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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Mahamotha Khatun, Thank you for voting on my story love. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗











Hand Sanitizer






Hiking boots




After checking everything for the fifth time, Ava closes her backpack. Today, they are going hiking. Ava has never done hiking before. Last night, she couldn't sleep a wink. These nightmares are her eternal sleeping chums, if that even makes sense. She always tries to shrink them, but at some point in her life, her past always enmeshes her. 



Feeling moisture on her hand, she looked in the mirror. She didn't know when she started crying. Wiping her tears, she took three deep breaths and smiled at the mirror. With a determined mind, she will not let them make her feel worthless again. They can't snatch her happiness. 



"Hey skittish pooch," Noah said entering the tent. 



"Don't call me Mr. Grumpy pants,``Ava smiled.



"Come with something more plausible buddy. We all know I'm anything but grumpy," he said with sass. 



"Shut up you two. Always fighting like a married couple. Come let's go," Cora shouted from outside. Ava cackled and went outside. 



"Okay class, now we will go. Always make sure to stay in a group or at least with three people," the teacher advised and all the students nodded. 



"I'm so excited," Fleur squealed and Daniel kissed her on the head. 



"You guys know that your PDA is intoxicated for us single mates right,"? Cora asked irritatedly but there was a sly smile on her face. They all laughed and started their hike. The weather is confusing today, there's some white puffy clouds, some very stormy but it's still hot as hell. 



The woods seclude them from the rest of the world. Ava has always loved nature. The sound and smell of nature gives her a welcoming feeling. There are no cars, buildings, or construction. It's just her and nature. 



They are going on this stony path, surrounded by trees. There's a strange ambiance of peace and calmness here. They've trudged a mile now. There's a bridge made of logs, and she almost peed her pants crossing it. The sound of wind rushing is everything. 



"Okay students, this place is perfect for tents," the teacher announced and the boys went to set up the tents. And the teacher assigned girls for cooking. 



After half an hour later, they were all done with lunch, and decided to go for a swim. There is a beautiful waterfall nearby.



"It feels more of a campaign than hiking, but who am I to complain? Fucking love it," a girl said and they all laughed. 



Ava quickly changed into her black bikini and Cora changed into her baby pink bikini. They applied sunscreen and went outside. 



"Woah," Noah said and Ava narrowed her eyes on him. 



"You can't blame us girls. When you look like this," Daniel said looking at Fleur, who was wearing a two piece brown bikini with a promising look. She instantly turned red and looked away. 



They all took some snacks and went there. Ava was ignoring Alpha Xavier. She can't look into his eyes. They all swam and it was so fun. After a few minutes, Ava got thirsty so she came out of the water. 



Sitting on a big rock, she took the juice and snacks and started munching on them. 



"Give me some," Cora said, snatching the bag of chips from me. Ava glared at her but she ignored her. One by one, everyone came out of the water and came to take snacks. 



"Here, try this," Noah said, extending his chip. She opened her mouth and ate it.



"Good,? He asked and she nodded, he offered her another piece and she ate happily. She could feel his eyes on me but  ignored it. Her phone buzzed and she took it out. 



Arrogant Mate: Why is he feeding you? 



Ava looked at him, only to see he was already staring at her.  She ignored him and put the phone away. They all talked and sang for some time, then went back.






Today, they all are going on gradient descent. Ava has never heard it of but it sounds promising, while the boys are so excited. Changing into a black white shirt and pants. She paired it with a black leather jacket. 



"Ready,"? Cora asked and she nodded. They went out and stood outside, waiting for others. After 5 minutes, everyone came and they all went to their destination. 



They came across this small mountain, there are lots of people here. There's a small ticket counter, where you can get your tickets. And then there's a cabin-like thing from where you jump or climb. 



"Ahhhhhhhhhh," Ava jumped at the sound and looked at the girl who just bungee jumped. 



"Cora, I think we shouldn't do something silly," she told Cora but she brushed her off. 



"Okay, so a total of four people can go. Two in one group," Noah said and from her side Ava saw how Jessica held Xavier's hand. 



"Sure, we'll get the tickets," Cora said looking at Jessica and then winked at Fleur. 



"Let's go," Fleur said and all of them went to the counter. The tickets have the same numbers on them. Two people whose number matches will be partners. 

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