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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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had locked back into place, andwas already springing forward to meet him half way.

I was half a step behind.

I punched Breandan in the neck causinghim to gurgle oddly then twisted round to plant myself in front ofhim protectively when Tomas tried to maneuver him into a chokehold.Grabbing the vampire by his coal black hair, I rammed my fist intohis solar plexus. I pivoted on the ball of my foot, and with myback to him snapped my elbow into his nose then again into hisstomach. The double tap was done with a speed and sharpness beyondmy own comprehension. His feet left the ground and he flew back. Herode his own darkness like a wave, somersaulting in the air, andlanding silently. He snarled at me – entire body trembling inrage.

I tugged on the darkness trying toappeal to his better nature. It was a thick broiling cloud. Itswelled the edges blurry but more present than I had ever felt. Itcalled to me, the sinister depth alluring.

Breandan tried to use my pause to hisadvantage and sped past. I beat my wings twice and lifted from thefloor. I kicked him in the stomach and again higher up on the chestwith the other foot – running up his body – using the powerfulimpacts to flip over and land in a crouch with my left leg slidingout to expel the spare momentum. My fairy staggered back and glaredat me balefully.

Chest heaving, I held myhand out to him and pleaded with my eyes. Words could not to conveythe sentiments I felt, so I sent a plea with a wave of love.Please. The entreaty hit awall and dissipated.

Breandan was done letting me sway hisdecision when it came to my vampire.

Reason had fled this place.

The air crackled with the intensityradiating from the three of us – elemental power pure and potent.Neither boy looked ready to quit and I was long past rationale. Ibuzzed with anger. Strength and speed were physical burdens racingthrough my veins.

Breandan pulled his gaze from thevampire to flick over my face. His jaw worked, but never did thetension in his body lessen. He saw it in my eyes that I was in thisto the end like he was. He understood. I would not back down, notnow, not ever. Apprehension flickered in his eyes when he glancedat me, quickly repressed by cold calculation. I focused my mentalabilities on the barrier he had erected to keep me out of hismind.

I tuned into our bond, throwing myselfinto it like I never had before. Reaching out with mental fingersto slip past the barricades and trenches he’d created across hispsyche to keep me out. I was sucked down a channel of emotioncrammed with the intentions behind his actions. A flash ofknowledge burned into my mind’s eye as the jealousy and hatred hefelt for Tomas poured into me. My nature panted inapproval.

Dragging myself back, I saw the worldwith my own eyes once more and understood Breandan with a luciditythat defied logic.

My feet slid apart, boots making asoft scraping noise as I eased them apart. My knees bent and Ibounced from side to side. I was hyper aware of everything. The lowgrowl from Tomas that never left his lips rang loud in my ears.Breandan’s heart thumped into his ribcage – racing with the thrillof the chance to rid himself of this rival for my heart.

The three of us measured each otherand acknowledged that this fight would take everything.

If Breandan got the upper hand, Tomaswas dead. If the vampire managed to get his fangs into the fairy’sneck, he could drain him in seconds.

The blood rushed in my ears as thefinality of this moment swept over me. Neither of them would backdown so I had to win this. If not, one would be lost to me forever.Oh gods. A bubble of panic had tears threatening to fall. No. Ineeded to stay calm and focus. I had to use what I had seen andmanipulate it to my advantage.

Breandan favored his left fist andwould always swing left if presented with a choice. Tomas’ fangsand his ability to cloak his next moves in darkness were hisgreatest weapons. Breandan had difficulty in anticipating his nextstrike so he had to take the blows and deliver his own with enoughforce to wind the vampire. Both were blinded by the fact they hatedeach other, and were sloppy in executing their defensive blocks.They wanted to attack, advance, and cause pain. Both focused theirenergies on the offensive rather than defending their vitalspots.

Breandan stepped closer, as did Tomas.I had no choice but to move forward too. Our circle closed step bystep until we were a mere leap away.

“Rae,” Tomas growled. “Youmust leave this place.”

“Agreed,” Breandan saidsimply. His eyes were opaque gray, pupils dilated.

My chin lifted as a sudden gust ofwind whipped my hair into my face. “I will not.”

We three stood, tense, aware. Silence.Who would make the first move? Who would be the one to start thebeginning of the end?

Tomas broke first – a flurried lungeand swipe. In slow motion, I watched as Breandan’s foot shot outand clipped him in the jaw. The fairy’s fist swung toward me and Ireacted – realizing a fraction of a second too late his other armheaded for my torso. His open palm connected with my upper bodyeven as his left fist sailed past my head as I jerked to avoidit.

I had trusted my instincts and myinstincts had been wrong. My mind reeled as the end of this fightbecame horribly clear to me.

By the gods, it wasimpossible. No one, nothing, could movethat fast.

The blow to my chest vibrated my wholebody. The force behind it sent me airborne, soaring back until Ihit the building steps with such momentum they buckled inward. Withimmeasurable speed and unbeatable grace – even as I flew throughthe air – Breandan’s legs shot out in a double kick that jerkedTomas to the left then instantly to the right. Tomas crumpled tothe ground in a tangled sprawl of limbs. My fairy was on him andrained blows upon his limp body; a left hook to the ribs, astraight jab to

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