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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Ibukun Hassan, Fatima untoy, Sushreesandhya Sahoo, and Rebecca Humez, thank you sweethearts for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗



         We are all searching for our forever!!







Ava quickly turned around and almost shrilled in shock and surprise.


"YOU," she shouted. Alpha Xavier nodded his head, smiling wildly at her.


"What are you doingggggggg hereeeee,"? Ava asked. She was inebriated and slurred on her words. Werewolves don't get drunk that easily but now that she's a human, it affects her like other humans.


"Don't know," Alpha Xavier said and shrugged. Ava narrowed her eyes at him and squinted her eyes at him. He chuckled and pinched her cheeks. Ava slapped his hands away and started going toward the dance floor.


"Where you going,"? Alpha Xavier asked and Ava shrugged his hand away.


"I'm not telling you," Ava yelled at him. Alpha Xavier looked around to see that everyone was engrossed in their little world.


"Why are you shouting? Say slowly," Alpha Xavier pouted and Ava nodded. She went towards him and tiptoed to his ear. Alpha Xavier felt a shiver run down his spine as her hot breath hit his ear. She cupped his ear as if she has a skeleton in the cupboard.


"I'm not telling you that I'm going to the dance floor," Ava whispered quietly. Alpha Xavier pouted at her words.


"But why won't you tell me," he said and Ava shrugged.


"Don't you love me,"? Alpha Xavier asked and pouted.


"I do," Ava nodded rapidly like a child making him smile.


"But, I still won't tell you" Ava stuck out her tongue at him. He huffed dramatically.


"Hey Sexy," a voice called. They both turned around and saw a bald man leaning on the counter. He winked at Ava and licked his lips. Alpha Xavier growled and Ava looked at him, slapping him on his chest, she went towards that man. She stood Infront of him and smiled at him. The man almost groaned and bite his lower lip. Ava took out a lip balm from her purse and handed it to him. The man looked at her confused.


"For your lip. Now, they won't be dry," Ava said innocently making the man choke on his saliva while Alpha Xavier was holding his stomach and laughing hard. Ava looked at him confused.


"What,"? She asked.


"You're too kind and innocent for your own good, love," Alpha Xavier said and Ava blinked her eyes repeatedly. She still doesn't understand anything.


The Motto by Tiesto burst through the speakers making the crowd wild. Ava ran toward the dance floor and started swaying to the music. She closed her eyes, as she felt adrenaline rushing in her body. She felt her heart thumping wildly. She felt alive. She felt hands wrapping around her waist but she didn't pay any attention to it and continued her dance. The hands started roaming her body and just as they were about to reach her lower region, someone yanked her towards themselves. Ava gasped at the impact and looked to see that Alpha Xavier was glaring at something.


"Mine," he growled. Ava followed his line of sight to see that a man was standing there trembling like a leaf. Alpha Xavier was about to pounce on him when Ava held his hand.


"Don't," she glared at him.


"We were only dancing, right? She asked the man who nodded dumbly. Ava didn't know who he was but, she doesn't want him to get hurt because of her.


"Come," Alpha Xavier said and started dragging her out of the club.


"Stop," Ava said but he didn't stop walking.


"I said stop," Ava yelled yanking her hand out of his. Alpha Xavier looked at her shocked but she ignored him.



"I want to dance," Ava said and before Alpha Xavier can protest, she was on a table. Alpha Xavier watched with wide eyes, as she started swaying her body to the beats of the music. Soon, the men noticed her and surrounded her. They shouted and some even throw their money at her. Alpha Xavier's mouth went wide when he saw Ava take that money and put it in her bra, winking at the man.


Ava slowly and sensually took off her top, showing her black lacy bra. Her milky white skin was on full display to the hungry wolves. She ran her hand on her body, making them crazy. She looked straight at Alpha Xavier and winked at him. She slowly started undoing her pants. But, before she can undo the second button, her whole world turned upside down. Alpha Xavier went towards her and hauled her over his shoulder.


"Hey," the guys shouted at him but, he growled loudly making them silent.


"Put me down," Ava shouted while hitting his back with her fists. Alpha Xavier chuckled at her lame attempts of getting away. Her fists were nothing but a blow of flowers on his giant back.


"Help, Help, he's kidnapping me. He will rape me or worse kill me, help," Ava started shouting on the top of her lungs.


"I'm too young to die. No no no, I don't want to die a virgin," She yelled and Alpha Xavier choked on his saliva. People started coming towards them to help her but he growled and started going to the exit.


The cool night breeze slap her on her face, as they stepped outside of the packed club. Ava looked up to see that little twinkling stars have blanketed the whole sky.


"You got a nice butt," Ava said and slapped Alpha Xavier's butt making him freeze on the spot. He stood still without blinking. Ava laughed at him and quickly jumped to the ground. Alpha Xavier opens his mouth only to close it again.

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