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Book online «How to Study Architecture by Charles H. Caffin (reading the story of the .TXT) 📖». Author Charles H. Caffin

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tag="{}a">91, 98
Pitti, 344, 386
Pompeii, 355
Rezzonico, 356
Riccardi, 344, 358-60
Sargon’s Castle, 67
Serbistan, 228-9
Strozzi, 345
Susa, 80, 86
Tiryns, 91, 100-2
Tuilleries, 383, 444
Vecchio, Palazzo, 342, 358-60
Vendramini, 354, 360-3
Versailles, 387-9
Whitehall, 418
Xerxes II, 76, 85-7
Zaporta, Casa de, 400
Zwinger, Dresden, 393
Palatine Hill, 159
Paneling, Gothic, English, 291
Italian, 314
Renaissance, English, 416
French, 380
German, 393
Pansa, House of, 181
Pantheon, Rome, 171-3
Burial place of Raphael, 348
Columns in, 164
Dome, 167
Eye of, 172, 208
Influence on Byzantine, 207
Roof, 122, 168
Studied by Brunelleschi, 342
Papier-maché ornament (Gloss.), 387-9
Parapets (Gloss.), 307
English Renaissance, in, 414
Italian Gothic, 314
Arc de l’Étoile, 443
Arc de Triomphe, 443
École des Beaux Arts, 444
Fontainebleau, 322, 382
HĂ´tel des Invalides, 387-8
La Trinité, 452
Library of S. Genéviève’s, 444
Louvre, 382-6, 407, 418, 419, 444
Luxembourg, 386
Madeleine, 443
NĂ´tre Dame, 281-4, 302
Opera House, 444
Palais de Justice, 444
Panthéon, 388, 442-3
Place du Carrousel, 383, 443-4
Place Vendome, 387
Replanned, 444
Sacré-Cœur, 452
Sainte Chapelle, 285, 296
S. Clothilde, 452
S. Genéviève, Panthéon, 388, 442-3
Tuilleries, the, 383, 444
Val-de-Grâce, 387
Versailles, 387
Parthenon, the, 8, 119
Asymmetries in, 137-8
Columns, 124, 141
Intercolumniation, 125
Metope, 127
Parthenon proper, 140-1
Peristyle, 117
Preservation of, 193
Statue of Athene in, 140
Turks destroy, 138
Pasargadæ, 75, 81, 84
Patio, see Court (Gloss.)
Pavilions (Gloss.):
Antwerp City Hall, 406
de l’Horloge, 385, 407
English Renaissance in, 414
Holkam Hall, 426
Luxembourg, of, 387
Medinet Abou, of, 54
Sully, 385
Pedestals, 127
Greek Drama, use in, 142
Renaissance, 369, 370
Pediment (Gloss.):
Asymmetries in, 137
Balustrade substituted for, 364
Broken, 370
Colonial wooden, 430-2
Doric, 127
Heidelberg, at, 394
Louvre, in, 386
Maison Carrée in, 170
Minoan architecture, in, 100
Palazzo Vecchio, in windows, 360
Pellershaus in, 396
Persian use of, 81
Renaissance use of, 368-70, 384
S. Maria dei Miracole, 353
S. Paul’s, 421
Sculpture in, 135
Segmental Pediment, 384
Villa Rotonda, in, 352
Peloponnesus, architecture in, 89-98
Pendentives (Gloss.), 167-8
Domes, in, 204-6, 209
Mogul use, 230
Muhammedan use, 221
Renaissance use, 343, 368, 420
Romanesque, 252
Vaults, in, 259
Pennethorne, John, Asymmetries, discovered by, 136
Penrose, Francis Cranmer, 136
Peripteral (Gloss.), 53, 120, 170
Peristyle (Gloss.):
Colosseum, of, 174
Early Christian tombs, of, 198
Egyptian, 44, 50
Hellenic, 117, 120, 122, 177
Panthéon dome, in, 442
Parthenon, 117
Renaissance use, 346, 368
S. Paul’s, of, 420-22
S. Peter’s, 373
Temple at Syracuse, 193
Perpendicular Gothic, 271, 275, 287, 290, 295
Persepolis, 76, 82-4
Alliance with Babylon, 75
Civilisation, 74-9
Conquered by Greeks, 108, 145
Darius, 83-5
Destruction by Alexander, 76, 77
Zoroaster, 78
by Muhammedans, 215, 220, 228
Persian Architecture, 80 et seq.
Minarets, 222
Muhammedan palaces, 228-9
Palace of Cyrus, 81
Darius, 83-5
Pasargadæ, at, 75, 81, 84
Xerxes, of, 85-6
Persepolis, buildings at, 82
Pottery, 218
Tombs, 75, 83
Peru, primitive ornament in, 18
Inca remains in, 19
Petrarch, 324-5, 331, 341
Piano Nobile (Gloss.), 360,

Piazza, 351, 371
English Renaissance Houses, in, 416
Giralda, of, 225
Gothic Cathedrals in, 278
Provincial Museum, in, 226
“Oath of the Horatii, The,” 441
Piers (Gloss.), Anglo-Saxon, 254
Asymmetries in setting, 279-80
Campanile, in, 252
Château de Blois, in, 380
Egyptian Temples, in, 41, 52-3
Gothic use, 258, 272, 284-5, 304, 314, 345, 368
Hagia Sophia, in, 208
HĂ´tel des Invalides, in, 388
Lombard Churches, in, 251
Norman use, 255, 256, 257
Provincial use, 252
Osirid piers, 53
Romanesque, 241, 242, 244, 245, 250, 273
Roman use, 166-7, 175
S. Paul’s, in, 420
S. Peter’s, in, 371
Suggestion in sky scrapers, 474
Pilasters (Gloss.):
Colonial, 431
Gothic, 284
Renaissance, English, 415, 418
French, 380, 381, 384-6
German, 392, 394, 396
Italy, 350, 361, 364, 366, 368, 372
Netherlandish, 407
Spanish, 402
Pillars, 92
Cretan palaces, in, 96-8
Hindu, 230
S. Simon Stylites, of, 200
Pinnacles (Gloss.), 273, 312, 314
Pisa, 246-9
Plain of Shinar, 56
Plans: ground and floor, 10
Alhambra, of, 226-7
Anglo-Saxon, 255
Basilicas, of, 177
Benedictine Abbey, Cluny, 253
Casa Lonja, 401-2
Cathedral of AngoulĂŞme, 252-3
Cologne, 303
Château, de Blois, 380
De Chambord, 381
Circular, 197
City Hall, Antwerp, 407
Colosseum, 174
Curvature of, 137-8
Cyrus’ Palace, 82
Darius’ Palace, 83, 85
Diana, Temple of, 170
Diocletian’s Palace Spalato, 180
Egyptian, Palaces, 45-50
English, 289
Erechtheion, 141
Escoriál, 403-4
French Châteaux, 377
Gothic, 277
Hagia Sophia, 208
Hellenic Theatres, 143-4
HĂ´tel des Invalides, 388
House of Pansa, 181
Houses of Parliament, 451
Howard Castle, 425
Karnak, Temple at, 50
Khorsabad, Palace, 72
Louvre, The, 383
Luxembourg, 386-7
Maison Carrée, 169
Mediæval Monasteries, 237
Mosques, 217;
of Akbar, 230
Octagonal Plans, 121
Palazzo, Ca d’Oro, 361
Caprarola, 348
Riccardi, 358-60
Vecchio, 358-60
Vendramini, 360-3
Palace of Charles V, 402-3
Panthéon, Paris, 442
Polygonal plans, 197
Propylæa, of, 141
Renaissance, 414
Roman forum, 159
Roman temple, 169
S. Andrea, Mantua, 368
S. Francisco, Rimini, 345
S. Front, 252-3
S. Maria della Salute, 356
S. Mark, Venice, 209
S. Paul, London, 420
S. Paul-without-the-wall, 196
S. Peter’s, 370-1
S. Simeon Stylites, 200
S. Zaccaria, 353
Santiago de Compostello, 259
Sky-scrapers, 472
Sphinx Temple, 41
Taj Mahal, 231
Tiryns, Palace at, 100
Villa Rotondo, 352
Whitehall, 418
Wren’s plan of London, 420
Plate tracery, 274, 290
Platforms, 65, 66, 67
Greek Theatre, of, 144
Muhammedan mosque, of, 217
Persian, 81, 85
Roman forum, in, 158
Stylobate, 122
Taj Mahal, of, 231
Plateresque style, 398-400
Plinth (Gloss.), 52, 99, 129, 164, 245
Podium (Gloss.), see Stylobate, 156, 169-70
Colosseum, of,

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