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Book online «In Loving Memory of Mom Norfolk by by The Eagle Peeps (free novels to read txt) 📖». Author by The Eagle Peeps

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always meant to be

The crowd was quiet, deep in their thoughts
Of all the meaning these lives had meant
To each of them and collectively. She understood the sadness and joy
Seeing them go free, just as it was always meant to be

She let out a deep breath toward these young lives, they almost stopped their flight
A presence felt of their Mom taken away so sudden and tragically.
Though they couldn’t see her invisible spirit somehow they knew
That her love and guidance surrounds them just as it was always meant to be

She had watched as man had taken her young from the tree
And as her mate flew back to the nest that had held the three
Saw him wait, to search the limbs and that he understood
That now he too was set free, just as it was always meant to be

Now it is up to them to learn what it means to be free
To learn through trial, error and at last success
To fish, to hunt, to perch, to preen. To someday mate and raise their young
That in the right time that it is just as it was always meant to be

So off she flew once more, over water and trees
To a much loved mate. To sit one more time in their special tree
She touched her beak to his and softly said our children have grown.
Starting a life of their own to be the eagles just as it was always meant to be

Saying to him that at the right time, you to must begin again
Your life away from the one we shared. A new mate for you and children too
A wonderful father you’ve always been and will always be
To go on and create another legacy. Just as it was always meant to be

Her young had been cared for so lovingly. Her mate will move on as it is his destiny
There was no more that man could do, there was no more could she.
With these last whispered words, fly away above where the eye can see
For I shall always be near, just as it was always meant to be.


Thoughts are running through my head at warp speed so I know I will never be able to express all that I am grateful for to these wonderful organizations.
- To NBG -

Thank you for bringing the world of Eagles to people all over and making our world a much kinder, gentler place because you opened our eyes and hearts to this wonderful Eagle family. We united in the joy of watching these three babies hatch, in the devotion of Mom and Dad Norfolk had for them and almost as importantly for each other, in the joy of watching them as they were banded and gender identified and lastly less than a week later in the unspeakable sorrow of losing our beloved Legacy Lady. The memorial for her was magnificent and I am sure the dedication of the meeting area and bench that is being developed will be superb as well.
- To WCV -

The care and devotion of this organization to not only our "Rock Stars", but all wildlife speaks volumes toward the quality of everyone there. Not only have you embraced our babies, but also the thousands of their adoring followers. We could not have asked nor hoped for an organization as willing as you have been to care about us to the point you have. You have gone far and above the "call of duty" and will forever hold a place in the hearts of so many.
- To WVEC and CCB -

Without you none of this would have been possible. Your continuing support of the cam is giving us so much more insight into these babies.
- To Our Mods -

Words can't describe the patience and understanding you have shown us. Even when you were heartbroken and grieving for Mom Norfolk, you stayed with us late into the night and "held our hands" and continue to do so to this day.

Ann Batterton

It will never be goodbye

by Carol Senechal

It will never be goodbye
To our sweet three

Fly high fly free
Our sweetest three

"Mother Eagle”

by Carrie Scott

An angel who once brushed her wings across the clear blue sky
Has left a hole in the hearts of so many and it isn't hard to understand why
There was something so inspiring with the way in which you lived your life
Always grateful for the blessings, always persevering through the strife

So much has been learned from you, even if you were unaware
How to bring together a family, how to love, and how to share
You taught us how to take a moment, and look with deep reflection
At how busy life can be, and how important it is to go beyond ourselves and make a true connection

Days that seemed so ordinary suddenly held such pleasure
Watching how your young ones grew, and how you and your mate worked together
When you'd bed the eaglets down for the night I often said a prayer
That in the morning the sun would rise, and the same joyous scene would be there

Thinking on things tonight as your young bed down within the nest
I cast a glance towards the heavens and ask a soft request
While you have flown from the world, don't let your spirit die
Be in the hearts of your young ones, so that they may learn to fly

Let your spirit cast down upon your mate for I have no doubt he grieves
Bless each catch of fish that he makes, and each meal your family receives
Give him strength to persevere this is no easy plight
Grant him the solace in knowing you do not suffer, that you have faith everything will be alright

Look down this night from skies above and know that your loss was not in vain
For even in death you as still teach us, how to hold one another closer, and live in spite of the pain
An angel now nestled above the world looking down from high above
A majestic symbol of liberty, a mother of everlasting love.

An Eaglet's Blessing

You have lived such a short time and yet
Have nestled deep within our hearts and and created memories we will never forget
From the moment you took your first gaze at the world a new
There was a bond created between all who shared in your lives a feeling so deep and true

Your growth and development, each captured breath and stride
Stirred feelings of nurturing, of warmth and unprecedented pride
The way you seemed to change and flourish every single day
A gain towards independence, though your parents were never far away

The loss and sadness of your mothers passing, something you should never had to know
The last gaze at your nest and home, for your sake it was time to go
Into a world so vast far from the garden which provided for your protection
Pulling and extending the bond between us all, strengthening the everlasting connection

The world prays for you, sends thoughts of love
Knowing your mother is with you, though she now soars from high above
Her spirit holds you close, the warmest embrace
Her protection and guidance no matter how many obstacles you face

Your father searches for you, taking to the sky
He senses your gone, but can't understand why
Know that he loved you and that he always will
There will be a place within his heart that no other will fill

As I sit here now to the heavens I ask a soft request
Bless the little ones as they bed down in their nest
The day has been so trying they must be so confused and stressed
Grant them peaceful dreams and a comfortable rest

In the coming days I ask that you guide the hands of those who care for them in hopes that they can thrive
I know deep within my soul that with the resources and care they have the strength to survive
Give them will to soar, give them their chance to fly
Allow their wings to brush across the heavens under their mother's watchful eye.

Written by: Carrie Scott

An Eaglet’s Voice

I’ll let you know I’m ready when you look into my eye
You’ll see my mother’s spirit there encouraging me to fly
I’ll let you know I’m ready when you see the expanse of my wings
I’ve had a heavy weight to bear but I know I can overcome all things

I’ll let you know I’m ready when I take that last breath in your arms and you let me go
Into the world that is so vast, to rely on instinct and to discover what I have yet to know
I’ll let you know I’m ready when I fail to look back
I’ll have confidence enough in myself, to forage my own path, and start life on the right track

In my life this is the first chapter, there is so much more ahead
I’ll improve the skills I’ve been given so that I can hunt and be well fed
I’ll see the world on agile wings and take note of all that is far and near
See the sights of those who came before me, and find a nesting space that I will hold dear

Someday when I am grown you’ll see all of the traits my mother instilled in me
That with courage and unrelenting strength we can beat all odds and overcome adversity
No storm shall dampen my spirit, no intruder shall outwit me or strike fear in my heart
A bond between mates is unbreakable, and each day is a blessing, unblemished, a fresh start

That there is nothing simple about raising young, emotions always run high
Tending to each need, understanding when to step back, and letting the young have a chance to try
Being willing to watch as the young attempt to stand alone though they are unsteady
Knowing when to push them to take wing, realizing that they are ready

These words sit deeply now within my heart as the day of release draws near
The stirring of my wild nature grows stronger and the call to fly free is all that I can hear
I know to some I seem ordinary and will be just another eagle in the sky
But in the hearts of many in this world I am proof that legacies live on and memories never die

Written by: Carrie Scott

To the Amazing Mod Squad

Since the day I first found the cam you were there
Filled with knowledge,with grace and wanting to teach and to share
You were the ones who made it known no question is without merit
You’ve taught us how to handle tough news with courage
even when we are not ready to hear it.

You became a shoulder upon which many could lean,
A finer group chosen there could not have been
For like the eagles you embody such wisdom and spirit
Facing each new challenge with strength, never seeing reason to fear it

You are nurturing

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