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Book online «36 days by Katerina Rose (great novels txt) 📖». Author Katerina Rose

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this, new music, if we are changing lead, change the lead, etc okay?” he smiled “I’m really glad we aren’t ending this, this band means a lot to me too”

We all talked for a moment, and then Alex and Kat left. Levi spotted Jason on his way back into the restaurant and he motioned for Daniel to get up.

Daniel stood up and I put my hand on his arm “Can we talk later?” I asked in a whisper tone.

He nodded and pointed to my phone lying on the table, he greeted Jason as he walked up and he and Levi walked out.

I picked up my phone the text message read:

I would like to talk to you alone, if you can come to my apartment later I need to sort some stuff out, and I think I have a new song I want to try out on you

Jason sat down as I hit the reply button and wrote “yes” I clicked send and closed my phone so Jason couldn’t see anything.

I turned my attention to him and thanked him for organizing this lunch, and we began to talk about the bands new plans and my feelings for a new direction.

When we made it back to my apartment, Jason was frisky with me right through the door, and I wasn't in the mood. My mind was elsewhere and I didn't know how to stop him.

before I knew what was going on he had brought me into the bedroom and pinned me down to the bed. he was kissing me and pulling my clothes off faster than I had ever seen him do before.
I was becoming nervous, and uncomfortable with the amount of aggression he was using.

"Jase" I whispered "let me up"

He wasn't listening to me.

"Jason" I snapped "let me up your hurting me!"

He stopped and looked at me.

He lifted his body off of mine and stood up. His jeans were still on but unbuttoned. I was left in my bra and jeans also unbuttoned, and he looked absolutely furious.

He didnt say anything, he grabbed his shirt off the floor and started walking to the living room, I chased him trying to put my shirt back on as I did.

"Where are you going?? " I yelled

he turned around, "What is going on Cass, Can you please tell me? Because I feel like you'd rather be anywhere else but with me, and its not just today, its every day since I gave you that damn ring!, Like that ring just ruined everything" he said and threw his shirt to the floor.

I stood there silent. I couldn't tell him what I was really thinking, but I couldn't watch him suffer anymore.

"I dont know" I finally spoke "I dont know what happened"

He looked at me, tears filling his eyes "I lost you didn't I"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Jason I --Something--"

"Just tell me, please... I don't want to play this game anymore" he sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands.

I heard a vibration from the dresser just inside my bed room door where I stood, I turned around and spotted his phone. Kats picture popped up. She was calling him.

I picked it up. "Why are you talking to Kat" I asked.

He froze.

I clicked decline on her call, and clicked into his text messages.

I saw him get up through the corner of my eye and I backed up into the bed room and locked the door before he could reach me.

"Cassie!" He yelled and pounded on the door "Give me my phone back now!"

I rolled through the text messages, 3 thousand text messages, dating to back before the tour even started.

Jason pounded on the door, yelling at me, and cursing.

Words like "baby" popped up from Kat, and then sexy photos popped up. Her in lingerie' and I recognized the bed she was laying on. It was mine from the bus. I read his replies to her photos, words he should of have written, and sexual text messages sent back and forth between them for weeks while we were on tour.

I kept scrolling despite his screams.

I found a text messages dated 2 days ago that stopped me completely "I'm not sorry for what we did last night, I'm only sorry I'm engaged and not being faithful to either one of you, I cant keep doing this I need to see where Cass and I stand and maybe I can figure things out after that"

Kat replied to him "She's in love with Daniel, don't you understand? She never wanted you, she was only trying to take you away from me"

"She's not in love with Daniel" his text protested.

"Your in denial!" She responded.

I closed the phone, I already saw more than enough to tell me what I needed to do next.

Jason had stopped beating on the door, It was silent in the living room now, and I wasn't sure where he was or what he was doing.

I pulled some of his things that were randomly scattered around my room, I opened the door and saw him standing in the middle of the living room. I walked past him and threw all of his stuff out my front door.

"What are you doing!?" He yelled

"You want this back!?" I held his phone up and held the door open "Fetch!" I threw it outside, and it bounced off the side walk and landed in my driveway and busted apart.

"What the Hell are you doing!!?" He yelled again and started towards me

"Get out of my house!" I yelled back "I can't believe you slept with Kat, and then Lied to me! I cant believe you were going to sleep with me just now! as if this crap means nothing to do you!" I took my ring off and held it out for him "Get the hell out I never want to see you again"

"Cassie let me exlain ---"

"Your phone did that for you, Get out"

"Cassie it isnt like that! That was a while ago!"

"Your Phone was dated 2 days ago!? And now you cant even lie right!" I yelled "Get out!"

He looked angry, He looked confused, he looked almost heart broken, but he walked past me grabbing his things off my porch as he reached his car.

I slammed my door shut and locked it.

part of me was angry, and hurt, and the other part was relieved that in the end the failure of this relationship wasn't my fault-- well not exactly.

Chapter 6

I spent that evening cleaning Jason's things out of my room completely, anything that reminded me of him, gone. I needed closure and I needed it now. Hours had passed and I forgot all about meeting Daniel that night, and I hadn't checked my phone in hours, I'd been way to focused on this Jason situation.

A knock at my door pulled me out of my anger for a moment, and I pushed boxes out of my way to reach my door.

Daniel stood in front of me as I opened it. Ripped jeans, Navy colored hoodie,and his hands in his pockets.


"Hey, Uhh... I wasn't sure if you were okay, you werent answering your phone and you never showed up earlier?"

I stood there a moment, wondering if he knew anything that had gone on in the last few hours. He didn't appear to, but then again it had been hard to read him lately.

Tears started filling my eyes as I remembered the last time I stood at this door hours ago I was kicking my fiance out of my life.

"Why are you crying? Cass? Whats wrong?" he asked stepping forward to grab me.

I leaned into his chest as he embraced me and I started blubbering things that were mostly incoherent. I wasn't sure if he was picking up any of it and at that moment I didn't care, it was the first moment all day I had let myself think about it and I was having a melt down. I didn't quite realize I would miss Jason as much as I did. We were together for a couple years, he did mean a lot to me, and I couldn't believe Kat would betray me like that, and then Lie to my face all tour.

Daniel had me sit on the couch next to him and he consoled me the best he knew how. I blubbered for what seemed like an eternity and he remained quiet trying to calm me down.

In the midst of my tear filled freak out I had ended up falling asleep on his lap, which I didn't realize until it was well into 3 am and I woke myself up out of no where.

I slowly stood up, careful not to wake him when I moved. He was defiantly asleep. I stood in front of the couch watching him sleep. I felt like a stalker for a moment but I had never really been alone with him for any significant amount of time so I was determined to enjoy it while I could.
I wiped the mascara off my face and wondered into my bed room to find my PJ's. I decided I'd sleep in my own bed and let him have the couch.

I went into the bathroom to try and clean my face off, all that make up was running all over the place. when I emerged I spotted my phone on the floor by the door.

36 missed items on my phone. Text messages, Calls Voice mails. I guess I had really been Awol and Didn't realize it.

I clicked through it as I climbed into bed most were from Jason. Begging for forgiveness, asking to talk. Some were from Daniel asking if I was okay, again and again and again. But there was one that caught my attention as I scrolled. It was from Kat. Though I didn't care to hear from her, I decided to look at the text message anyway.

'I heard what happened, you never deserved him anyway, I'm surprised it took him this long to leave you, if this ends the band for me that's fine, at least i'll have the guy that you

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