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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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“So ava, do you know how your mom and dad met,”? Uncle asked and I shook my head, while dad spilled the wine he was drinking. 


“Don’t your dare Nick,” dad warned, but he only smirked. 


“That day, my best friend was having a party at her home. I went there but my wolf was hyped the whole time. I was feeling suffocated so I went outside for fresh air. I smelt this amazing smell, I followed it to pool area and there was my mate, kissing a guy in SpongeBob underwear,” mom said smirking, we all burst out laughing while dad was red as tomato. 


“Hey! This duffer gave me that stupid dare. Than your mom thought I was gay. I had to sleep under her room on a tree every night and tried convincing her that I was straight and after 9 months, she accepted me,” dad said defensively. 


“By the way honey, do you know how your dear uncle and aunty met,”? Dad asked smirking while now it was uncle Nick who spilled out his drink. He narrowed his eyes at dad in warning but dad was in full revenge mood. 


“So, Nick went on a blind date with a person. She turned out to be 60 years old and when he was trying to tell her that they can’t, she kissed him. I still remember how she was literally eating him and in that time, who decided to grace us with her presence? Your aunty aurora. I still remember the horrified look on her face and she literally fled from the restaurant.” Dad recalled while winking at aunt rora. 


My tummy was hurting with all the laughing. I looked at Xavier to see a soft smile on his face. 


“Ohh this isn’t the whole story. After that, we didn’t see aurora because she was new in the town. We tried finding her but couldn’t because we didn’t know anything about her. So to cheer him up, I arranged another date for him and when he was dropping her off to her home, she ran off. Nick went off after him and asked what happened and she just said, police had a warrant, hearing this he also went running in but in  another direction but police caught him. It took us 30 minutes to explain them that we didn’t had anything with that drug selling lady. And the amazing part was that the cop was Aurora’s best friend. Long story short, it took whole year for nick’s Iove life to be started.” We all cracked up. 


“So, ava have you find your mate,”? I'm sure a pretty lady like you will have a wonderful mate,” Aunt rora inquired. 


Frozen in my seat, I looked up to alpha Xavier, only to see his eyes already boring into my skin. All the incidents flickered before my eyes, him kissing Jessica, his rejection. I looked down, a lump formed in my throat. Swallowing my tears, I looked up, straight in his eyes. 


“No, I haven’t found him yet,” I answered, my voice cracking at the end. 


“It’s okay honey, you will find him soon,” aunt rora reassured me. 




We all glanced at the source of the sound to see that Alpha Xavier had broken the glass in his hand. His hands were tightly fisted around the glass. Blood dribbling from his hand. I looked in his eyes to see his eyes were a shade darker, jaw clenched. 


“Oh my God, Xavier, what happened son,” everyone rushed towards him. Aunt rora, coddle his arm and looked at his son worriedly. 


“I’m fine mom, it’s nothing,” Alpha Xavier said with clenched jaw while looking straight at me. 


My wolf whimpered, seeing her mate hurt. She wanted to come out and comfort him but I held her back. I quickly rushed to my mom and grab the first aid kit. 


Coming downstairs, I rushed to Xavier, crouched on my knees and took his hand. I shivered, electricity shoot through my body at our physical touch. Warmth spread through my body at the mere touch of skin. 


Taking the forcep, I took out the small piece of glass from his hand, I winced. Tears brimmed my eyes, seeing my mate in pain. I looked up in his eyes but was shocked to see, not an ounce of pain was on his face, he was looking at my face so intently, as to read my soul. 


Wiping my tears, I took out the remaining pieces of glass. Apply an ointment and bandaged his hand. 


“I think we should go,” uncle nick said while looking at Xavier worriedly. 


“I’m good dad,” Alpha Xavier reassured them. 


“So let’s have desert,” mom said and we all went to living room. Uncle Nick and Aunt rora sat on lover seat. I and Alpha Xavier sat on sofa but he maintained his distance. I sighed and checked my phone for any notification from my mus-cat-tears. 


“So Xavier, son any luck in finding your mate,”? Dad asked and we both froze on our seats. My heart started thumping wildly. My palms were sweating profusely. Will he accept my mate? My wolf ear perked up. I swear, she’s completely smitten by him.


Alpha Xavier cleared his throa, and looked at me. He opened his mouth to answer when...





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Guys! I'm feeling slightly under the weather and also my mom got COVID for the second time. Please pray.


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