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Book online ยซ36 days by Katerina Rose (great novels txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Katerina Rose

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couldn't keep'

I cocked my head for a moment. What was she talking about? Does she think Jason dumped me? That's a riot!

I set my phone down next to me and laid back on the bed covering up in my down comforter. I missed this bed when I was gone, it was one of the only things I thought about. My queen sized down comforter, my go to, when things got rough. It was silly but it was my security blanket. I hadn't even let Jason sleep with this comforter. When we would stay with me I would change comforters, it was too important to me.

I closed my eyes and heard movement.

When I opened them Daniel stood at the door and leaned in. "You left me all alone out here" he snickered.

"I'm sorry I figured i'd let you sleep I wasted enough of your time"

It was dark and I could make out only the outline of his face from the moonlight shinning through the window just behind him in the living room.

"You didnt waste my time, Have you calmed down any?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm okay, I'm sorry You don't have to stay here---"

"Trying to get rid of me?" he asked.

"No of course not"

He walked towards the bed and stopped. He glanced down and could see the white comforter, it seemed to some what glow in the dark. Another fun feature of it.

"The sacred blanket" he held his hands up

I smiled, but I assumed he couldn't see my face.

"I guess i'll head home, Im just glad your okay, call me if you need anything okay Cass?"

"Yes, I will"

He turned around to walk out,

"Daniel" I called for him.


"Stay with me?" I asked.

He turned back around "In the living room?"

"No, here, stay with me here"

He started walking towards the bed. "Do you need to change the blanket first?"

"no" I said, and grabbed his hand when he was close enough to coax him on to the bed.

He climbed into bed and laid down next to me. After a few moments of silence he asked me "Has anyone ever laid on this comforter but you? I know you have issues with it"

"I dont honestly remember telling you about my issue with it, but no... to answer your question they havn't"


"I guess I never trust him enough"

"You were going to marry him"

"I dont remember why"

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"I don't really want anyone else involved, this is already sticky enough" I sighed.

Daniel and I laid there and talked till I saw the sun come up. We finally fell asleep sometime around 6 am.

I finally woke up and heard yelling from the living room. My door was shut and when I looked over Daniel wasn't in bed anymore. I glanced at my alarm clock it was 10 am.

I rolled out of bed and grabbed my hoodie off the end of my bed. I wondered out forgetting I was wearing my lace panties and no other pants.

I looked up to see Daniel and Kat in the living room yelling at each other.


"What are you doing here?" I asked, still groggy. That sunlight seemed to be so much brighter than it usually is. Was I hung over or something?

"Oh what did you do, sleep with him the first night your single you slut!" Kat yelled.

I noticed Daniel wasn't wearing a shirt. and I looked down to notice my own attire. Well this looks bad.

"Get out of here Kat I'm not going to as you again!" Daniel yelled.

"Whats going on?"

Kat started towards me, pushing Daniel out of the way, she clobbered, me I hit the ground.. And everything went black.

Chapter 7

I stood on stage, lights all around me. The crowd in front of me lit up randomly from the flash bulbs. I heard the music kick in and I felt my lips start to move, I felt like I was in a dream of some sort, but I kept going regardless. I missed the stage, I missed the screaming fans I knew this is where I needed to be.

The bass kicked in, the drums hit their mark and I was belting out a song I didn't even remember writing. I could see myself, I was suddenly above the stage and I looked down to see Kat had taken my place, and Jason stood next to her proposing. The crowd was eating this up, where did she come from? I hadn't even seen her a moment ago? I looked around for Daniel and felt myself run down massive hallways. I ran for a long time, I looked through every door and found no sign of Daniel. I finally reached the back door and was surrounded by fans, when I dug my way through the crowd I found Daniel getting on the bus with a blonde girl. The door slammed shut and was sealed. I yanked, and pulled, and screamed, but the door wouldn't open, the fans swarmed me and the bus took off...

I heard myself gasp as I sat up and looked around to figure out where I was.

"Cassie,.. Oh my god Cassie" I heard a male voice.

The room was dark and I didnt know where I was,

The figure grabbed my hand and kissed the back of my hand over and over, "Oh my god cassie I'm so sorry I didnt know she was going to do that, I don't know ---- Oh god I'm so sorry"

I jerked my hand back "Where am I" I snapped.

A lamp in the corner clicked on, I was in the hospital and Jason was the one speaking to me right now.

"What are you doing here Jason?" I felt myself to figure out which part of me was broken.

"what do you mean what am I doing here? Kat almost killed you, I came as soon as I heard, Cassie I still love you I know we can fix this---"

"Where's Daniel" I asked. The last thing I remember was standing in my living room, "How did I get here, What did she do to me?" I felt my face, I had a bandage on my right eye, and I felt numb in most parts of my body.

"Daniel isnt here, why does it matter? I"m the one whos here" He was next to the bed leaning over me to make sure I saw him.

"Go Home Jason" I snapped.


"GO HOME JASON!" I yelled.

He stepped back and ran his hands through his hair "Why can't you just let this go? Why can't we get past this? Your just going to let this go? All this stuff we've been through?"

"Does THIS look like something I'm wanting to hold onto??" I pointed to my face. "I"m still a little foggy on what happened, I'm guessing thats because she knocked me out huh? And where were you while your girlfriend was smashing my face into the ground" I snapped at him and pushed my nurse call button once I found it on my bed.

"Cassie I wasn't there I didn't know she was going to be there, I didnt even talk to her!"

"Is that why she sent me a text that said you dumped me and she was happy?... Someone better get their story straight Jason, because I already know what happened I don't really need any more lies from you"

My nurse walked in, I looked over it was 1:20 am, I wasn't sure how they had let Jason stay this long, and then I realized I was wearing my ring again.

"Did you need something Honey?" She came in and stood by the bed.

"Please get him out of here" I pointed at Jason.

He opened his hands in anger "Are you kidding me?"

"Your fiance is only here to help you, you've been through a lot today"

"He's not my fiance" I took the ring off and threw it at him.

She looked confused.

"We Broke up!" I yelled at him.


"GO AWAY!" I screamed.

The nurse shooed him out telling him she would call security on him because her first priority was to see that I was taken care of.

Jason found the ring on the floor and walked himself out, He looked on the verge of tears but I was so angry with him I couldn't care less.

The nurse turned back to me when he had left "Is there anything else you need honey? You should really get some sleep"

"Wheres my cell phone" I asked trying to get up.

"No No..." she pushed me back down. "I'll find it, you stay there, you really need to stay lying down"

She walked around the room searching through various things and finally located it, she turned it on and handed it to me "I'll be right back with some pain meds, you'll calm down after that,... Rest is the best thing for you okay?"

She walked out and I started scrolling through missed calls and text messages. Nothing from Daniel, just from my family, my mom had just heard apparently and had been calling to ask what hospital I was in. I guess Alex hadn't been able to get info to anyone. Did Alex even know? Maybe Levi Didn't know either? Where was Daniel!?

I hit dial out, and I heard the phone start ringing on the other end. No answer, I hit redial... No answer... I hit redial again.. No answer. One more time, and the phone cut off and went straight to voice mail.

"Daniel?... Where are you? What happened why aren't you answering me? Please call me back"

I hung the phone up and the nurse had just walked back in with a needle full of pain killers I saw her push it into my IV and things faded to black....

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