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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Osayamen Osaseri, Patricia Nduku, Nida Noman Allo, Shalyne and, Rumesa Faheem, thank you for voting on my story sweethearts. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗






Ava's POV:


I was staring at him with wide eyes, but he ignored me and invited himself in.



"What the...," I ambled after him as he went towards the living room.



"Alpha," Dad greeted confusedly.


"What a delightful surprise, son," Mom smiled at him. I rolled my eyes at her. I know she's playing son-in-law tournament with him in her mind.


"I came to pick up Ava," He said and I looked at him surprised.


"Sure son. Please have a seat," Mom led him towards the sofa. I and dad went towards them and sat down on a contiguous seat.


I watched as Alpha Xavier chatted with my parents. Seeing them talking and eating, elicit a thought in my mind. What would it be like if our lives weren't this stirred up? What if he hadn't rejected me? What if we were happy? What if... Shaking my head out of these thoughts, I look up to see mom was holding a plate in Infront of me. I looked at the plate and my mouth watered at the sight of hot chocolate lava cake on it. Chocolates have always been my weakness. With a smile, I took the plate and mumbled a small thank you. I took a huge bite and moaned as the flavors exploded inside my mouth. I closed my eyes and savored every crumb.



"Arhm! Love," I opened my eyes and look at Alpha Xavier who was veering in his seat.


"Yes," I asked licking my fingers. He swallowed greedily and looked away. Shrugging, I went back to my cake.


We stayed for a while and then left as it was getting late. The whole ride, Alpha Xavier was mum. I sighed and looked outside the window. The earlier episode flickered before my eyes and I closed my eyes. How can this be possible? How did it happen? My mind was in turmoil. I didn't know what to feel and what to not. My heart was heavy as if a heavy weight is placed on it and someone was clamping my windpipe, making it arduous to breathe. I glanced at Alpha Xavier to see that he was gazing at the road. He was clutching the steering wheel tightly. I sough and looked at him.



"You think it's my fault,"?I asked but he didn't say anything. I looked outside the window.


"Are you mad,"? I whispered still looking outside.



"Should I be,"? he said and I looked at him. His eyes were drilled on the road but I can see his eyes turning golden.



"I don't see a reason," I whispered back and he stayed silent. All my life I had loved him and yearned for just an ounce of affection from him, but he always repudiated me. The look in his eyes for Jessica was enough to pierce my heart and soul. With his every kiss on her lips, something inside me just... broke. Each agony-filled night and breaking soul, everything was worth his happiness. I hold onto the thin cord of hope, just to give this a chance, to give us a chance but, never had I thought I would lose myself in loving him.



We reached home and I got out of the car. While going to my room, I heard some strange voices coming from the remote horizon of the hallway. My forehead crumpled in confusion. I looked around and saw the living room and hallways were stranded. Either everyone was training or outside of the pack.


I stood still for a moment, not knowing what to do. The noises were getting louder with each passing second. I tilt my head and looked at the hallway but no one was there. I slowly started ambling in that direction. I looked around for anyone but no one was there. Following the voices, I came across a small room. This room was like a mini storeroom but it was never used much.



"Pl-please,"  a voice cried from inside and I quickly opened the door but the scene was not something amiable.


The girl from earlier was in the arms of someone and she was crying hysterically. Her clothes were torn, her hair was tangled and all her makeup was smeared. She had scratches on her arms and neck. It's like some animal has scratched her with their claws. Her eyes were shining with fear and helplessness. Fury spurted inside me seeing her condition.



"What's going on here,"? I asked and they both froze. The girl lift her teary eyes and looked at me. The man has still his back on me.



"Pl-please," the girl cried. The man turned around and I instantly recognized him. He was one of the warriors. I had seen him many times in the training ground.


"What are you doing? Leave her," I said hoping that he will let her go but surprisingly he started laughing and tore her other sleeve earning a scream from her.


"Go little girl, or you want to take her place," he said and licked his lips while racking his greedy gaze on my body. I scrunched my face in disgust and he laughed. He shooed me away with his hand and started peppering kisses on her neck. She was trying to kick him but he blocked her advances.


"Lun-Luna," the girl whispered.


"Hahahahaha what Luna? She's nothing. The Alpha himself doesn't want her," the man laughed.


"Pathetic," he muttered.


You're pathetic


You're a burden


I closed my ears with my hands as their voices resonated in my mind. I closed my eyes, as my head was spinning and cold sweat trickled from my forehead to my neck.


"No," the girl screamed and I opened my eyes. He had torn the remaining fabric on her body and was about to tear open her bra.

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