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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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We had a little lunch party, and from there we head straight to the salon. I didn't want to go, but Fleur and Cora insisted, well basically dragged me there.


Cora trimmed her brows and did whole body waxing, Fleur colored her hair. I trimmed my hair and did a hydration treatment for them.


We head to our next destination, the nail salon. We did our nails. Cora did beautiful rainbow acrylic nails, while Fleur kept it natural. I didn't like anything.


"Come one Ava," Cora whined.


"I don't like anything here," I pouted.


"Ma'am you can also customize your nail art," the worker said.


"Come on," Fleur said.


I looked through all of them, but nothing touched my heart. Suddenly, Alpha Xavier's face flashed before my eyes and I open my eyes.



"I would like one," I said and the lady smiled.


After getting our nails done, we went to the cinema and then had dinner at a cozy restaurant.


It was late when we reached home. I and Fleur head inside and went to our rooms. I opened the door and yelped.


Alpha Xavier was sitting on my bed. He has his eyes closed while facing the window.


"Wh-what are you doing here,"? I asked and turned to me.


"Where were you the whole day,"? He asked and I looked at him shocked. Did he notice that I wasn't home the whole day?


"None of your concern," I said and throw my phone on the bed.


"Love," he warned. I sucked at the nickname. I would if I said I didn't feel anything every time he calls me that. Every time, he calls me love, my heart started thumping wildly. My mind gets dizzy. My whole being is burned in the sweet flames.


I ignored him and went towards the window, I can feel him coming closer. My breath hitched when he touched my fingers. I turned around and looked at him, he took my hand and gazed at my nails. I tried taking my hand back, but he held it tightly. He was gazing at my nails. He looked at me in the eyes, his eyes dark with an unknown emotion. It's like he understood the meaning behind my nails.


My breath stopped when he took my hand to his lips and kissed each of my nails. He kissed my last nail and went outside of the room.


I looked at my nails, white flames. I had burned in the flames of his love. It's true, that love is like a fire, but whether it will warm your heart or burn your soul, no one knows. A lone tear escaped my eyes, as I reminisced everything.


Morning came by quickly, I did my morning routine and head downstairs. Today, Alpha Xavier had already left, as he had an early meeting with the school chairman. Taking a granola bar, I ran outside.


Reaching the school, I head straight to my class. The teacher wasn't present today, so everyone was engaged in their little groups. I went towards Cora and Fleur and sat beside them.


"Hey Ava," Cora said and we all hugged each other. We sat there talking to each other about yesterday's girls' day out when Owen came running towards us.


"Ava, you have to come with me," he almost shouted.


"Hey, Owene boy. Are you alright,"? Cora teased but he ignored her.


"Okay, But what happened? And why are you so shooked,"? I asked but he shook his head.


"Just come with me, please," he said and took my hand dragging me. I looked back at Cora and Fleur shocked. They didn't comment on anything and Started following us. He took me outside the school corridor and I heard cheering. I looked at him in question but he ignored me and increased his pace.



We came outside the school corridor, and I saw a large crowd formed, students were cheering. I looked at them confused. I was about to say something when Beta Daniel came running.


"Thank God you're here Luna. Stop them or else they will kill each other," he said and dragged me towards the crowd. I looked at the crowd and gasped. In the middle of the crowd were Alpha Xavier and Noah. They both were bloody and bruised. They were throwing punches at each other animatedly. Jessica was trying to stop them, but they weren't having any of it.


"Oh, my," Cora whispered shocked.


"Stop them, Ava," Owen shouted.


"Are you crazy? They will kill her," Cora yelled at him. Alpha Xavier's and Noah's eyes were black. Their wolves were fighting for dominance. They were on the last string of shifting. They were bearing their canniness to each other.


"Only Ava can stop Xavier. Only a mate can stop an angry Alpha," Beta Daniel said.


Noah swung a punch and it landed on Alpha Xavier's face, causing a loud cracking sound. Alpha Xavier wiped the blood from his lips and kicked Noah in his stomach. Before he can land a punch on him, I quickly dashed towards them and stood in between them. Closing my eyes, I braced myself for the impact but nothing came. I open my eyes and saw Alpha Xavier's fist hanging in the air.


"Are you fucking crazy," He yelled.


"You're the one killing each other like crazy," I yelled back.


"Today's episode is over guys," Beta Daniel shouted and everyone scurried away.


"I would've killed you, you stupid girl," Alpha Xavier glared at me. And somehow it was true, his one punch would've killed me especially since I'm human now.


"You both were killing each other and you expect me to just sit tight," I glared at him and his eyes softened a little but it turned dark again. He punched the tree behind him making it fall to the ground. He held my chin tightly making me yelp.

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