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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » CHASING LIGHT IN DARKNESS by Shkumbin Gashi (sad books to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «CHASING LIGHT IN DARKNESS by Shkumbin Gashi (sad books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Shkumbin Gashi

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with the European girl, same cuts in hands, same scars of being beaten with a hard object, a missing part of finger missing and that angels head  on victims chest.

Steven it was still shocked but started to get used with the view. What you think it’s the same person right Bruce? (He was looking to Bruce and hoping he have some answer that will give them something to catch the monster)

I think yes , the puzzle wasn’t a joke but a letter directly from him and killing his action, You have the same cuts ,patterns of beating and torture and angel s head on victims chest.

The only thing is that he is gaining confidence. The first murder was in much abandoned place but this a memorial its much opened, and his fantasy is getting bigger now he killed two victims

I’m afraid if we don’t catch him fast things will become worst. He is a serial killer now.

The forensics came to the scene and started to investigate for clues.

At least three teams of reporters have arrived to the scene, the information has leaked and this made Bruce mad, because this will spread more fear and will make him archive his attention that hewants. The information released for media should be very careful. Steven what are they doing here,, who told them for the crime.

Steven: I don’t know but they always know, sometimes they know before us .I will go and talk with them.

Bruce: God damn it .No I ll go and talk with them commander, I ll try to back them up.

Can I have your attention please am Bruce Loan detective of London metropolitan police and I’m on charge of this investigation. Will you please let us do the job.. Tomorrow we will release a press statement for you.

Who is doing this, do you have anything to catch the murder. Shouted a reporter

As I said the investigation is continuing and we will notify you and the public with the news.. We are doing anything that it’s in our hands to solve it.

Reporter: We have the right to know things.. Who are the girls?

Bruce: Please don’t make things harder than they are respect our job and people s pain. Please officer move journalists from the crime scene.

That guilt feeling its hitting again him.. That feeling of him being guilty for the murder and this time was worst because he started thinking what if he would find the puzzle earlier. Maybe he could save the girls.

It was almost 7 afternoon and they still were on the scene crime.. Bruce go in home you are tired, I will take it from here.

Bruce: It’s okay Steven I ll stay here

Steven: I insist go just go, I will inform you for anything


Chapter VI

Traitor among Us


Okay Steven I will walk. I need to clear my head. You take the car.  He continued to walk for 30 more minutes until he reaches to McGregor s toy store. Memories strike again. This time was for Nick his son.

It was Nick 6th birthday and Joan has organized a big party for him on the back yard but Bruce couldn’t come to it because he was on a mission. The only thing he could do is to call him on the phone. Hello Joan how are you .. How is Nick I’m sorry I couldn’t come there, you know how things are going here.

Joan: Don’t worry my love just be careful. well He is fine. Very happy but he asked for you a lot of times. Here talk with him.

Nick: Hi daddy, I was waiting you here

Bruce: Buddy I know but I have to catch the bad guys here. What are you doing now?

Nick: We are playing here with Simon and Mertens, we are going to cut the cake in few minutes I’m so happy.

Bruce: Listen to me I ll come tomorrow early and we will go on McGregor s store and we will buy the biggest bunny here okay. Daddy has to go now.

Nick: Okay daddy we will talk tomorrow than.

Bruce came on the morning on home and sends Nick at McGregor’s as he promised.Nick gived him a big hug and said to him: Daddy I love you, you are my hero

This was very special moment for Bruce that its why anytime he goes near McGregor he remembers his moment with Nick.

After this moment of his memory he continued his walk to his apartment. Under the door he sees another letter. More puzzle. This is going to get me crazy. I have to get inside and sit before I read it.

There are great generals who have lost their battles because they were betrayed from his followers. But this didn’t stop them from winning the wars and you know what happens to traitors?

They get the heads killed together with other soldiers of enemy. Just read history and you will see what I’m talking about. When I send you the puzzle I leaved you with the choice to be with us angels of god or with them demons.

 If you didn’t go to Brisbane you also would be soldier of god but you made your choice. This makes you a traitor one of them,

 I will pray for your soul because deep inside I feel sorry for you. As a matter of fact I love you and I know you for long time. Believe me you are always on my eyes.

 Prepare for next battle and this time it will have more blood.

P.S I’m so curious to know how you will profile me but I will see it when you talk to you colleagues.

Kind Regards.

Your worst nightmare


How a hell he knows me? He has something personal with me. Knows where I live even had access to my closes (he leaved the second part of first letter on his jacket)


Bruce started to walk on his room and thinking who may be this lunatic person, he needs to be stopped or only God knows what he will do.

 Its Bob, everything fits. He lives alone, is so secret, always get near me since it’s my neighbor can have access to my apartment easy. He is very suspicious. I have to investigate him carefully.

It was 9 o clock and it was getting dark when Bruce sees Bob going somewhere and he was looking behind if anybody was seeing him. It’s him he is doing something dark again. I have to go after him. This man has to be stopped at any cost.

Bruce went fast after him until he reached a distance from which he could see him but far enough not to be spotted. The case continued for 15 minutes until Bob reached to the cemeteries. What the hell is he doing here?  I have to be careful and wait to see what he is doing. With his psychotic problems he can even take people from their grave.

Waiting and waiting the night was getting pure dark. Bob gets near a grave as far as Bruce could see it was a woman called Ana Robins. He started talking to her. Hello dear, sorry that I didn’t visit for a long time but it’s hard for me to see you here even why there have passed 19 years  15 days and 15 hours since you leaved me.

Bruce was shocked. This is his wife but why he never told me for her, why so secret.

Bob was crying and continuing his monologue even in his mind is a conversation between two persons. Maybe it was.

 Things have changed. The politics still the same only the persons are those who get changed. People are not polite as they were.

But here is something that will make you happy Liverpool is fighting for the title now. We have a great young coach who is working very hard to get us glory. While he was talking his tears continued to fall like rain.

I have to go now because I left Spooky alone and even he is just a dog he can’t stay without me , he will be sad if he don’t sees me on home. Till next time my love. I miss you so much. He started to walk to his home but his eyes were still with tears,


Poor man, he is suffering just like me but its hiding it. What a strong man he is. But this still doesn’t put out of my head the idea that he is that killer. I have to talk to Seth (he is owner of a store) to see if he saw Bob yesterday on the park.

Bob was walking faster on his way home so do Bruce who after saw Bob entering on the building continued to Seth store which was few yards away. Hi Seth how business is going?

Seth: Hey Bruce what a pleasure to see you here. Well I had better days but I’m not complaining.

Bruce: This is business I guess some days are good some are not that good just like live. Can I ask you something?

Seth: Yes sure go ahead (while he was talking he was counting the sales he made with his blue giant calculator)

Bruce: Have you seen Bob yesterday during the day?

Seth: Why you are asking? Did he do anything?

Bruce: I’m just getting worried about him, he doesn’t have anyone to take care for him.

Seth: This is nice from you to know that you care for him. Yes I saw him almost all day he was on park with his dog. He even took a nap near that big tree in midday.

Bruce: I see, thank you very much Seth I have to go now to sleep. Have to go to work tomorrow.

Seth: I can imagine, I saw the news about that killer, I was scared I hope you catch him fast.

Bruce: we are working on it. Have a nice night Seth.

Bruce continued the road to his apartment he was tired it was 11:03 night but satisfied that could prove that Bob is not the killer. He is a good man but life has been bad with him.

I have to sleep now….

Demons within started to appear on his dream. Still the same view. He is staying naked on that unknown environment when it’s everything dark.

 He runs and runs in all directions but everything is covered on black. All the sudden a white light appears. But it was so far Bruce just can’t catch it.

But he doesn’t give up when he reaches it he stretches his hand in order to catch it but in that moment the light disappears forever.

This wakes him up and it’s like a salvation from that nightmare that is the same over and over again. It was 6:30 morning just the time to go to the office.

 Back in the office everybody was there watching the TV the big one in the main hall. Steven, Mrs. Norris and Doctor Hawkins were staring the news reporter who started to give the news.

News reporter: Good morning people of London. The first news comes from the horror that it’s hitting us recently about a serial killer in our streets. The number of people he killed now has gone in three. All of them were girls who used prostitution as a way of living. Police still has nothing on their hands and this means that the terror

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