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watched a father eagle's heart break that day. It was one of the most awful things I have ever had to watch in my entire life, and my heart just ached. My life has been forever changed, more than anyone will ever know, and more than these eagles will ever comprehend or understand.

I know that with God, everything happens for a reason. I want to believe that momma NBG did not die in vain and that her memory and her family will live on in the hearts of those who loved her - even those of us who never knew her. But I also believe that everything happens for a reason, and while we may NEVER know why this wonderful creature had to leave us, I know that her passing has led me to make some signficant changes in my life...and for that, I am forever grateful to her and this wonderful eagle family. God bless Lady Legacy, and God bless the lovely family she left behind.

Sorry for such a long post...I just couldn't help it. I feel so moved by this. I guess it all feels like a dream to me. Like I woke up from a dark and dreary dream that I've been in for 10 years. Since Lady Legacy's passing, I have literally stopped all of the nonsense in my life. I have been known as the woman who never sleeps - too many responsibilities in my life, too many hours wasted on things that don't really matter, always on the go and always in a rush. I always tell people that I am constantly "on", I could never say no to anyone or anything, and I truly only slept about 4 hours per day. I don't know why, but this tragedy and these eagle families have given me a whole new perspective on life.

In the past 5 months, I have gone from a crazy, always on the go, raving lunatic of a wife and mother, to slowing down, eliminating things from my schedule and from my life, spending more time with my family, enjoying more time with my daughter, working less hours, focusing on MYSELF and my health and well-being...and having a completely different mindset all together.

My husband and I have been through some pretty significant tragedies and life-changing events (he was in a severe motorcycle accident 11 years ago, loss of limbs, coma, life-support, 27 blood transfusions, 14 surgeries, over 7 years of rehab, pretty much as bad as it could get without actually dying from his injuries), but it was a simple creature that could make me turn my life completely around and realize what truly is important...and better yet, what is NOT important at all.

Thank you Lady Legacy and Momma Decorah; you ladies are truly the epitome of what a great mother is, and what we should ALL strive to be! All of you lovely people on this wild journey, the Decorah's Facebook page (Raptor Resource Project), the Wildlife Center of Virginia, the FOES page and Eagle Nation have all become a part of my life, and for that I am thankful! You helped me create a memory…one that will forever be etched in my heart and part of my life.

I will remember you…

They will come to collect you as the early morning sun crests over the hill
You’ll have eaten breakfast and stuffed your crops ensuring to get your fill
They will catch you one at a time and ready you for the journey ahead
You’ll fight them at every turn, not able to understand what’s happening your heart beating with anxiety instead

They will drive you away from the flight pen that became your home
You’ll stare out in disbelief, questioning the unknown
They will take you to a space wide open and free
You will spread your wings displaying your might and accepting your destiny

They will release you watching as you take to sky
You’ll miss the outpouring of emotion, the tears in their eye
They will watch until you’re well out of sight
You’ll fail to look back, knowing this is your plight

They will return with stories and news
Discussing their thoughts and sharing their views
All of which will be unique that is true
None of them completely echoing how I will remember you

I will remember you as the son and daughters of an angel so majestic and kind
Who was called home by her creator her destiny defined
I will remember you as the bobble-heads who captured my heart
Who needed nurture and care to truly get their start

I will remember you as the young ones who stood on wobbly legs and feet
Determined to strike out from under your mother, to gain personality ever innocent and sweet
I will remember you for the mournful look in your eye
The day your father returned, whispering your mother’s good-bye

I will remember you as fledglings catching the air
Realizing that in spite of hardships for the outside it was now time to prepare
I will remember the look of determination, of strength, and the will to thrive
When you realized you had all the tools you would need to survive

I will remember you as the eagles NV, NX and NZ
Who boldly carried on their mother’s legacy
I will remember you fondly for your grace as you would fly by
Knowing that with each pass, we were closer to saying good bye

I will remember you as the first wild creature who ever created a connection
That allowed me to bond with others without fear or rejection
I will remember you as eagles that inspired me to pen
Countless words and phrases through tears that may never end

I will remember you long after you’ve flown free
Symbols of unity, passion, and liberty…..

----Carrie Scott

Release Day Farewell

Kathy Pujia-McGalla

It's time for you to go.
It's time to say goodbye.
We knew we couldn't keep you
within our watchful eye.
It's difficult to do this...
but it's love that sets you free.
It's time for you to fly now...
over land and over sea.

You've been given the best care
a human can possibly give.
The only regret that we all have...
is that your mama didn't live.
But you have her inside you...
and dad's genes are there too
to help you and to guide you--
to do what eagles do.

Farewell my feathered friends,
my gosh we'll miss you so!
Your family touched us in a way
that others will never know.
We came together because of you...
and did some good along the way.
Hurry now my little ones...
your life begins today.


by Pam Matthews

One day when I was home alone,
a thought - then an idea came to me.
a FaceBook page called Eagle Peeps
where a few eagle friends could gather and meet.
Then one night when I was watching TV,
I noticed a lot of “Peeps” activity.
So I signed onto chat,
and saw with much glee,
MVK had made a post
that a good place for eagle friends to be
was Eagle Peeps a FB eagle family.

It all started that night
and who would have guessed,
that our family would grow
and be oh so blessed!

For as long as we can,
together we’ll be
Sharing friendship and love
as our sweet Eagles fly free.

Thank you all Eagle Peeps for enriching my life.

Thank You for the Peeps

Diane Landry

NBG, DGIF and WVEC gave me a special family that stole my heart...
A terrible tragedy happened that broke my heart...
The wonderful Mod Squad held my heart...
And the Beautiful folks at WCV helped to heal my heart.
And wonderful new friends grow in my heart...A Big Thank You To All...

Watch For Me

You watched me as I hatched
High up in a loblolly pine
You were riveted as I ate
And captivated as I slept
You stared at your computer screen
As I was lowered from my nest
Not once, but twice
Frozen in place, unable to move
You were mesmerized as I grew
At the wildlife place
So absorbed you didn't eat
So spellbound you couldn't sleep
You gazed at the screen
Enthralled as I prepared to fly free
You've watched me all this time
So now I ask you
Watch for me now up in the sky
Get up from your chair and go outside
Look up
And watch for me
I may be in the rustle of the trees
I may be flying so high you can't even see
But I'm out there now...somewhere...
Watch for me.

By Cathy Childers

On Eagle Wings

On eagle wings
you fly on high
So majestic and so free
With speed and grace
Without a trace
Of tragedy in your life.
Your mom is gone
And Dad moved on
And strangers did step in
To help you grow
And learn to know
The spirit of being free.
From fuzzy eaglets
To Rock Star juvies
We watched with heavy hearts
We knew we’d have
To set you free
To fly among the stars.
Today you returned
To freedom skies
Mom’s spirit running deep
Soaring high above
On eagle wings
Live free we pray, God’s speed.

By Brenda Lake

Three Eaglets

by Carrie Scott

Three young eaglets sitting and surveying their flight pen,
knowing in a few short days they will never see it again.

Reflecting on their time at NBG the grief that struck their young family.

Remembering the time sitting in the manmade nest, realizing that flying and perching is what eagles do best.

Recalling the day the blue plates went away, though the care and love of WCV staff would always stay.

Visualizing all of their captures for weigh ins and how Dr. M they could never outwit,
trying to soar countless times up towards the roof, knowing through the slats they could not fit.

Forever heading towards the sky, knowing their story has only just begun and it’s time for freedom, to take the path not taken, the one less traveled by.

Three little eaglets sitting on a swing, ready for freedom, prepared for what life will bring.

A New Dawn

By Carrie Scott

I am the sound the wind as it rustles through the trees.

I am the flowers in bloom, the buzzing of bees.

I am the sun as it cascades across the sky, the sound of the song birds as they sing praise on high.

I am the sound of the rain, the sparkle of rocks on the shore.

I am a mother of legacy waiting for my children to soar.

I am the warm embrace they will feel when they are alone or afraid,

I am the branches of trees upon which nests will be made.

I am the rush of the river as the water flows free,

I am the protector, the guide helping my babies fulfill their destiny.

So long after the cam darkens and the children have gone,

Think not of this day as the end, they have simply moved on.

Looking towards their future, each day a new dawn.


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