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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Ashimasindhu Mohantay, thank you for voting on my story, love. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗





Ava's POV:








Rubbing my drowsy eyes, I peeped my head out of the duvet and peek at the clock, 6:00 AM. Argh! Who can be at this hour? Ignoring the person, I changed my side and went to doze again. 








Argh! Who wants to be dead at this hour? Huffing, I pulled the duvet off my body and went towards the door. Opening the door, I opened my mouth to yell at the person, only to close it again. 



Alpha Xavier was standing there in his jet long sleeve compression T-shirt, and training tights. My eyes ran over his body, I gulped seeing this sin in the morning. The way his muscles budge in the T-shirt was enough to make me crazy. Stop it, Ava. I looked at his eyes, only to see him smirking, with a knowing glimmer in his eyes. Feeling embarrassed, I quickly looked away. 



Kill me now!



"10 minutes," Alpha Xavier said and I looked at him surprised. Yesterday at dinner, Alpha Xavier said hereafter, the whole pack will start training, especially me. They always train, but after the puppies episode, Alpha Xavier has been more vigilant. I hate training, especially timely the morning. I don't get it, why do we have to revive so early? 



"But it's too timely," I said, dragging the word, timely. I took the backing of the door, ready to be in La-la land.



"9 minutes," he said and I snapped open my eyes. He was looking at me with amusement dancing in his eyes. 



"I don't get it, why do I have to train? I'm not the Alpha," I muttered, and he raised his brows. 



"So, you think only Alpha's have to train,"? He inquired. 



"No, also Beta Daniel," I said and looked at him. He stared at me for a jiffy, then burst out laughing. I looked at him bewildered. 



"So love, you think only I and Daniel have to train," he asked and I nodded. 



"Well sorry princess, but you also have to train. Now go, Change," he said smirking. 



"But…," I started but got cut off. 



"8 minutes," he said looking at his watch. I open my mouth to let out something. 



"7 minutes," he said, and I glared at him.



"6 minutes," he said, and I sprinted to the washroom. Quickly doing my morning routine, I came out. Alpha Xavier had already left, quickly changing into my workout apparel, I ran out of the door. 



Uttering obscenities silently, I walked the route deep into the woodland. Arriving in the middle of a clearing in the forest, blood rushed to my cheeks as everybody, stopped in the middle of the training to watch me trip over my feet over a fallen log. 



" That's sweet pattie, making her imperial entry," Owen said whistling, and everyone cracked up. I roll my eyes at him. 



"Warm up a little and then start training," Alpha Xavier said, coming toward me. 



Cora and Fleur laughed, looking at something behind me, I glared at them. They were still laughing and I gave them a what's-so-funny look. They giggled and pointed at my butt. I followed their line of sight and screamed. 



"Get this thing off me," I screamed, jumping around. The centipede continued crawling over my sweatpants. I jiggled my butt looking at them for help. And to my atrocity, Cora was filming everything. 



Finally, after a few most hellish minutes of lunging around and screaming like a poltergeist, the ugly ogre fell to the ground and went away. 



" This is going to be tosh-worthy," Cora said breathlessly from laughing. 



"I hate you all," I said and huffed. 



"Say it to those who surmise you, baby," Cora and Fleur said, blowing me kisses. 






There was raw pain in my shoulders, as I struggled to adjust my rucksack. 



"You're looking horrible," Noah said, coming toward me. I screeched and leaped on him. 



"Looks like someone missed me," he teased. Pulling back, he looked at me. 



"What happened? You look awful," he said and I glared at him. 



"Thanks, just what I wanted to heed," I said sarcastically and he chortled. 



"Training," I huffed. 



"You'll get used to it," he said and I nodded. Not like I have any other choice, that handsome Beelzebub will never let me be. Noah and I talked and then started walking toward our classes. 



I entered my class, and all the students looked at me. I was trying to be low-key and went straight to my perch. When I looked, everyone was still staring at me. Out of nowhere, Aiden called my notoriety with his raucous laugh. 



"Hey Ava, nice video," he said laughing and soon, the whole class started to chortle. My cheeks reddening, I looked away. I covered my face, wishing to douse it in a spoon of water. 



"Hey YouTuber gurl," Owen greeted me, as he entered the class. I grunted loudly. 



"Yes, I saw the video, it was his…," Jason started but Cora slapped his arm. 



Kill me now!



Classes went by blur, and now it was lunchtime. As I entered the cafeteria, all pairs of eyes turned toward me. I slumped beside Noah, he laughed and put his hand over my shoulder. I buried my face in his chest, I remember the first time he tried to be touchy with me to get Alpha Xavier and Jessica jealous, that time it felt so awkward. But now, it feels so natural.

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