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Shout-out to: Keitumetse Makhalemele, Thank you so much for voting and commenting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗


DOUBLE UPDATE: As promised to one of my lovely reader, here's the double update. Thank you and Enjoy!




Ava's POV:


Today, I'm going to meet their parents. Xavier's parents have been on excursions since the epoch. They travel from one pack to another to make treaties with them. But what about Noah's parents? He never talked about them. I guess, today is the day I meet them and get to know something about Noah because he always smells fishy. 


I'm wearing a gorgeous purple and red backless dress. It reaches my knees. I straightened my hair and did light makeup. Taking my phone, I went downstairs where Noah had been waiting for an hour. 


"Ready,"? He asked as I stepped down the last stair. 


" Yes," I answered timidly. I'm so nervous to meet them.


"You look gorgeous and don't worry, they will love you," he comforted with his charming smile. 


"They are nice people, nothing like him," he laughed a little. I nodded and we left for Alpha Xavier's home. 



How does he know them so well?





Just as we were about to knock, the door opened. 



I look up to see an omega coming out with a shopping bag. Seeing us standing there, she welcomed us inside. 



The whole packhouse was packed. Omega's running here and there trying to make everything perfect for their Alpha and Luna's arrival. 



"Here let's sit there," Noah offered as if sensing my agita. I nodded and we sat in the living room. Noah changed the channel to my favorite show to calm me but nothing was helping. After a good five minutes of me fidgeting with my fingers and bouncing my legs, Noah excused himself. 



"Hello ma'am, you need anything,"? An omega requested but I shook my head in negative and she left. 



To kill the time, I took my phone and started scrolling through it, when something jumped on me. Yelping in ambush, I looked down at my lap to see the fur babies nuzzling my belly. 



" Awwww! How are my babies,"? I kissed both of them and they barked. I giggled and squeezed them. 



Hearing the clink of heals, I look at the source to see Alpha Xavier and Jessica descending the stairs. 



Jessica is wearing a green dress that stops at her mid-calf. Her hair curled perfectly with glowy makeup. Alpha Xavier clasped her hand, guiding her through the stairs. I saw the way his eyes heeded her, I blinked back the tears. 



"Hey Ava, you look lovely," Jessica greeted as she came toward me. 



"Thank you, you look beautiful too," I greeted back. I didn't gaze at him for once. 



"Here you go," I look to my right to see Noah with a cup of hot chocolate. 



"For me,"? I asked. 



" Of course, skittish pooch. It will help with your anxiety," he said and passed me the cup. I melted at his sweet gesture. 



"Don't call me that. I'm not a pup," I fake glared at him. 



"Ahan, but you are a pup," he said and tried to ruffle my hair but I swatted his hand away. 



"God, when will they come? I'm famished," Noah whined. 



"I can make you something quick," Jessica said while avoiding his eyes. 



I took a sip of my hot chocolate and moaned at the taste-making Alpha Xavier stiff. 



"Good,"? Noah asked and I nodded smiling widely the next second I know he took the cup from my hand and started sipping on it. 



" Give it back," I threatened. 



"Nah! I'm good," he said and took a huge sip. Just as I was saying something, the doorbell rang.



"They're here," Jessica said and we all went to welcome them. 



Two sleek cars stopped at the gate and in stepped out the woman in her 40s followed by a man in his 50s. Same as the other car. The women were gorgeous and elegant while the men were handsome and robust. 



From the features, one can say the first couple is Noah's parents. He has his mother's nose and father's eyes. The woman was dressed in a beautiful ebony dress. 



Her mom walked toward me and engulfed me in a tight hug. 



"Oh my, you are adorable," she said without breaking the hug. 



"You got a beautiful one. Your lucky son," she said and nudged Noah. I stood rotted on my spot not knowing what to do. Does she think I'm Noah's mate?



"Mom, she isn't my mate," Noah said. 



"Oh, sorry dear," his mother apologized. I felt someone grasp my hand, I looked to see Alpha Xavier pulling me until I was a good distance from them. 



Alpha Xavier pulled me to his mother. Stunning is an underestimate to describe her. She's wearing a dark red dress. Now I know from where he has taken his genes. 



"Mom, she is…," he started. 



"I know, she is Ava Sapphire, I know her. She used to Visit the pack house with her mother when she was little. You have grown to be such a fine lady," she smiled warmly at me. Noah was right, his family is nothing like him. 



"Mom, she's my…," Alpha Xavier started, only to be cut off again. He sighs irritatedly. 



"I know, I know young man. And see I'm twinning with my future daughter-in-law," she said squealing. 

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