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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Quickly running into the privy, I stripped out of my garb and jumped in the shower. Taking my favorite lavender body wash, I scrubbed my body. I already had waxed the other day, so I don't have to worry about cadaver hair. I like waxing more than shaving because I hate the furious hair that thrives after shaving. 



Coming out, I dressed in a beautiful brown sundress, curled my hair, and did light makeup. Taking my satchel, phone, and sunglasses, I ran to Noah's car who has been horning forever. 



"Finally," he exclaimed as I sat in the car and I fake glared at him. He ignored me and doff to the school. We are driving to the school and from there we will go on the trip on the bus, the school has arranged. 



After five minutes, we made it to the school. Teachers and students are culled around the bus. Teachers are taking the names of the students, and the respective student clambered onto the bus. 



Cora noticed me and waved. I went towards her and hugged her. 



"Excited,"? She asked and I nodded eagerly making her and fleur laugh. 



"Someone's excited," Beta Daniel laughed. 



"It's her first trip," fleur told him and he looked at me like how I look at a tomato in a pizza. 



"No way," he exclaimed and I slowly nodded. 



"Ava Sapphire Chantria," the teacher called and I climbed on the bus. 



Almost the whole bus is packed with students. I was looking for a seat. 



"Ava," I look forward to seeing Noah waving his hand, I went towards him. 



"Come, I reserved this seat for you," he said smiling. 



"Thank you, Noah, but I can't. I have Cora with me," I said apologizing. 



"I know, that's why I reserved for both of you," he said and I look to see he was right. He had two vacant seats, but before I could thank him…



"Thank you Noah boy," Cora said and popped onto the seat. I shook my head and sat down. 



"Hey, you didn't give them your luggage," Noah asked pointing toward my small bag. 



"I did but they didn't have any room left," I said. 



"It's okay, give it to me. I have some space below my seat," he said and took my bag. I thanked him and looked at Cora who was munching on her Doritos. 



"Gimme some," I said and tried to take the packet but she shook her head and plopped the packet in her armpit.  Noah laughed at her. I opened my mouth but the teacher raped me to it. 



"Okay students, Welcome on this trip. I wish all of you a good time," she said and all the students cheered. 



"But there are some rules that you all have to follow," she resumed and the students groaned. 



In the next two minutes, she explained the rules, how we all have to wake up early and we can't go to the forest alone. I can understand her concern, as there have been rogue attacks in the past months. 



"With that being said, Enjoy," she said and the bus started. 



It's amazing. The students are singing and dancing. It's so much fun. I look at fleur who was singing with Beta. Besides them was another couple but I refuse to look at them. 



After an hour, I was super thirsty. 



"Hey Noah," I called and he looked at me. 



"Can you please pass me the water bottle? It's in the bag," I asked and he nodded. Taking my bag from under his seat, he opened it. 



I look at Cora as she was saying something. We talked for a minute when I realized Noah hasn't given me water. I look at him and saw he was still searching. 



"Noah," I called. 



"Just a sec, here," he said handing me something. I look at it only to choke on the air. 



He was holding my black bra, I looked at his smiling face in shock. 



"What," Cora started but stopped when she saw my bra in his hand and burst out laughing. 



"Take it," Noah smiled. 



"Yeah Ava, take it," Cora said and burst out laughing. Noah looked at his hand and his eyes bulged. 



Quickly snatching the bra from him, I shoved it into the bag and zip it up. 



"Ava it-it I water," he strumbled and I closed my eyes in embarrassment. Noah tried taking my bag but I didn't let him. Who knows what he pulls out next time. Panties? Fuck no. 



The bus stopped and I rushed out going straight into Beta Daniel's back. 



"Woah Ava, wait, why are you flustered,"? He asked amused. 



" Nothing," I said and on cue, Cora came laughing her ass off with a blushing Noah. 



"Wait, what are we missing,"? Fleur asked looking between us. 



" Oh it's just…, Cora started and I placed my hand over her mouth, shutting her. I glared at her but she was looking upward and the next second, fleur burst out laughing. 



I look at her and she was laughing her ass off. This dumbo mind linked her.



"Seriously Noah," she said and Noah looked away. 



"Okay okay, I'll stop. Let's choose our tent partners. The teacher announced two people will be in each tent," fleur said after sobering. 



"I think the couples will be in each tent," Cora said and everyone nodded. 



" Sorry Ava, I will share with Rebecca as she has no other friend," Cora said and I nodded in understanding. 



"I'll be with Ava," Noah said and I smiled. 



"Yeah, let's go. I'm so tired," I tugged his hand and yawned. 

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