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many of us though you may not know
In sharing your world you have made us understand the natural flow
Of life with all of its highs and at times a great low
I’ll be really sad when the season ends and this blog has to go

Though it is only this season that I have been a viewer and I can say without a doubt
That without you this would be just another cam that someone had put out
The personal touch, the unification, bringing together groups of people from across the nation
To many of us you’ve become a true inspiration

Reminding us all that no matter the distance, and although we were brought together by fate
When it comes to wild life, the desire to care and to learn it’s never too late
There will never be enough words to describe my gratitude it is true
So it is with humbled heart and soul that I offer this small thank you

Written by: Carrie Scott

ENN News

Written by Wings


This is not a rumor; I happen to have an unimpeachable source that swears this is true. The Rock Stars have been throwing a party today. They opened the sliding door and invited their 3 neighbors over for a barbeque. Sushi appetizers were served followed by smoked rat on a skewer. Drinks of the finest talon-feather water, aged at least 24 hours. Stick bobbing contests and pine cone relay races to the end of the flight pen and back. The swing landing contest, which is a favorite of all eaglets, to see who can land the hardest on the swing after a fast flight from the end of the pen and make the most eaglets fall off. No points are earned if they over shoot the swing and land on the net unless they do the bat impression for at least 30 seconds without struggling. After that, they’ll probably relax and take a much needed soak in the spas. A good time will be had by all and all of us will miss it….hopefully, they will post pictures on WCV FB.

ENN News

Written by Wings


Eagle Nation News******The Rock Stars are loving that they aren’t being spied upon again today. Food and fresh water was delivered yesterday afternoon. Of course, they had to hide their hibachi under an A-frame so it wouldn’t be seen by the 2-legged aliens and close the sliding door so no suspicions were aroused. Afterwards it was party, party, party with fresh meat and water. They played the rat bombing game where one would fly with the rat and drop it on the A-frame to see whose aim was the best, while hovering close to the ceiling. This was a test of their catch and release and hovering skills. The winner, NZ, received a pair of Ed Clark facsimile slippers, which she strutted in, accompanied by the hoots and hollers of all, in front of the non working camera. You gotta love their sense of irony.

ENN News

Written by Wings

***7/1** ENN**

From Eagle Nation News**Not to refute Ed Clark’s posting but: There is a rumor circulating in the Eagle Nation that the camera outage was NOT due to the storm or an accident. It has been known for quite a while that certain nefarious factions, in the woods surrounding WCV, have been unhappy with the publicity our NBG eaglets and their Friends have been getting. An anonymous source, hidden in a hollowed out dead tree to protect his/her identity, told ENN that one of those groups was not happy with the wires being strung through their trees and decided to do something about it. The description of these perpetrators is rather vague: Grayish-brown fur, talks gibberish, about 8 inches tall with a fuzzy, jittery tail. Several of them were last seen running along the cable, laughing maniacally on the date the cam went down. While this accusation cannot be proven…it cannot be disproven either…leaving us with a Hmmmm! Further investigation is needed. We look forward to Mr.Clark’s rebuttal.

ENN News

Written by Wings


Another anonymous source…code name EMS Momma..has brought us valuable information regarding the strange lights, seen by the local inhabitants living in the forest, in the flight pen after the cam is shut down for the night. We investigated last evening and have an egg-sclusive report. Apparently, they used Ed’s credit card number, which was surreptitiously “Lifted” the day he modeled those eagle shoes, and ordered an extra large pizza with extra, raw anchovies and fish oil instead of tomato sauce. They didn’t care for the pizza dough so afterwards they used it as an eagle toss blanket. One eaglet sits on the dough and the others try to toss him as high as they could. NX showed her great skills by turning in mid air, after being tossed, grabbing one of the rafters and hanging like a bat, with wings fully spread, for an entire minute. Everyone was very impressed. NX has turned out to be quite a party girl. Remember folks, we don’t make the news, we just report it.

ENN News

Written by Wings

***7/4** ENN**

Fish dogs and Rat kabobs, marinated in a delectable carrion sauce, were on the menu for the 4th of July celebration at The Pen. Merriment was under way as soon as the camera was turned off last night. An interesting aside here, I think the Rock Stars have access to the internet. Last night while MVK was moderating, Lois in Oregon suggested they be issued little flags to hold in their mouths as they fly back and forth. Well, folks, there they were flying back and forth with little flags, not in their mouths, but clutched in their talons. They actually made a relay game of it. Two flying towards each other from opposite ends of The Pen, one with a flag, the other turns upside down mid-flight and takes the flag and flies it to the other perch. This technique will actually help them snatch fish from Osprey when they return to the wild. These kids are honing their survival skills! And you wonder why they just sit around all day when the camera is on?

ENN News

Written by Wings

***7/7 ** ENN**

The mystery…where do they keep all [...]their party stuff? Nothing is seen on camera. When the checkups are done nothing is said about hibachis, light strings, MP3 players, or anything else strewn about the enclosure. My sources tell me there was a “pay-off” to the guys renovating The Pen for installation of a chamber under the nest. Which explains why the work “took longer than expected!” Remember the photo of NV under the nest when he supposedly “accidentally fell out??” Well, folks we believe it was a well planned “accident” for taking measurements. Another photo that arouses suspicion is when NV and NX came back to the newly renovated pen and NV immediately sat in that little tub under the nest. Remember how long NV stayed in that tub staring under the nest? I think he was scoping out the area to ascertain whether “the vault” under the nest was disguised enough so humans wouldn’t notice. Where would you put your toys if you were 3 naughty eagles?

ENN News

Written by Wings


This Vinny is a suspicious character. Think about it– a guy named Vincenzo from NY? You don’t get “vibes” from that? Ever wonder why he volunteers to deliver the food and clean out The Pen? Next time he comes in, watch what the Rock Stars do; They fly to the end of the enclosure where the nest used to be. Ever wonder why? I did. Of course, it took draping myself in leaves to look like a nondescript bush outside the enclosure in order to get this information. I hope the Eagle Nation appreciates what I have to go through to get these “scoops” because those leaves turned out to be poison ivy! When you see them off camera, they are putting the supplies away that Vinny has brought to them, in that vault where the nest was, and leaving a “token” of their appreciation. Education is expensive these days, so Vinny needs to supplement his meager income somehow. Doing a favor for the Rock Stars now, may earn him a “favor” in the future from them or one of their contacts. Capiche?

ENN News


Busy day at The Pen during the cam outage of Sat. 7/9. The Rock Stars enlisted Vinny’s help once again to make changes to the The Pen. WCV did not know Vinny was working “off the books” on Saturday. It is very time consuming to bring out and put away extension cords and string party lights even with 6 eagles (or 5 if you use Shoebutton’s math) helping. Picture that chaos in your mind! It’s funnier than Ed modeling those Eagle slippers. Vinny dug trenches outside and hid the extension cords in the ground. He then purloined a ladder to climb up on the roof and strung the lights by weaving them through the rafters so they can’t be readily seen from the inside. After all this was done he hid a couple of speakers behind the white tarp in back of the black netting. Now they just have to flip a switch and voilà instant party lights! There is more time for firing up the hibachi, plugging in the MP3 player and enjoying Eagle frivolity; and less time needed to put away all their toys before sunup. I’m not accusing the Rock Stars of sabotaging the cam but how did Vinny know the cam was going to be off line; and how did he know he could go help them do this without being seen on camera on Saturday? The “innocence” of the Norfolk three is beginning to tarnish a bit…just saying!

ENN News

Written by Wings


Amanda is so cute…gullible, but cute. She actually thinks they pass notes to each other under the sliding door….what a hoot! Door opening 101: 3 on one side, one on top of the other, grab the door with talons and 3 on the other side same way. Then they flap their wings; this “flying in place” opens the door. Pretty clever for “not so bright bulbs” don’t you think? Amanda, Dr. Miranda and Suzy have been going nutso trying to figure out how our Rock Stars communicate with the outside world. Every time they are weighed, if you think they are checking their feathers for health…think again. Our Rock stars are being frisked (WCV’s TSA) head to toe to figure out where the cell phone is...Amateurs! Everyone knows eagles don’t have pockets! These “professionals” have never dealt with 6 eagles determined to keep their private life “private.” AND, I think Vinny or Ben may have ratted out ENN because my leaf cam disappeared necessitating another trek into the woods.

ENN News

***7/15**ENN **

Eagles line dancing! Now there is a sight to behold! Six eagles lined up, with their wings slightly spread (they don’t have thumbs to hook in their non-existent pockets) looking like little Sumo wrestlers, trying to keep time to Allen Jackson’s “Good Time!” Side-stepping, back-stepping, front-stepping, twirling and trying to touch wing tip to foot. Watching eagles stomping, clomping, and jumping around to music is not something the human brain was meant to process. Forget clapping….eagles can’t do it, feathers coming together make no noise. That heel-to-toe step was a doozy; their “heel” is halfway up their leg and they kept falling over every time they tried it. They looked like feathered footballs wobbling around on the gravel with their yellow feet in the air. The eagle frivolity at night has attracted

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