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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Humayra Khanam, and Ndubuisi Chidimma, thank you sweethearts for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗






Ava's POV:




Wake me up Before you Go-Go!!



Amping up to the crazed sound of my phone, I turned around and glared at the evil inert creature. Huffing I turned around and pulled the duvet over my head. 



Wake me up Before you Go-Go!!



Argh! Poking my head out of the duvet I puffed and leaned over to pick up the clatter ogre. 



" Hello, sweetheart! How are you? Are you okay,"? Mom's anxious voice blazed through the speakers as soon I hit the accept button. 



"Mom, calm down," I calmly said. 



"But…," she tried to assert but I didn't let her. 



"I'm fine mom. What happened,"? I asked, sitting straight, now fully roused. 



"Sorry honey, it's just that I had a very horrible dream about you and I-I," her voice cracking at the end.



"Relax mom, I'm fine," I said, reassuring her. After talking to my mom for some time, I ended the call. Placing the phone on the nightstand, I look at the clock, 4:00 AM. Looking at the naked glass of water, I sighed and took it. I was parched last night, so I drank up all the water, and due to idleness, I didn't refill it. 



Going downstairs with eye boogers, I misstepped on everything in the way. The downstairs lights were off, giving the house a haunted vibe. The moonlight coming from an open window is the only source of light. After epochs, I finally reached the kitchen. I put the glass on the table and opened the fridge. Taking the water bottle, I went upstairs. 



I put the water bottle on the nightstand and went inside the bathroom to alleviate my bladder. After drying my hands I came out and was going to bed when I saw the fur babies were not in their kennel. The light coming from the washroom falls directly on their kennel. 



Quickly switching on all the lights, I saw indeed it was empty. I thought I was seeing things because of my sleepy state, but I wasn't. 



"Mikey, Oceane," I called but no response. 



"Mikey," I called again and checked the kennel again but they weren't there. I looked at the bed, but it was also empty. My heart started thumping berserkly. They always either sleep in their kennel or on my bed. 



"Oceane," I called again but no answer. My heart sank, different unpleasant scenarios dabbling before my sight. I shook my head trying to get rid of these shunned thoughts. After Sapphire, I can't lose them too. No-no-no. Quickly brushing away my tears, I flew downstairs. 



"Ahhhhhhhhhh," Tripping on something, I fell. Feeling dampness on my fingers, I moved my hand towards the moonlight to see blood on my fingers. I looked at my knees, to see it was slashed open by the pointed rim of the table. 



Ignoring it, I checked all the rooms, but they weren't there. By now, tears were streaming from my eyes. I was having this awful feeling in my guts. 



The lights on the first floor lit up and I heard footsteps coming my way. 



"Ava,"? A voice called. 



With teary eyes, I looked up to see Alpha standing there. Seeing my teary eyes, he rushed toward me. 



"What happened,"? He asked calmly but the power in his tone can never be ignored. 



"Mikey and Oceane, I can't find them," I said while hiccuping. 



"They must be somewhere here, playing,". He said but I shook my head. 



"I searched for them everywhere, but they aren't here," I said, my voice hoarse from crying. 



"What's happening here,"? A voice said and I looked back to see Alpha Xavier coming our way. 



"Nothing son, Ava here, can't find her puppies, although I told her that they must be here, she's still crying," Alpha said calmly and Alpha Xavier came closer. 



"Dad, you should go back to school. I will look into it," Alpha Xavier said and I look down. I know he will never help me. 



"When was the last time you saw them," he asked and I looked at him. 



"Huh," I asked like a fool. I open my mouth, only to close it again. He smirked seeing my condition. 



"La-last night," I said and he nodded. 



"I will check the outside, you check here okay,"? He asked. 



"I already checked everywhere. They aren't here," I said. My heart breaks every passing second. Today, I'm feeling the same, I felt when Sapphire…



No-no Ava! Stop!



"Let's check outside okay,"? Alpha Xavier asked softly and I nodded. He went outside with me following him like a lost puppy. 



"Let's go separate ways, that way we can find them soon," he said and I nodded. After that, we both split and started searching for them. I looked at the moon, it was half. Sending a small prayer to the moon Goddess, I started searching for them. 



A foul smell of blood reached my nose, following it, I came across a giant tree. Rounding the other way, I screamed. 



"Ahhhhhhhhhh," I screamed and fell to my knees. How can someone do this? How can someone be this cruel? Why do I have to lose someone I love? How? 



In front of me were Mikey and Oceane, hanging from the same tree, with their heads on the ground, in a pool of their blood. But what shook me the most was my name written on Oceane's belly. They were bathed in blood. Blood was dribbling from where their heads were cut off. 

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