gloss.), Byzantine, 203
Cathedral of Monreale, 249
Early Christian, 197, 199
Great Mosque of Mecca, 225
Roman, 168, 181
S. Mark’s, 210
S. Paul’s, 421
Mosques: derivation, description of, name, 217
Ahmedabad, of, 229
Ahmedizeh, 228
Akbar, 230
Alhambra, of, 226
Amru, Cairo, 223
Bagdad, 229
Cordova, 225
Damascus, 205
Dome of the Rock, see Omar
El-Aksah, Syria, 223
El-Walid, Damascus, 223
Great Mosque, Mecca, 217, 220
Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, 207-210, 228, 372
Ispahan, Great Mosque of, 229
Kalaoom, Egypt, 224
Omar, Great Mosque, Jerusalem, 223
S. Cristo de la Luz, 225
S. Maria la Bianca, 225
S. Sophia, see Hagia Sophia
Suleimaniyeh, 228
Sultan Barbouk, 224
Sultan Hassan, 224
Sultan Mahomet II, 209
Teheran, Great Mosque of, 229
Bead (Gloss.), 134
Cavetto, 47, 134
Colonial, 430
Cyma Recta, Reversa, 133
Doric, 125
Etruscan, 155
Egyptian, 47
Fillet, of, 134
Gothic, 272, 290, 299, 305
Guilloche, 129
Hellenic treatment of, 135, 165
Ionic, 128, 129

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