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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Ava's POV:

“ Alright class, that’s all for today. Remember! All the marks of your quizzes will be added to your annual examination. And also, a trip is coming, so make sure to check the notice board for further instructions,”. 

Garish applauses spewed in the class after the last statement.  The entire class started murmuring about the coming trip.  

“I'm so excited for this trip, no restrictions, no studies,” a girl squealed from beside us. 

“Also, You guys know that Beta, Daniel Harrison is back from his training. I saw him this morning, and Oh my, was he looking so eatable,” another girl said. 

“Oh my yes! Our Alpha, beta and gamma are so hot. Three Greek Gods, we can use our magic on them, I don ‘mind a taste of them, although we have a leech always sucking Alpha Xavier attention but I don’t mind,”  third girl said dreamily, and all of them squealed.  

“I would love a piece of Beta Daniel, Ohhhhh how I wish he would crush me between his thick thighs,” first girl said and they all laughed while exiting the class.   

“Woah Woah! Were they talking about humans or ordering chicken in a restaurant,” Cora said dumbfounded. 

“That was horrible, but nutty. Imagine the boys listening their dying love confessions,” fleur said and we all giggled.  

Let’s go! I'm hungry,” I said and we all left for the canteen.  



Someone said from behind, we looked back to see, Harriet. He’s in the same grade with us. We know him since grade 7, when they moved in the pack house. No one wants to be his friend, as he’s a nerdy and high school students prefer to be buddies with cool and rich students.  

He’s a cutie with big glasses and has a huge crush on Fleur. But poor soul never had the guts to confess, but one can clearly see in his eyes, how much he loves and adores her. Wish they were mates.  

“Hi! How are you,” harry asked while standing in front of us. 

You can literally see cold sweat breaking down on his forehead.  

“Hey harry! I’m good and you,” fleur asked egregious to the effect she has on the poor soul. 

“Good! Actually I was wondering if you would like to come to my birthday party?, he inquired meekly while shifting from one leg to another. 

Now, we saw the beautiful invitation card, with flowers and chocolates in his hand. His cheek turning pink with nervousness. 

“Awwwww! He's so cute, not more than my Zion tho,”  my wolf said while purring.  

“I know, our mate is adorable,” I consented. 

“Nah! He’s my mate,” she huffed.  

“We are one, so practically he's our mate,” I said while she just rolled her eyes and muttered, ”whatever,”. 

I shook my head and looked to see, Cora snickering while fleur was giving her a stink eye.  

“Awwww! So you mean only fleur is invited, we are not,”? Cora teased while faking hurt, making the boy go pale. 

Fleur whacked her on the head and turned to harry, “ Don't mind her harry, we will surely come,”.  

“Ohhhhh! Thank you!,” he sighed in relief and raised his hand to Fleur to take the gifts. But before, fleur could take the gift, we heard a loud growl.  

We looked behind to see, Alpha Xavier and Beta Daniel we’re coming towards us, but beta Daniel was more like storming our way. His hands were clenched together and eyes completely dark.  

Fleur was stiffened on her place, in two long strides, he was in front of her. 

He yanked her to his chest, buried his head in the crook of her neck, and growled. 


Everything went silent, everyone was shock as hell.  

“Ava? Can you pinch me?” Cora asked still looking at them stunned.   

I pinched her hard, and she yelped.  

Never in our wildest dreams, we had thought of fleur to be beta’s mate. Who was still wrapped around her like a cobra viper, snarling at harry. 

He retreated and growled at harry, “Mine,”,  

Fleur placed her hands on his cheeks and made him look at her. She tiptoed and peck his lips in commitment, after few jiffies she tried to pulled back but looks like he had other plans, he placed his hand on her nap and kissed her deeply.   

I and Cora smiled at them. Fleur deserves this. They are so perfect. I was fully aware of heated gaze of my mate but I choose to ignore. I went to the library to give these love birds some space. 

I was looking for something varied to read today. I picked, Forty Rules Of Love and The Al-Chemist.  

I went to the second bed of library, as that’s the most quiet and cozy.  Looking at the books in my hand, I was debating which one to read first. 

“Nice choice,” looking up, I saw Beta Daniel standing there.  

“Mind if I join you,”? He asked and I shook my head in negative. He sat beside me. 

“I have read both, they’re amazing,” He said and I smiled in return. 

“You’re Xavi’s mate correct,”? He inquired and my eyes widened, I quickly looked down and said nothing. 

“Don't tell anyone,”! 

I remembered how he don't want to be seen with me. Seeing my distress, beta laughed. 

“Don’t worry, he told me,” he said and I quickly breathed in relief. 

“I want you to have your lunch with us from now onwards. First, I can't be without fleur and second, you need to fight for your love. I know Xavier, he’s a great leader but sometimes, he’s a dumb nutshell. Sometimes, not everything we see is the whole story. There’s more. So please, give it a chance,” he said and left from there.  

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