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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Smriti Upadhyay, Thank you so much for your vote. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗





You’re the only one I wish I could forget… 
Although you break my heart and put tears on my face… 
But you still live insi

de of me… 
So, tell me how is that? 



Ava's POV:
“Have you ever laid in bed at night? And thought about everything? Wanting to scream and cry but can’t. Instead, you just sit there and the pain just breaks inside of you.” 

“Have you felt like your whole universe collapsed? That you’re in a nightmare, you feel suffocated, want to scream but couldn’t, want to move but can’t. A thick lump formed in your throat, you want to speak but can’t. That’s how I’m feeling right now, staring at my mate. 



Ava's OV:
t as Xavier was answering dad, he stopped and looked up. He was mind linking someone. He opened his eyes and whispered, Jessica. He whispered so lowly but as I was sitting close to him, unfortunately, I heard it. 

“Dad, I have to go. There’s been a rogue attack near the shopping mall,” Alpha Xavier already running outside. 

Suddenly, I remembered, Cora and fleur were also talking about a shopping spree. Without thinking, I ran after him. Heading outside I saw Alpha Xavier had already started his car, I quickly ran and jumped on the front seat with him. 

Alpha Xavier looked at me surprised, “ What? We’re getting late, let’s go,” he looked at me for a sec but than started the car.  

On the way to the mall, the car ride was filled with tension, Alpha Xavier was clenching and unclenching his fist, jaw clamped. I gazed at his hand to saw, he was gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white.  

It broke my heart seeing him worrying so much about Jessica. I wondered, Will he ever worry about me this way if something happened to me? 

Stop it ava! You can’t be selfish,” my subconscious chid me. 

After 10 minutes, we reached the mall. The car hasn’t fully stopped when Alpha Xavier jumped from the car and headed inside.  

I looked around, the whole mall is a mess. Tables and chairs are knocked over, the paintings are destroyed. Food and glasses scattered all around the mall. I got out of the car and head inside. 

Inside was worst then outside. I looked around for cora and fleur but couldn’t see them.  

“Cora, fleur,” I called their names but no answer. Where are they? Than it clicked, “bathroom,”. 

I headed to the restroom area and checked all the stalls but there was no one. My heart sank, where are they? 

Just on cue, my phone rang, it was Cora. I quickly answered. 

“Hello cora, where are you? Are you Okay? I’m at the mall, there was a rogue attack, where are you guys? You were also coming for the shopping,”? I bombarded her with questions. It’s like my heart is in my mouth from worry.  

“Relax ava, breath! Yes, we were planning but we didn’t. I had some important work, so we cancelled our plan,” as she said that, I sighed in relief. BUT Suddenly, I remembered Alpha Xavier. 

“Okay Cora, I’ll talk to you later,” and before she could say anything, I cut the call.  

I heard growling and snarling from outside, I quickly ran outside.  

There’s a dark forest on the backside of the Mall, I went outside in search of Alpha Xavier. Outside was full of chaos. Pack warriors were fighting with rogues. There weren’t many rouges. Something fishy, as rogues always attack in huge groups but here aren’t many. Pack warriors were fighting with them but I couldn’t see Alpha Xavier anywhere  

Someone crashed with me with great force and knocked me to the nearest tree. My back and arm got scrapped. I yelped and look back to see blood oozing from my back and arm. I placed my other hand over my Arm and went for Alpha Xavier. Where could he be? 

“Jessica,” I heard Alpha Xavier shout, and I ran off in the direction of his voice. 

I came to the middle of the forest to saw, Alpha Xavier shouting like a mad man for Jenna but she wasn’t there. Where’s she? I looked around but saw no one, only a sea of trees.  

I looked at him to see he was whacking a tree while shouting her name. There was so much pain and desperation in his eyes and voice. My heart broke seeing him like this. I can’t see him like this. My wolf wailed, seeing her mate in pain but the pain was more knowing his love and even pain belongs to someone else. Tears filled my eyes,  blood was oozing from his fist from his hard blows on the tree.  

I quickly rushed towards him and took his hand to stop him. He looked at me with blood-red eyes and then pushed me back harshly. I landed on the ground and my injured hand got scrapped again. I yelped in pain and looked at him in shock. My heart crashed seeing so much hate for me.  

“Alpha,” we both looked at the gamma, that just came. 

“All the rogues are dead, there are injured warriors but other than that everyone’s safe,” Xavier nodded and the gamma left. 

I looked at Xavier and that time his phone, he quickly took it and went away from me to talk. I slumped in the tree, why can’t he see how much he’s destroying me? Why can’t he see my pain? He went crazy knowing Jessica was hurt, but why can’t he see my pain? I closed my eyes and let the silent tears flow. They’ve been my companion since I found my mate. 

“Let’s go! Jessica is at home, waiting for me,” I opened my eyes to see Alpha Xavier going back. 


“Excuse me,” Alpha Xavier turned around and asked. 

“Why can’t you love me,”? Why can’t you see how much I love you,”? Why can’t you see my pain,”? I’m your mate for God’s sake,” I shouted at him.  

“Why,” I fell on my knees and sobbed.  

“How can you love someone you don’t know,” Alpha Xavier crouched on the ground and asked. 

When I didn’t answer, he shook his head and started to walk away. 

“You hate printing your shirts but you always buy you in 8th grade and you pretend to wear them,” he stopped walking and I can't stop myself from talking. 

“You love eating banana but hate them in ice-cream and pudding,”. 

“You once lost a tooth when fighting with Joe Mitchell when he made fun of Jessica’s Christmas décor project in 6th grade,”. 

“You can’t sleep with lights on. You love lobsters and like your steak overcook, you’ve never taken a girl officially on a date,”. 

“ You love styling your hair, you love painting, you love summer, so that can you surf, you once got cold from surfing a lot,”. 

“You lost your first kiss in grade first to Elena Ethan,”. 

He stood there unmoving. 

“You’re a stalker,” he said and went away. 

I started laughing, he looked at me like I had grown four ears. 

“Nothing! I just thought that my first ever declaration of love would be more … dramatic,”. 

I turned around  because now I can’t stop myself from breaking down. 

“ you too girl that wore a unicorn’s horn in her head for a while month in 2nd grade, and cried over a teddy bear that miss Martha’s heels accidentally punctured in 4th grade,” he said before walking away. 

“He remembered that…? 

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