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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Cristina Slet and, Luna Serene, thank you loves for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting 🤗❤️






Ava's POV:



"Shit, I'm latish," I quickly closed the book and went downstairs. I was so engrossed in the book, that I failed to catch the time. Quickly shutting the door after me, I ran downstairs almost tripping on the last step.


"Woah Ava, calm your horses," Fleur laughed. I smiled sheepishly at her and she laughed.



"I'm latish" I whispered to her.



" I'm too. But I don't know why your mother-in-law makes such a huge fuss about it. I mean come on we are not kids to eat at sharp 7 PM, and then go straight to bed," Fleur whispered back making me laugh, But stopped mid-laugh when I realized what she just said.


"What do you mean by my mother-in-law,"? I asked while narrowing my eyes at her.


"What? Don't look at me like that," Fleur shrugged while giving me a stink-eye.


"I know what's happening between you two, Luna, Love is in the air," she mocked making me glare at her. She quoted the word 'luna' with her hands.


"Nothing's happening," I said stressing each word.


"Sure," she exclaimed while examining her nails. I smacked her on her head.


"Ouch, Ava," She rubbed her head. I stuck my tongue out at her and laughed at her annoying face. She stopped rubbing her head and looked at me. I stopped laughing when I saw her serious gaze. It was like she was seeing through my soul.


"What,"? I asked.


"I like seeing you happy," she said while looking at me. I heaved a sigh and looked away.


"You think I'm happy,"? I asked while gazing outside the window. I don't know what obsession I have with the moon, but it gives me peace and solace. I find peace by gazing at the moon. I feel like we're the same, lonely and full of imperfections.


"I know you're trying," Fleur whispered.


"I've stopped, fleur," I whispered.


"I've stopped running after something that is mine but, also not mine. I've stopped chasing after light," I whispered.


"He's yours, Ava. Fight for him," Fleur kept her hand on my shoulder.


"He never gave me the right to call him mine, fleur. I was a foolish girl, running after him like a pathetic person. I tried Fleur, I did but, now I'm tired," lone tears escaped my eyes. My heart bleeds every time I reminisce everything.


"Daniel told me, he has stopped seeing her," Fleur said making me shocked.


"And, that changes...," I looked at her with a sad smile. I'm shocked at this news, but I've stopped chasing him and building my love building on nothing but, muddy hope.


"Ava...," Fleur started.


"Let's go for dinner. We're already late," I said and started going towards the dining area. I had only taken two steps when...


"Ava, fleur," Cora came huffing.


"Cora? what are you doing here,"? Fleur asked.


"What's the matter with your mother-in-law," she asked, making me glare at her. Fleur snickered at her words. Just as I was about to give her a mind of my colorful words, fleur beat me to it.


"What happened,"? Fleur asked.


"I came to surprise you both, but she gave me a whole fucking lecture of the time. And, not to barge anytime here. Isn't this a pack house, then why? If only she wasn't our Luna," Cora gritted her teeth.


"It's okay, Cora. Come, let's have dinner," fleur said and took her to the dining area. I don't know I have this heavy feeling in my chest about Alpha Xavier's mother.


"Ava," fleur called. Quickly shaking the thoughts away, I went to the dining area. Entering the dining area, I saw that everyone was already seated and had started their dinner. I quickly went towards my seat and pull back my seat to sit on it.


"You're late," aunt rora said making me stop on my step. I looked up to see that her forehead was blanketed in ugly wrinkles. Her eyes were narrowed as she gave me stink eyes. I can hear the murmuring of pack members, and the mean comments from those fake bimbos. Just as I was about to say something...


"It's okay mom. It's not that late," Alpha Xavier said making me shocked. I open my mouth only to close it again. And what made me speechless was that he was sitting beside me. He never did that before.


"Yes honey, sit dear," Uncle said gently, I nodded and sat down. We started our dinner, I was unable to concentrate on my food because of the giant wall beside me.


"Son, Ava," Alpha called and we both looked at him.


"Come to my study, after dinner. I have to discuss something with you both," he said making is nod. We finished our dinner and went to his study. Alpha Xavier knocked and we entered inside.


"Everything's okay, dad,"? Alpha Xavier said. Concern was dripping from his words. One thing, I admire about him is that he is a good Alpha and son. He always thinks about them and their well-being.


"Ah, yes," Alpha said and took off his glasses.


"Here," he took out a velvet red envelope and forwarded it towards Alpha Xavier. He took it and open it.  


"An invitation card," Alpha Xavier asked.


"Yes, son," aunt rora said from behind us. I didn't know she was also present here.



"It's Alpha Kevin's birthday and also his engagement party. It's a great day for him because he has found his mate after 30 years," Alpha said.

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