Read books online ยป Music ยป 36 days by Katerina Rose (great novels txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซ36 days by Katerina Rose (great novels txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Katerina Rose

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Chapter 8

I stood up on stage and the lights went down in the crowd and came up around me. Levi on drums behind me and my guitar in my hands. I had a new bass player, Ally, and there was an empty space to my right where Daniel should of been standing.

The crowd cheered as the first chords were played, and my heart skipped a beat as I opened my mouth to begin the song. My mind flashed back to months ago when I didn't think this was possible again.

It had been 5 months since my accident and the only thing I heard from Daniel was that we were better off apart and he needed to figure out what he wanted to do. He never told me why he never came to the hospital, and I could only imagine where Kat was now. We hadn't seen or heard from her since my accident. It seemed like so long ago now. Alex had Levi and I force ahead with a new look where I was the center of the stage, and there was no band logo now. I had officially stepped out solo. Levi didn't care he was just happy to be playing gigs again, and I felt it was best to get out of town after everything went down.

We had been on tour for 2 weeks now, and Ally and I seemed to click fairly well, I noticed a little romance between her and Levi which I encouraged as long as It was kept off stage. Alex of course didn't know about this either, it was our secret, who was I to judge? Just because mine fell apart. He's 21 he deserves happiness.

The set wrapped and the crowd cheered, I felt energy bouncing off them and straight Into me, I knew this is where I needed to be I just wished it had been like it was a few years ago when everything first started... Back when Daniel and I were just forming our sound.

I went back stage and grabbed a water. I could still hear the crowd cheering, Levi came up behind me and made a fake crowd noise... "You hear that?? All that?? Its for you!" he smiled really big, "I'm so proud of you, this is so awesome, they love you!" He hugged me. Ally walked by me "That was fantastic! You coming to the signing?" she asked as she kept walking.

I grabbed a hair tie out of my pocket and started after her tying my hair up in a pony tale. "Yeah of course"

Alex came towards me as I walked down the hallway "Hey, Can we catch up a sec?" He called to Ally to let Levi know we'd just be a min... she bounced off down the hallway. I knew they were just excited to have a min where Alex wasn't watching them make out. I smiled to myself.

"Hey whats up?" I asked as he put on his serious face.

"So, I got an interesting call today" He said pacing. "I dont know how you'll feel about it"


"Actually your music has reached all the way to Australia and their asking if you would like to tour there" His face changed from serious to very happy.

"Oh my god are you serious!? that's so great!" I cheered for myself and bounced around "AUSTRALIA!!!??? I've always wanted to go there!"

He laughed "I know, I couldn't wait to tell you, they called me this morning!"

We hugged. "there's just a small small teeny tiny problem---"


"I can't go with you"


"I'm sorry! the new baby and all, all this touring is really taking a tole on my wife"

I sighed, "yeah there's been a lot of skyping late at night I've noticed"

He sighed "She's not mad, we're not fighting, she's just stressed"

"I know Alex, this isn't your problem, I just don't want to go without you. No one else knows me that well"

he held up his hand "That's not true"

"Come again?"

"There is someone who is free as a bird, and if I pulled some strings I would be able to get him to come with you, he knows you very well and frankly I dont know why he's not doing my job already"

"Who---who are you talking about"

Please don't say Jason,... Please don't say Jason... Please don't say Jason..


As the words left his lips my heart skipped beats. Just hearing his name was enough to send me into a different world now. My heart ached for him and I could still smell his cologne at night on the shirt I had stole from him the night he slept in my room months ago.

"I know its a long shot but if I talk to him I think I can get him to do it I just dont know where you two stand?"

"Do you know where he is?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too interested.

"Yes, Right now he's in Nashville recording his demo"

"His demo?" -"wait, You know where he is and you never told me?"

"Well, Cass you've been doing so well,... that's why Im still not sure about bringing him to replace me... you already seem like your wheels are turning"

" no, Uhh I was just surprised that's all, I guess call him, what can it hurt?"

I said as nonchalant as I could muster.

"He will be your manager if he accepts, you know that right"

"Yes I know"

He gave me his "Behave,--fatherly" look.

"I know Alex, I know.... Just let me know what he says" I said and wondered off to the signing that was probably late due to me.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen next, this whole thing seemed so bizarre. Why hadn't Daniel bothered telling me he was solo? Why didn't he contact me at all? We had been best friends back in the day. I just wanted my best friend back. I just needed him back, even if I couldn't have him the way I craved. Just having him around at all would be worth it... I just don't think he would do it. And I couldn't blame him, I had screwed things up pretty bad, with Jason, Kat and Him. It was a huge mess that I hadn't bothered to clean I just bailed. I hadn't even heard from Jason since I left. That last day at the hospital was the last time I saw him. I knew it was better that way but I still hoped he was okay... Maybe this Daniel thing wasn't a good idea, maybe it would just complicate things more, but I knew if I didn't see him I would go insane now that I knew where he was. There's no way he didn't think about me, or miss me.

I finally made it back to the bus, I walked past Ally and Levi flirting around on the couch and I walked back towards my bed. I laid down with my old school giant headphones on and with my hands up over my arms I closed my eyes and breathed in the music... Silently praying Daniel would say yes....

Chapter 9

Days went by and we were in a whirl wind of concerts. I was on stage every night and off stage just long enough to grab some sleep and then back on stage again. Levi and ally seemed thrilled, they were younger and seemed to have a lot more energy than I could ever hope to have, but they kept me going with all of their hype. They were sickeningly cute when they flirted around and it made me ache for Daniel. I had waited for days to hear a word from Alex about switching roles with Daniel, I finally decided I needed to know now before my head and my heart exploded.

Levi and Ally were asleep in the back of the bus, I was awake on my computer, Alex was on the opposite couch on his computer talking to his wife. I waited patiently for them to say their goodbyes, and Alex started tearing up when she put the baby on skype to let him see her asleep. I felt bad, I knew he needed to go home, so maybe if I pushed that angle I could appear more eager to see him home with his baby than to see daniel? Maybe?

Alex shut his computer down and put it to the side of him. He wiped his eyes off in a very "I have something in my eye, because I'm a guy" kind of way and finally looked at me already staring at him.

"Can I help you?" he smiled.

"Are you going to keep me in suspense for much longer because I have to tell you, its really hard not to talk about this"

He cocked his head "What exactly are you talking about?"


I got up and came to his side of the couch. I sat next to him put my hands on either side of his face and point blank asked

"Is Daniel coming to Aus or not?"

Pfft way to be sublte cassie *Smacks forehead*

Alex put his hands on my face... We defiantly looked retarded for a moment. "Yes"

I jumped up... "really!?!!"

Alex shook his head and stood up in front of me "The way your reacting to this is not helping me relax about all of this"

"I'll behave I swear! I just ---It'll just be nice, He helps me write my music and --"

"Cassie seriously, I've known you since you were young, lets not lie to each other here-"

I sat down on the other couch. "Ok, so maybe i'll just be happy to see him"

"Maybe, you should be happy you have a new manager and leave everything else at the door"

I sighed.

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