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I never thought that I'll say this in my entire life, but for the first time I was nervous to eat lunch.  

I gripped the tray tightly, with both hands and slowly went over to the lunch table where Beta Daniel is waving us. Beta Daniel was already sitting there with fleur and rest of his gang. 

I sat on the desolate chair beside beta while Cora was on my tail.  

“Hey Pattie,” Owen said hugging us. 

“Hey! You’re Angelina right,”? Jessica said while smiling at me. But it was not her smile that got my attention, it was the arm wrapped around her shoulder, … his arm. 

I changed course to his amazing orbs, that were chilling me to my bones. Why he have to be this freaking gorgeous? 

“It’s Ava actually,” I said, dropping my gaze to the tray of food. 

“Oh, sorry dear! I’m terrible with names,” Jessica said before laughing softly.  

Dear? Seriously? 

“Oh, just terrible in vague,” I muttered before I can stop myself, Cora and fleur snickered.  

“Pardon,” Jessica asked and I combated the urge to roll my eyes, who says pardon these days?  

“Nothing,” I said while looking at Daniel and Fleur, who were lost in their own little world. Fleur redden at something, beta Daniel said. 

 “You’re not eating,” Owen said while pointing at my untouched food. 

“You want some,”? Owen asked, offering me a spoonful of brownies. I nodded eagerly while opening my mouth.   

He laughed at my enthusiasm and snuck the spoon in my mouth. I closed my eyes, and moaned at the heavenly taste. Don’t blame me, who can resist chocolate.  

He laughed and wipe the chocolate from the corner of my mouth with his thumb.  

I jolted in surprise, when a growl roared from Alpha Xavier chest, sparking a ray of hope in me that he's jealous.  

But when I turned to look at him, that hope swiveled in red pain, that burned my insides. 

Alpha Xavier was kissing Jessica with such passion, that can make any woman weak.  

I felt bile rising in my throat, after what felt like eternity, Jessica went to her chair from straddling him. 

I quickly ate my lunch, and went from there. Rest of the day went in a blur.  

Day ended, today I and Cora was alone as fleur was riding with beta.  

“So, what have you decided,”? Cora inquired while driving.  


Pacing in my room, phone in my hand, I was rethinking my decision again and again.  

Moving towards the window, I gazed at the window, closing my eyes, I let the cold air of night to calm my nerves.  

I thought back to everything that happened in my life till now, and what mom told me about her best friend.  

I called him and… 




SO, fleur finally found her mate. 




SO, What you guys think of the chapter. Please comment, and let me know. I love hearing your thoughts. Feels connected to you guys. So please vote and comment. 


What you guys think will be Ava's decision?



My heart is so heavy for all the innocent souls. Tomorrow, we all will wakeup in our warm beds and start our day, but it will not be same for everyone. When will these people understand, that in the war of power, only innocent people suffer. First Kashmir, Palestine and now Ukraine. You know when I first saw everything happening in Palestine, I couldn't sleep for a week. How a 14 year old committed suicide. In all these chaos, these children are drain from their childhood. 





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