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Shout-out to: Francelia Caesar. Thank you love for your vote and comment, means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗




Ava's POV:


                       Hump! That was close!  

Cora mumbled as she parked the car in the school parking tract. Today, we were late and came just in time of the bell ringing.  

Quickly sprinting out of the car, we fled inside to our respective classes.  

Classes went by in a blink, and it was lunch time.  

Fisting out my phone, I tried phoning Cora and fleur to meet for lunch, when I bumped into something rather than someone and the phone fell to the floor and cracked.  

“No, my phone,” I quickly stoop down and took the phone to check but it was cracked.  

It was a gift from my dad. I looked at the culprit, to give him a peace of my mind. People says I’m very kind but I can be a bitch when rubbed in a wrong way.  

I opened my mouth, only to close it. The person in front of me wasn’t someone expected.  

I was looking at him with wide eyes and mouth open a gap. “What’s he doing here,”?  

“Close your mouth sweet Pattie or else I will think you missed me,” he said and chuckled.  

This broke me out of my reverie, I screamed and jumped on him, hugging him like a koala.  

He stumbled a little but managed. Good, because I don’t have any plan of letting him go.  

After hugging the life out of him, I let him go and linked our hands. 

“Let's go! Have lunch, you have lots of explanation to do mister,”. He raised his hands in capitulation.  

We went to the cafeteria and took our usual seats. As usual it was packed with students.  






Before we could understand anything, Cora and fleur jumped on him, like a lion on his prey.  

I laughed while, he glared at me.  

“Easy there girls, I can't breath,” he said while struggling to breath with the two monkeys on his neck.  

After some time, they pulled back and Cora glared at him,” Mr. Owen sawyer,”.  


RIP! He was a great guy. 


I quickly went from there to get lunch because I don’t want to face the ire of a hag, named Cora. 

Owen is my only male friend. Actually he’s all of our friend since childhood but he’s more close to me. Few years back, he went for warrior training. But that dick didn’t tell us that he would be coming today. 

I took pizza, cheese sandwiches and some drinks and head to our table to saw they were all engrossed in their chitchat. 

We all started eating and filled for the time we had missed. Owner told us about his training.  

I was enjoying my time when I felt this strange feeling. I looked up to saw, Alpha Xavier came in with his friends and Jessica.  

They went towards their table at the center of canteen, typical popular students table.  

Owen draped his arm over my shoulder and asked,” so girls any luck with mates,”?  

I and Cora froze and looked down. Unfortunately, he noticed. 

“What happened sweet Pattie,”?  

I looked at Alpha Xavier table to see he was looking at Owen arm over my shoulder. He caught my eye and winked as Jessica kissed his cheek. 

Hot pain spurted through my body but I swallowed it down, clenching my fist under the table. 

I felt a hand gently touch my hand under the table and unclench my fist. I looked at Owen, he kissed my temple. 

“Everything will be fine, don’t let him get to you. He don’t know what he’s losing. He will regret hurting you,” he said and I looked at fleur, understanding that she told him everything. Was I zoned out that much? 

“My mate better not be like him,” fleur said while looking at them. Disgust visible in her eyes. 

“What does her sees in her,”? Owen asked while watching Jessica kissing Alpha Xavier neck while he talk to his friends.  

“She’s very pretty,” I said while looking at Jessica long straight hair and amazing eyes. 

“And smart, and hot,” I added while looking at her slender, tall frame, the white sun dress hugs her curves in a flattering but not absence way. 

“I’m a guy and I can say that she’s not that attractive,” he said and that’s when the bell rang.  

I had to issue a book from library, so I went there. I was looking in different shelves for something interesting. 

I was looking for the book when… 


“Looking for something…? 





Oooops! Who's he?


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