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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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He stepped back, looked at her one last time and went from there but little did he know, HE TOUCHED HER SOUL WITHOUT TOUCHING HER. 

Little did he know, HE TOOK THE INNOCENT SOUL'S HEART, and once a women gives her heart to someone, she gives her soul to him. 

Ava came back to her house. Her mother took her to meet the guests, but she couldn’t forget that mesmerizing eyes. She played games with everyone and it was now cake cutting time.  

All the guests and family members gathered around, to join the cake cutting. Just as she was cutting the cake, she heard… 

“Sorry! We’re late,” ava looked up to see a beautiful women with a boy, that same mesmerizing eyes.  

Ava’s eyes lit up seeing him. She went toward him, took his hand and bring him towards the table shyly. Her mother raised an eyebrow at her daughter, the kid mom was looking at them amusedly. She knew her son was not someone to easily dealt with. 

Ava cut the cake, and served Xavier first, her mom was amazed. Usually, her daughter is all shy but now she’s someone else.  

Everyone ate the cake and went to enjoy the birthday party. Xavier’s mom gave him a gift and nudged him towards ava. He didn’t want to but one glare from his mom and he went to ava. 

Handling her the gift, he quickly went towards his buddies. Mrs. Romano shook her head and went towards ava and her parents. 

“Sorry! Xavier, is not good with girls. He only have one girl friend. He thinks they are nasty because they wear lipstick,” she said and all the adults cracked up but little ava’s mind was stick to only one word. 




Ava came home and went straight to the bed. She didn’t had the stamina to do anything. Her mind was jumbled with thoughts. She somehow, has believed that her mate doesn’t love her but what he said today, made her question everything again. She has loved Xavier since that night in the jungle, 15 years ago. 

Turning on other side, she gazed at the moon and was harkened back to the day, which was the best and worst of her life. 



Ava's POV:
We were swaying with the music, our heartbeats. I don’t know what future has stored for us but in this moment, he’s mine as much I’m his.  

The feeling of being loved by your mate is something indescribable, Heaven. 

Suddenly, he twirled me around, I looked up in his eyes to saw strange emotions were swirling in them, love, adoration and longing.  

Before I can understand, his arms were around me as sure and hard as on the dark road to Tara and pulled me more closed to his body, as if we were not close enough. He gazed in my eyes and than to my lips. He traced my lips with his thumb. My heart bolstered, a sense of warmth spread in my body.  

I felt a rush of helplessness and longing, the sinking yielding and a surging tide of passion.  

He slowly inched closer to my lips, I closed my eyes and waited for his lips on mine. My body rocked with excitement and nervousness. Today, I'll give my first kiss to my man. I've always dreamed of this day. 

I waited for his lips on mine but it never came. I opened my eyes to see, that Zion's eyes are closed, and forehead hemmed, as if he’s fighting with something.  

He opened his eyes and shoved me back, harshly. I stumbled but got my equilibrium. I looked up in his eyes, to see the mesmerizing orbs of Alpha Xavier. He was scowling at me, I looked at my feet. 

“This was a mistake,” he said and went away.  

“Fucking stupid Zion,”  I heard Alpha Xavier cursed as he was going back. 



Tears were flowing from her eyes. The pain was too much for her innocuous self. He have confused the hell out of her. Nor is he accepting her completely, nor rejecting.  

Ava's POV:
I was thinking, when all of sudden I felt intense pain in my lower body. It was too much. A scream escaped my mouth, I quickly placed my hand over my mouth, to stop myself from screaming. The pain from my lower body to my belly and heart.  

My whole body was on fire. What’s happening to me?  

I feel from the bed and curled on the ground, the pain was unbearable. It was hard to breathe. My wolf was crying in pain. 

“Sapp? What’s happening,”? I asked my wolf but she didn’t answered and was writhing in pain. Tears were flowing like rain from my eyes.  

“Ma-mate, mate is with someone,” she said after a few minutes and my world crashed.  

Xavier was with someone? Means he’s with Jessica, making love. 

Finally, after an hour the pain stopped. I was breathing heavily. My whole body was hurting.  

But this physical pain was nothing what I was feeling.  

The pain of betrayal is more than anything. 

The pain of your mate loving someone else is more agonizing. 

I went towards the window and open it, It was too suffocating here. I sat on the futon, gazing at the moon, I wondered… 


Will I ever be loved ? 
Will I ever be enough for him?  




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