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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Shikha Nagpal, Thank you love for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗





Ava's POV:


I felt the air abandoning my lungs. I thrashed against the water like a dying fish, dread slashing its way through my heart. I tried to stay afloat, but the water was too strong. 


Water melees against my lips and invades my nose. I let out a deep breath to blow the water out, resulting in taking a gallon of water. My body fights me on this. My eyes are watery and my throat is on fire. 


The icy water quakes my body as I tumble beneath the veneer of the lake. My lungs burned, and I tried to reach the surface by kicking. 


I came out of the water and took a large greedy breath. Bubbles spew out of me, taking with them the precious air. I tried moving around when a sharp wave crashed into me, sending me deep into the air. I kicked and thrashed but nothing worked. My eyes are wide open with lack of oxygen. 



You're weak.



Awwww! Look at her, she thinks she is a princess. You're nothing but a burden on everyone. Fucking weakling. 




My lungs felt painfully empty, I gritted my teeth and tried to push back again but no use. I was getting weary like life was slipping through me. Is this my end? 


Just as I thought of saying my last prayer, a hand snaked around my waist, pulling me out of the water. Due to the burning in my eyes and lungs, I couldn't see who he was. He had one hand wrapped around me and was paddling with the other. 


He took me to the lakeside, coming out of the water, laid me on the ground, and pushed me into my chest. He tried again, and I sat up coughing water. I unconditionally wrapped my arm around his chest and placed my head on his shoulder. Sparks danced on my skin. I look up to see the beautiful eyes of my mate and my almost deathly heart has the temerity to skip a beat. 


"Shhhh! It's okay. You're fine," he said while rubbing my back gently. I panted and he hushed me. 


"You're okay, ssshhhh stop crying, love," he hugged me gently. God knows how long we sat there, hugging each other. I was a quivering mess, he rubbed my back gently, whispering sweet things. After a few jiffies, I pulled back and looked at him, my hands tightly fisting his drenched shirt. 


"How did you douse in the water,"? He asked while gently brushing the hair away from my face.


" I do-don't know," my lips quivered and he hushed me. I was shaken to my core, seeing dead that close. 


He opened his mouth to say something when we heard frenetic footsteps coming our way. I look around to see Noah, Cora, Fleur, Jessica, Beta Daniel, and some other students and teachers coming. But what shocked me the most was that Alpha Xavier still didn't let me go even after catching sight of Jessica. I glance at him in shock, only to find him looking at me without blinking. 


Noah, Cora, and Fleur were abruptly by my side. Noah cupped my cheek and made me look at him. His eyes raked over my body, looking for any injury. 


"Are you okay Ava," Fleur asked worriedly. 


"I'm fine guys," I said leaning against Alpha Xavier's chest. 


Cora handed a towel to Noah who wrapped it around my shoulder. I look at Alpha Xavier to see his jaw clenched. 


"Thank you," Noah said looking at him.


"I didn't save her for you," Alpha Xavier said and went from there. 





It was late at night, after that incident we all came to the camp. Cora and Fleur have been glued to my side. I tried reassuring them, but they won't budge. 


Tomorrow, we will go hiking, so now the students are arranging things for a movie night. I don't want to go, I was still shaken by all of that. I can still taste the water and that fear but I know if I didn't go, they both also won't go. 


We decided to watch movies in the forest. Students set everything up, they put makeshift pillows and blankets on the ground a little distance from our tents. They decorated the place with some fairy lights to light up the place and create a soft and warm environment. 


Girls brought big bowls of popcorn while boys chatted among themselves. There's this guy, Luke. He's a quarterback and an amazing singer. Boys handed him a guitar and asked him to sing. He took the guitar, and all the girls and boys cheered. 


We all sat in a circle, and he started playing the Love Story song by Edward Maya.



When are you gonna stop breaking my heart

I don't wanna be another one

Paying for the thing I never done

Don't let me go

Don't let me go

To my love



As he started, my heart lurched and my eyes involuntarily went to Alpha Xavier, who was already staring intensely at me, as though he was looking into my soul. Not being able to hold his dark gaze, I looked away. 


After half an hour, the boys set everything up and we all went to watch the movie. Throughout the movie, I could feel his intense gaze, burning a hole in my back. Noah draped his arm over my shoulder and smiled. 


The movie finished, and the students were gushing about how romantic the movie was. I couldn't concentrate on the movie due to certain people. We all said our goodbyes and went to our tents. 


Cora and I came to our tents and changed into our PJs. 

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