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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Blood Thirsty Two Faced Medical Examiner by Glary Woods (short novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Blood Thirsty Two Faced Medical Examiner by Glary Woods (short novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Glary Woods

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The Lost Girl

It was May 5th, when everyone had the summer vacation but that night was cold and dark. There was no moon or clouds. A teen named Linda stayed at her friend’s place that day. It was a cold winter night and their friend hosted a pyjama party. People almost woke up the whole night but at about 4 o’clock in the morning, everybody was asleep except Linda. She wasn’t sleeping because she slept the whole day. She wanted to take a walk outside but she was unable to as it was very cold outside so she sat inside and was playing games in her friend’s laptop and suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She was scared because it was about 4 am and nobody comes to the house at that hour. She went to the door to check who was at the door. When she opens the door she saw a girl wearing a red torn dress. She was shivering with cold and was also scared.


She asked Linda “may I come inside, it’s so cold here”.


Linda with a warm heart let her come inside, gave her a blanket and comforted her with warm water.


Then Linda asked the girl “what is your name? How did you come here? What happened to your parents?”


Then the girl answered “I am Jenny. I was chased, he took my parents. I don’t know what to do, he will kill them” while telling these words jenny started panting.


 Linda comforted her a little and asked her about the person who was chasing her.


 Jenny said “I don’t know the person; he just broke into my house and put some injections to my parents”


 Linda asked Jenny “why were you awake so late at night”.


Jenny said “I was talking to my boyfriend at that time. I heard some sound and I went downstairs to check out. He was taking my parents. He was about to be upstairs in a minute, I somehow distracted him and ran away from that place. He chased me for quite a long time. Then I came here. Thank you so much for your help, Linda. Can you help me out to find my parents? Please Linda, please.”


Linda assured Jenny that she and her friends will surely help her in finding her parents.

Immediately Linda woke up her friends and told the whole story to her friends and introduced Jenny to her friends. Some of Linda’s friends promised to help Jenny to find her parents. The others were scared to help Jenny because they were afraid that the person would also kidnap them if they would be involved in this matter. Somehow Linda and Jenny convinced her friends to help Jenny.

Find Some Clues


Next day at 10 am Jenny, Linda, Becky, James, Luke and Emilie met at the park to discuss the missing of Jenny’s parents.


Becky said “how are we going to find the person? We don’t even know how he looks or what weapons he is having and where is he going.”


 James said “yes, but Jenny can help us by taking us to her house. We can investigate and find out some evidence about the kidnapper.”


 Jenny said “I didn’t go to my house till now but I have the keys. We can get there now and check out if we can find anything about the kidnapper.


The friends went to Jenny’s house with magnifying glasses, gloves, flashlight, spray paint, fingerprint duster, and all the essential things needed by a detective. They examined jenny’s parent’s room. They found nothing. Then they searched for the fingerprints but couldn’t find any.


Then Luke asked Jenny “Are you sure that you didn’t see any of the details related to the kidnapper.”


Emilie continued “his face or any other detail of the kidnapper.”


Then Jenny said” I couldn’t see his face properly because he covered it with a mask and it was also dark in there but I saw that he was wearing a white coat. That’s all I could see.


” Linda said “it's okay it’s going to be our first clue to catch the person. We will enquire what professions wear white coats.”


 Becky continued “yes that’s great we can get the information at which place the person is working at least.”


Luke said, “I’ll go research about the professions and significance of the white coat.”


James said, “I’ll accompany you and try to find some information about the person.”


 Linda said “you both are experts in computer science so you guys go, check out everything, note it up, list out the key points and well meet at Jenny’s house in the evening. Meanwhile, we’ll check out with the neighbours' house that if they have applied any missing case with the police station.”


 Luke said, “Fine then, we’ll meet you guys in the evening.”


 Becky said “we’ll meet you in the evening. Goodbye.”


Emilie said jenny “Jenny you must stay at your home at any circumstances. Nobody should know that you are here. You have to take care of and hide from the others.”


Jenny asked Emilie “but why should I be sitting in the house while you are investigating about my parents. I also want to help you guys.”


Emilie explained Jenny “Jenny you are not kidnapped and if the kidnapper gets to know about your location, you and us all, everyone will be in danger so you have to wait for the right time to reveal yourself. Understand. We are doing this not only for you but for us also so please you have to cooperate.”


Linda said, “ya I think Emilie has a point. What if the kidnapper finds about you so please stay inside your home and reach out of others. We can bring food and snacks if you want any.”


Jenny replied, “Okay I understand, so you are planning to keep me as a secret and use me as a secret weapon.”


Emilie said, “Something like that. But the thing is you have to be careful about yourself. Okay.”


Linda said Jenny, “We’ll go enquire with the neighbours. We won’t reveal ourselves. We’ll tell them that we are your friends and ask them why didn’t you come to our house or the college and the phone is also out of reach. That would be a good excuse.”


Jenny said, “Ya that’s a good excuse so we are to it. Goodbye.”


Emilie said, “Linda lets go till it becomes too late.”


Linda and Emilie went to the neighbours to ask them about Jenny’s family. The neighbours replied that they have registered a case but the police found no evidence about the kidnapper. They gave up the case as they were unable to find the evidence.

Kidnapper's Profession


 It was evening and Luke, James, Linda and Emilie met at Jenny's place.


Luke told, “We have found information about the white coat and its significance. It is used by doctors, scientists, forensic experts, medical examiners and also by the students who are studying doctor, forensic medicine, and scientist but they can’t take the coats to their homes so there is no chance of suspecting the students in any department so it must be the work of an adult.”


James said, “White coat signifies blood. It is because the people wearing white coats are mostly in contact with blood.”


Linda said, “Okay if we think it has something to do with a doctor, why would he have to do a kidnap. It's okay he kidnapped but why is it Jenny's parents. If he wants money he would kidnap Jenny and get money from her parents so the thing is he doesn’t need money. It has something to do with a personal matter or else what’s the need of him to kidnap the people for no purpose.”


Jenny said, “You have a point but my parents never quarrelled or had fights with anyone since I got to know them.”


Emilie asked, “So what do you think? He may be mentally abnormal or something.”


Linda answered, “No it couldn’t be because nobody would interview an abnormal person who is after peoples’ lives to give him a post of a doctor or scientist or a forensic examiner.”


James said, “So what do you say? Do we need to check out all the hospitals and forensic labs to find him?”


Linda said, “We can do that but we don’t know how he looks so it might be difficult to find him. If he is in front of us we wouldn’t know him. So we must find another way to find him”


“What to do? If the person kidnaps another family we can’t do anything. We don’t even have any clues.” Becky Exclaimed.


“Yes, we can wait for the criminal to take his next step and attack another house. We can track the time interval and the place where he is going to attack.” Emilie Advised. 


Linda said, “That’s a good idea we will let him perform the next attack and after that another attack and he’ll have nowhere to attack as we are going to follow him and find the place where he kept the victims so that we can free them when he is not around.”


“We will be on it. We’ll wait for his next move and attack him. That’s a good plan.” Jenny said.


Everybody agreed to it and started counting days.

The Murder Sequence


 Exactly after fifteen days of the missing of Jenny's parents, Luke heard the news of another family missing. Immediately he called everyone to Jenny's house and told about the news he heard.


Linda said, “The kidnapper has made his first attack and now it’s our ShowTime we need to keep researching. I will bring the newspapers in the past four to six months. We will first check if there’s any missing case before

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