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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Blood Thirsty Two Faced Medical Examiner by Glary Woods (short novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Blood Thirsty Two Faced Medical Examiner by Glary Woods (short novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Glary Woods

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15 days of the kidnap of Jenny's parents, you guys have to help me out. I’ll go now, bye-bye.”


Jenny and friends waited eagerly for Linda to come and when Linda came, they all started to revise all the newspapers. Every 15th day they found missing of a family.


James read, “20th March, A-Block house number 231, people went missing. No clues of a murder.”


Emilie read, “5th April, B-Block, house number 232, people went missing. This is the second time where police concluded that there were no clues found.”


Jenny read, “20th April, C-Block, house number 233, people are missing. This is the second time in this month and as usual, the police found no clues of the kidnapper.


Luke read, “5th may, D-Block house number 234, people are missing. The criminal is a very dangerous person. Please take care of yourself and your family stay at home and be cautious as the kidnapper is leaving so signs of his presence.”


Becky read, “20th may, E-Block house number 235, people are missing. Again as you think there are no clues. Police are tensed about the missing people cases. Please stay home and cautious especially at night.”


Linda said,” He attacks houses every 15 days so we know that the next attack is going to be on 5th June. Did you guys observe one thing?”


Becky asked, “What?”


Linda said, “Read the places of the kidnap one by one in sequence. You’ll get to know about it.”


One by one


“A-Block house number 231”


“B-Block house number 232”


“C-Block house number 233”


“D-Block house number 234”


“E-Block house number 235”


Becky exclaimed, “Yes the next attack is going to be at F-Block house number 236”


Linda said, “Yes, the kidnapper is going to attack there. He is following an order in kidnapping people.”


Luke asked, “But Linda we know which place he is going to attack but we don’t know why he is kidnapping people like that. What will he do with the people?”


Linda said, “Maybe he is mentally abnormal as Emilie said. We are not confirmed that he is really mentally abnormal so let us think that he is mentally sound.”


Jenny asked, “Then what do we do now.”


Emilie asked, “I think we need to prepare for the next attack. We need to gather all the possible things to reveal the kidnapper like…like_


“Video recordings, pictures, gloves or anything,” said James


Linda said, “yes we can do that but we have to make sure that we need to cover our heads, wear gloves, don’t wear accessories like earrings or rings or anything, we need to cover our full body with full-sleeved shirts and jeans. We need to wear shoes without soles. Always remember that he is a person who deals with anaesthesia and peoples body. He would track us by getting our DNA from our body nails or hair so we must be very careful in doing this job.  Get it.”


Jenny said, “Linda, it’s too late you guys have to go now”


Becky said, “Oh ya, it’s about seven.”


All the friends went to their homes.


Next day they brought all the tools they need-gloves, covers to cover their heads, sole less shoes, video cameras, hammer and pliers to jenny's house.


After 13 days……                                                                                       


 All the friends met at Jenny's house. They got prepared to go to F-Block house number 236.


They found a hiding spot near the house 236. It was a windy night. They waited for the kidnapper to come to the house. It was about 3 am. There entered a broken van with no rear mirrors or number plates and with the windows closed into the street. The friends were waiting to see the person’s face. But unfortunately, the person was masked already.


The kidnapper wore a pure white surgical coat, black trousers, gloves and shoes. He entered the house with an all-purpose lock opener.


The friends waited for the kidnapper outside. After about half an hour the kidnapper came out with 4 bodies. The bodies have fainted. He gently placed them in the van and drove. The friends took advantage of the closed windows and followed the kidnapper to his place.

The kidnapper's place was very dark it was a single room tenement with no doors but only a window. It was covered with forest on almost all the sides.


Becky whispered, “Hey guys how did this guy get to know about this place. Nobody enters this forest.”


Jenny whispered, “Nobody enters this forest because people who went inside this forest never came back so people declared that this forest is haunted. They closed this forest and made it illegal to enter into this forest about three months ago.”


Linda said, “Did you observe one thing? The first missing case was registered three months ago that was in April. I think from that time he kidnapped people every fifteen days.”


James said, “Hey Linda, I get the thing but why does the kidnapper kidnap people only every fifteen days?”


“We need to find it out,” said Linda.


 â€śI will sneak from the window and take a video recording of the kidnapper,” Jenny said.


Everybody agreed.


Jenny went to the window. She was astonished at what she saw. She saw that there was a bed, cotton, anaesthesia, spoon and fork. The kidnapper was performing a surgery on the bodies which he has brought. Jenny was out of mind and became aggressive and yelled, “you are the one who killed my parents, my family, what did they do to you that you made them like that!”


The friends understood the situation and hid in the branches and behind the trees so that the kidnapper couldn’t see them.

Clinical Vampirism


 Then the kidnapper came outside, put some injections to jenny and took her into the room. The friends were relieved that the kidnapper didn’t see them.


Linda said, “I will go to the window, take the recording and come back.”


 Luke said, “Linda, careful. You should not reveal yourself whatever happens. Jenny said that he killed her parents so he might do that to us also. Be careful.”


Linda said, “I won’t do that I won’t peep into the room but directly take the video. Okay.”


Then Linda went to the window adjusted the camera to the criminal. Took the recording of the criminal and was shocked by what she saw.


They went to jenny's house that night and had a good sleep.


Next morning they took the video recording and saw the recording. A feeling of terror rounded on everyone’s face. The criminal was eating the people’s body, and drinking their blood as juice.


Emilie said, “Oh God! This man is up to something. He just ate a man without cooking or frying at least. I can’t believe I am dealing with a person who eats humans.”


Linda said, “That’s not the point. We need to know why he eats human beings. Maybe it a problem in the mental state of the person or…is a disease. Ok, we are dealing with it together. Luke, you check up on the internet and find out if there’s any disease where a person eats human beings. Becky, Emilie, and James you guys come with me and we will find the criminal in the labs near these streets. We may surely find a place where he is working. We all will meet here after three days and present our views.”


After three days…….


Linda, Becky, Luke, Emilie and James met at Jenny's house.


Luke said, “There’s a disease called Renfields Syndrome or we call it clinical vampirism. It is a condition in which the person becomes addicted to blood of the humans and sucks it like a vampire. It’s a myth that the addiction increases on the new moon and full moon days. So what I have found is that when we closely look at the dates of attack they are all done only on the full moon and new moon days. That’s what I have found.”


Linda said, “Okay so the criminal is not working according to the difference of fifteen days but according to the phases of the moon. I get it. So what did you guys find out?”


Becky said, “I didn’t find him in any of the labs near Block-A.”


James said, “I also didn’t find him near Block-B”


Emilie said, “Me too, I didn’t find him near Block-C


Linda said, “same here guys I didn’t find him in Block-D. So he must either be working in Blocks E and F.”


“How about this we split up into two, one goes to Block-E and the other goes to Block-F. In that way, we will save time.” Luke Advised.


“Good idea Luke”, said Emilie.

Police! We Need Help!


 â€śOkay, I and Luke are one and Becky, Emilie and James are two. We’ll meet here tomorrow morning and go to our respective blocks and in the evening we are gathering here and discussing it”, said Linda


Next day all the friends gathered at Jenny's house and dispersed. When in the afternoon Linda made a call to Emilie and said, “Emilie, I and Luke have found the criminal in St. Mary’s hospital. We can meet up at jenny's house now.


At about 3 pm Linda, Luke, Emilie, James and Becky met at Jenny's house.


Emilie said, “What now guys? We know how he looks and his place of stay so we can just register a case to the police about the criminal and done. We are free of attacks.”


“It’s not how you think Emilie, he always has anaesthesia injections in his pocket so I think if we somehow get the number of injection in his pocket, that would be easy for us,” said Linda.


“We can observe him like kind of a day and know the number of syringes in his pocket,” said James.


“Okay that’s great”, everybody said together.


Next day all the friends observed him and were confirmed that there were at most 10 syringes in his pocket.


Becky said, “We can take the help of police and explain the whole matter, ask them to get about 20 police officers and we can plan a mass attack on him. Hmm, what do you guys think?”


“I think that’s a good idea”, said Luke.


We can do it. Come on we have to meet the officer tomorrow itself or else it might get late. We must also explain the plan to him or there may be another attack in and about 11 days. It may take time so we have to hurry”, said Linda.


James said, “No worries we are visiting the officer now. Okay, guys.”


Next day all the friends went to the police station and explained the situation to the officer.


The police officer said, “Hmm, this case sounds interesting. A diseased guy is killing people and carrying anaesthesia syringes. Okay, you want our police officers to arrest him before

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