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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Blood Thirsty Two Faced Medical Examiner by Glary Woods (short novels to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Blood Thirsty Two Faced Medical Examiner by Glary Woods (short novels to read TXT) 📖». Author Glary Woods

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he attacks another house and on that day itself.”


“Yes sir, we can’t do anything without your help so could you please help us”, said Linda.


The officer said with a deep voice, “yeah sure we cops are trained to rescue and help people from criminals. We will surely help you. So what have you guys planned if not we may implement our own plans.”


Becky said, “Officer, mm... we have planned that we need at least 15 officers for the job.”


James said, “Yeah sir, the killer carries about 10 syringes in his pocket.”


"Okay. I got the situation but why should we only arrest him on that day itself. Why can’t we arrest him before.” said the officer.


“That’s true but we know that he is a medical examiner and he may attack us with anything. If we arrest him in the lab or at his house there are chances that he may have more syringes around him but if we arrest him when he is going to attack there are fewer chances of more syringes with him. It's better we do it that way.” Linda said.


“You are our new future. I feel proud that there are still people who are good and I appreciate them. You are only teenagers but I can’t believe the point of view you are thinking about. I really appreciate it. We’ll do it as planned by you.” said the officer.

Killer Arrested


 After 11 days….


At the police station


“Officer we are going to help you we would like to come with you,” said Emilie.


“No child, this is risk-taking. You children have already taken many risks till now and we can’t trouble you more. You just stay at your homes and watch out the news daily.” the officer said while sending the children.


“Sir please we want to help you please could you allow us to come with you?” asked Luke.


“No I can’t but I can let you stay in the police station till the criminal gets arrested. You can view the interrogation.” said the officer.


“Really” exclaimed Becky.


The police went to Block-G house number 237. Found a hiding spot near the house. They stayed there till the killer came. When the killer came the entire officers fell upon him that he cannot move his hands. However, he managed to take out some syringes and put it on the police some of them drifted to sleep but most of them were awake. Then after a long fight with the killer, the police managed to inject anaesthesia to him.


The killer was taken to the police station.


The killer had a pale white face, teeth like a human being, pale blue eyes, thin body and more or less his whole face looked like he was sick.


Becky said, “oh my! His face looks scary. I didn’t expect his face looks so like shit from near.”


“Of course he is indeed a person who eats human beings,” said Luke.


“I can’t wait for him to come conscious and start the interrogation,” said Emilie


“Be patient. You guys are disturbing them. The interrogation may start at 9 in the morning. We can have a nap now. It’s already 3 am. Come on we’ll sleep. Good night.” Linda Said.


“Okay. Good night everyone.” everybody greeted each other and slept in the police station.


It was 8:30 in the morning; Linda woke up as usual, early.


When she looked at the wall clock she saw that it was 8:30 and woke all the other friends. They woke reluctantly but when they were remembered of the interrogation by Linda they were energetic. It was about 9 and everyone were about to start the interrogation.


The criminal was placed in a closed room handcuffed his both hands to the table. The room was empty without anything except two chairs facing each other and a table between the chairs. There was nothing on the table. There was a big glass window through which the higher officers could view the interrogation. All the friends and the higher officers were watching the interrogation from that glass window.


The criminal looked calm and restful. He was handcuffed but he did not try to break the table or anything.


The officer started interrogation….


The officer asked, “Why did you kidnap all the people and kill them?”


The criminal told nothing


Then the officer asked, “you killed them okay but why did you take them to your place and killed them. You could have killed them in their house.”


This time also the killer told nothing.


Will you answer or shall we apply for a torture procedure.


Immediately “I will I will tell you but don’t do anything to me,” he said.


His voice sounded gloomy, dull, and foul.


“Then tell me,” said the officer.


“I suffer a disease; I can’t control it on the full moon and new moon days. It’s really tough for me. I try not to do it but can’t help it. I just faint people, bring them to my den and eat them.” said the criminal with his face and eyes facing down.


“We want to know you have just started it in the month of March. Where were you all these years? There were no missing cases registered in the city before that.” The officer asked.


“I…I was in another city. I change my city every year on 20th march So that nobody can get me.” The criminal said.


“Fine then, I think you have to adapt to stay in the same city for a lifetime. Tomorrow we’ll submit the evidence to the court and surely try a lifetime jail for you.” The officer said.


The interrogation ended and the criminal was given anaesthesia to faint. After he fainted he was taken into a separate cell. The cell was special, it was very dark that even light couldn’t enter it.


The person was given food through a narrow space below the door. A hand cannot fit inside the space, it was that narrow.


The Criminal Escaped


The officer went to the friends and said, “I need your help. I want you guys to come to the high court with us. You will be the witness and you will have to explain the situation to the higher judge and present the evidence. Will you?”


“Yea...Yeah sure but who will be the person to explain it to the higher judge.” Becky asked.


“Any of you can be the witness,” the officer said.


“Okay so…hmm…I think I can be the witness,” said Linda.


“Okay, that’s great. Tomorrow we’ll be leaving at 10 am. At about 9:30 you people have to be present here. We’ll leave with you and don’t forget to get the evidence. You guys leave for now.” The officer said.


Next day the criminal was taken to the court.


At the high court…..


The killer was presented before the court. All the friends, the police officers and the judges attended the court.


Linda gave the explanation about the killer and how he killed and ate her friend jenny. Also, the evidence was presented before the court.


The court announced that the results will be revealed after the lunch break.


After the lunch break, the court sentenced that the killer will get prisoned for a life. The killer was given anaesthesia and was taken to the highest jail in the city and was prisoned there. He got great security from the police there.


After some days the killer was provided with many facilities. He was given many luxuries like an air conditioner, television and many more. The criminal was happy to have them but he never got human meat.


He was talking to himself, “hmmm…. I just want to have human meat it’s been days. I want to eat it. The jailers have provided me with a lot of luxuries but couldn’t provide me with meat. I want it. Fine, if they don’t provide me with that I will do it myself. I have to escape. Tomorrow I’m moving from here. I just want human meat. I’m hungry only for that. I only need that I have to escape this prison.”


It was about 3 am, the jailers were almost asleep. The criminal tried to take the keys. He failed in the first attempt but in the second one, he got the keys and slowly opened the door of the cell and locked it again carefully, put the keys back in the jailer’s pocket and left the prison.


He finally was out of the big walls of the prison; he flew to another city that night itself.


Next day in the morning the police encountered that the criminal escaped. The officer called the police who dealt with that case earlier and explained the situation. The officer gladly took up the case.


 The officer once again went to Linda and the friends. He told that the killer had escaped and asked to help him again. The friends agreed to help him.


Linda said, “There’s no way that the criminal stays in this city or this state. He may fly to the neighbouring states but I think he may first take his flight to the nearest city and then from there he may fly to the next state. So we need to enquire in the city near us. If we are late in any way we cannot catch him. We need to hurry.”


The officer took the friends along with his team to the nearest city. They all enquired that if there was any place hired last night. They got the list of all the people who hired a place last night. They checked till the evening but couldn’t find the criminal.


Luke said, “Maybe, the criminal fled to the nearest city this afternoon.”


The officer said, “That can’t be because we took control over the police station. We checked each and every passenger but none of the face matched with him.”


Linda said, “We have only one way”


“What’s that?” said Emilie.


“We just need to wait…wait for the next attack,” said Linda.


“Okay,” said the officer


After some days the officer found some news. He called all the friends to the police station.


He read, “There was a strange missing case here it’s obvious that there were no signs of a kidnapper. The police are trying to investigate this case but there are no clues that someone has entered the house.”


“I think this is the work of that criminal. I will enquire the state and let you know so that we can go and investigate there. I think you people have to start packing your luggage.”


“Okay officer we will,” said the friends.


Next day they took off to the state where the criminal was haunting people.


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