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Shout-out to: Indraji, Thank you so much for your vote and comment. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗


Dedicated to: LakshmiGoddampriya, thank you for always supporting and waiting for my updates. Your love means aload to me 🤗❤️




I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands.




                     Deaden, broken, stymied. 

That’s what Ava was feeling, standing in the middle of the forest. Xavier, was gone long ago but she couldn’t move an inch due to his confession. 

Did he really remembered all that? Did he really noticed her all that year’s ago? Then why’s he hurting her in the most horrible way? Will it always be Jessica? Or will she get the happiness that she deserves and is her right? 

With heavy heart Ava started walking outside the forest, to her home. By now, the pack omega’s has cleaned the place but she was too numb to notice anything. 

She still remember, the day Alpha Xavier took her heart. 


(When Ava was 3 years old and Xavier was 9 years old)

Ava's 3rd birthday party!

The house was full of hustle and bustle. Adults were decked in beautiful clothing. Children were wearing adorable apparels. The house was festoon beautifully, with fairy theme decor.  

Plenty of nutriment were set on large table, pizza, cookies, drinks, cheese sticks, macrons, and what not. 

On another table, cookies and different toppings were placed, so that the children can decorate the cookies according to their zest. 

Another table was set with different art codicil, as the birthday girl loves arts. So, the children can render DIY. 

But where was the person, for whom all these preparation was?  

Ava was sitting on the side of lake, crying softly, while looking at the Broken tiara in her hands. She was dressed in baby pink fairy frock, looking adorable as ever.  

Today’s her 3rd birthday, she was super excited. Her mom bought her a beautiful dress while her dad bought her a fairy tiara. She got ready and was coming downstairs to show her parents. As she got down, she heard a bunch of kids talking about her. They were old than her, around 6 and 7 years.  

“She thinks she’s a queen,” a girl said while jealousy dripping from her words.  

“She’s so pathetic, so weak,” another voice chirped. 

Ava’s lips were trembling, her innocent heart maims hearing all this about her. She thought, she’s a bad girl that’s why they’re saying all this, unaware of the fact they were  envious of her.  

With heavy heart, she step down the last stair but her foot trembled and she fell on the floor, breaking tiara in the process.  

She took the tiara in her tiny hands, her eyes welled up seeing the broken tiara. She looked for her mom but didn’t see her. She was upset and doesn’t want to burden her. 

She quietly, come out of her house and went to the lake. Everybody was busy with guests and decoration, the they didn’t noticed her absence. 

She was still crying, while remembering all the harsh words and her broken tiara. While crying, she failed to notice the presence behind her.  

“Who are you,”? Someone asked from her behind. 

Ava jumped, and looked back to see a boy, around 4 years was standing there.  She couldn’t see properly due to the dark but she can outline his features. As they were werewolf kids, they have high scenes.  

He was attractive but dangerous. Ava felt a strange bond with this stranger. He was kid but his aura was dangerous. He was mature for his age. 

“I'm ava,” ava said while standing up. 

“You’re the birthday girl? Why are you here and not in the party,”? The voice asked.  

“There all people,” ava replied while looking down. 

“So,”? He inquired. 

Ava was fidgeting with her broken tiara. What if he also made fun of her? But deep down she feels like she can trust him. 

“They think I'm pafefic and weak, I'm no faily,” ava said while crying silently as she don’t want to look pathetic as those girls were saying. 

He understood what she means and looked at the broken tiara in her hands.  

Without another word, he left from there. Ava looked in the direction he went and more tears welled in her eyes.  

“He also left,” she thought. 

She went back to the side of lake and sat down. She was crying and looking at the moon glade, when she felt something on her head. 

She touched it involuntary and took it off, to see a beautiful crown made of tiny stems and leaves. It was so cute.  

She looked up to see the same boy. He moved forward, took the crown from her hand and placed it on her head. 

Ava looked at him innocently with her beautiful doe eyes. His heart skipped a beat seeing her. He forgot to breath for a sec. 

“You’re not pathetic. You’re beautiful and kind. A kind heart can never be ugly and pathetic. You don’t need a tiara to be fairy or crown to be Queen. A queen wears an invisible crown, she’s strong but kind-hearted. She has the power to turn pain into power. Your courage is your crown, wear it like a queen,” he said and placed the rustic crown on her head. 

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