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tag="{}a">167, 168, 170, 171, 348, 372
Rotunda, The, 171
S. Clemente, 195
S. John Lateran, 194, 198
S. Lorenzo in Miranda, 347
S. Maria della Grazie, 346
S. Paul-without-the-Walls, 196-7
S. Peter’s, 194, 346-7, 349-50, 370-4
S. Pietro in Montorio, 346
S. Stefano Rotondo, 198
Tabularium, the, 161
Temples, 169
Castor and Pollux, 160
Circular, 176-7
Divinities Male and Female, 158
Mater Matuta, 170, 171
Minerva Medica, 207
Saturn, 160, 164
Tomb of Cæcilia Metella, 173
Constanza, 198
Trajan’s Column, 179, 348
Umbilicus, the, 157
Villa Farnesina, 347
Madama, 347
Roodloft (Gloss.), 237
Roofs, 46, 47, 53
Arch-braced, 297
Assyrian treatment of, 71
Byzantine, 198
Colonial, 431-2
Decorative treatment of, 396
Dome roofs, 71
Etruscan, 155
Gothic, in England, 293, 296-7, 299
German, 304-5
Italian, 314
Netherlands, 307
Hammer-beam, 297
Hip roof, 385, 432
Lombard, 252
Louvre, of the, 384-5
Luxembourg, of the, 387
Mansard, 385-6, 431
Mediæval, 196, 198, 241
Muhammedan, 228
Primitive, 14-15, 20
Queen Anne Style, 424
Renaissance, English, 414, 428
German, 392, 395
Netherlandish, 407, 408
Spanish, 403
Stone roof, 199
Tie-beam, 296
Trussed-rafter, 296
Wooden roof, 196, 246, 256, 296
Rosetta Stone, 27
Rosettes, see Decorative motives
Rose Windows (Gloss.), 271, 282
Rostra, the, 158
Rostrum of Julius Cæsar, 160
Rough Stone Age, 18
Rugs, Persian, 219
“Ruins of the Palace of Diocletian,” by Robert Adam, 428

Sanctuary of, Early Christian churches, 194, 196
Egyptian Temples, 49, 50, 53
Gothic Churches, 289
Hellenic Temples, 120, 141
Spanish Renaissance churches, 401
Saracenic, see Muhammedan
Sardinia, Mycenæan remains in, 89, 90
Sargon, Akkadian King, 57, 58
Assyrian King, 60
Sarzac, Professor de, discoveries by, 67
Sassanian Empire, 77, 205, 229
Schiller, 439
Schliemann, Dr., Mycenæan discoveries by, 88, 100
Schools, Divinity, Oxford, 295, 299
École des Beaux Arts, 379, 444, 453
Grammar, in England, 412
Scuolo de S. Marco, 354
Scotia (Gloss.), 129, 164
Screens (Gloss.):
Gothic Choir, 275, 291
English, 291, 298
Spanish, 309
Mediæval Churches, 237
Muhammedan, 218
S. Sophia, 208
Temples of Egypt, 54
Temple of Hera, 118
Screen Walls, 377
Blenheim, at, 425
Château de Chambord at, 381
S. Clemente, Rome, 195
Scrolls, see Volutes
Bartlett, Paul W., 446
Berruguete, 402, 405
Borromini, The, 351
Cellini, Benvenuto, 332, 382
Churriguera, 405
Crawford, Thomas, 446, 447
Giotto, 312, 319
Goujon, Jean, 332, 385
Maderna, Carlo, 351
Majano, Giovanni, 411
Michelangelo, 349-51, 405
Pheidas, 111, 140
Pilon, 332
Pisano, Andrea, 312, 319
Praxiteles, 118
Robbia, Lucca della, 312
Rude, François, 443
Sansovino, Andrea, 354
Sansovino, Jacopo, 354
Sarrazin, Jacques, 385
Torrigiano, 411
Vigarni de Borgoña, 401
Vischer, Peter, 391
Vriendt, Cornelius de, 407
Amenopheum, The, 45
Assyria, in, 65
Baroque, 351
Bulls, Colossal, 69
Egypt, of, 40, 41, 48, 75
Gothic, 276, 278
French, 269, 283
German, 304
Italian, 309, 312, 316
Netherlands, 307
Lombardy, in, 251
Osirid, 50
Pediment of Capitol, Washington, 446
Phrygian, 99
Relief, in Assyria, 71, 131
Bronze, 171
Byzantine use of, 203
Chartres, at, 269
Doric metope, in, 135
Gothic, 276, 312
Hellas, in, 127
Ionic cornices, in, 130
Medallion of Popes, 196
Mycenæ, in, 98
Tiryns, in, 102
Trajan’s Column, on, 179
Versailles, at, 387
Secondary Style, see Rayonnant
Semiramis, Hanging gardens of, 62
Semitic races, 56, 58, 74
Serdab (Gloss.), 41
Seville: The Alcazar, 225
Casa Lonja, 401-2
Giralda, the, 225
Plateresque in, 398
Sewers, 152.
The Cloaca Maxima, Rome, 156
Shaft (Gloss.), of column, 123
Corinthian treatment of, 131
Doge’s palace columns, 316
Fluted, 87, 124
Greek treatment of, 124, 125
Ionic treatment, 129
Proportions of, 134, 135
Romanesque, 245
Roman treatment of, 164
Sky-scraper, suggestions of, in, 474
Shakespeare, 330, 336, 410, 439
Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, 59, 60, 75
Cathedral of, Monreale, Palermo, 249
Cathedral of Syracuse, 193
Muhammedan conquest of, 215
Romanesque, in, 249
Sidney, Sir Philip, 336
Antonio Arphe, 398
Enrique Arphe, 398
Juan Arphe, 398
Skene, the, 144
Sky-scrapers, 472-5
Soffit (Gloss.), 127
Solar (Gloss.), 416
Sole Piece, 297
Sophia, Hagia, (S.), 207, 209
South Sea Islands, ornament in, 18
Spandrel or Spandril (Gloss.):
Cancellaria, of, 363
Library of S. Mark’s, 365
S. Peter’s, 373
Spain, Architecture in:
Alcala de Heñares, 400
Alcazar, Seville, 225,
Alhambra, 218, 226-7, 403
Bridge of Cordova, 182
Bridge of Toledo, 182
Burgos, 400-1
Cordova, 182, 398
Escoriál, 403-5
Giralda, the, 225
Gothic, 271
Granada, 401
Influence on Netherlands, 406
Madrid, 403
Malaga, 401
Mosque of Cordova, 224, 225
Muhammedan, 212, 215, 220, 224-7
Mycenæan remains in, 89-90
Plateresque style, 398-9
Renaissance, 329, 398-405
Romanesque, 259-60
Salamanca, 401
Santiago, 398
Saragossa, 401

Seville, 302, 309, 371, 398
Toledo, 182, 308, 398
Valladolid, 398, 401
Spain, History of, 212, 213, 326-7, 397
Sparta, 128
“Speculum Universale,” 266-8, 312
Spencer, 336
Sphinx (Gloss.), Avenue of, 51
Temple, 41
The Great, 38
Spires (Gloss.):
Antwerp, 308
Brussels Town Hall, 307
Colonial, 431
English, 274
Gothic decorated, 275
English, 289, 298
French, 282
German, 303
Houses of Parliament, 451
Woolworth Building, 476
Worms, at, 259
Wren’s Churches, 423
Spirals, 165, 179
Square, the, 85
Squinch (Gloss.), 230, 259
Stained Glass, 275-278
Gothic, English, 291-2
German, 305
Methods of using, 291-2
Musée Plantin-Moretus, 40S
Sainte Chapelle, Paris, 285
Capitol, Washington, 446
Casa Lonja, 402
Chaldæan, 66
Château de Blois, 380
Château de Chambord, 380-1
Colonial, 432
Doric Temples, 121
Egyptian temples, 44
Golden Staircase, the, 400-1
Leaning Tower, Pisa, in, 247-8
Machu Picchu, 20
Persepolis, at, 85
Pyramids, in, 39
Queen Anne entrances, of, 426
Renaissance, English, 416
German, 392
Spanish, 400
Roman Podium, of, 156
Sargon’s Castle, 68
Trajan’s Column, 179
Stalactite work, 222, 224, 227
Stalls (Gloss.), of chancel, 237
Stanze Apartments, 374
Arches, on, 179
Athene, in Parthenon, 140
Baroque, 351
Cella, in Hellenic, 140
Chaldæan, 65

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