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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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slightest motionof Tomas’ hand, she relaxed her stance. She sent me a sorrowfullook then looked away at the floor where Devlin’s body hadlain.

My blood ran cold. Was the he-witchhere for me already? I lifted my chin. I had faced him before and Iwould again. No matter if I was tried, emotionally drained, unableto use magic, and struggling to hold myself upright. I had facedhim before and come out alive. I ignored the voice in my head thatwhispered the fear I had not hurt the he-witch, but that he hadleft of his own accord with a parting message….

“Feicfidh mé thú go luath,deirfiúr,” I muttered.

I didn’t know what it meant, but itfelt like he meant me to think of it – of him – until our nextmeeting.

An odd slapping soundsnagged my attention. Gwendolyn scuttled back on her heels awayfrom me. “Labhraíonn sí an teanga ar anwitches?” Gwendolyn spat at Tomas.“Dúirt tú liom go bhfuil sí eolasbeag.”

“Níl sí ar Cael’sCoven,” Tomas replied in a soothing voice.“Calma síos.”

“You understood what Isaid?” I asked them both sharply.

“We have an alliance withthe Blackthorn Coven,” Gwendolyn said with an odd roundaboutrolling of her eyes. “Of course we speak the tongue of theirincantations.”

“Alliance?’ I echoed.“Tomas didn’t make it sound as voluntary as that.”

“Because it’s not,” Daphneconfessed. “Cael’s hold over us grows stronger by the day.” Sheplaced a hand on her stomach, which gurgled loudly. “I don’t knowif we could survive without him if we tried. He sends us blood,be-spelled blood that keeps us full enough to do his grunt work.It’s the only reason we’re alive.”

Gods, it kept getting worse. My handsfisted in anger. “Tell me what it means.” The look Gwendolyn gaveme was rude and self satisfied. This vampire Queen was somewhatunderwhelming now I had seen how insecure she was. I ground my backteeth together, understanding why Breandan succumbed to the habitso often. The pressure helped ease the anger and frustrationbuilding behind the eyeballs. “It’s not that big a deal. Tell meyou demented–”

“I will see you soon,sister,” Daphne blurted. “That’s what it means, Rae.”

Gwendolyn slapped her.

I hissed and she snarled lurchingforward, but Daphne was already in front of me, fangs bared, eyesflashing black.

“Enough,” Tomas said in ahard voice.

Daphne straightened and bowed herhead. Gwendolyn sniffed and crossed her arms, leaned back on herheel as she fixed me with a glare.

Already over it, I frowned, and lookedto Tomas for confirmation of what had been said. He gave a smallnod.

“That’s it?’ I muttered.But it makes no sense. I’m not part of his Coven, and–”

“And thank the gods forthat,” Gwendolyn butted in. Recovering fully from her sudden rage,she drew herself up tall. “Well, my consort and his loyalsubordinate have spoken out of turn yet again, I see.” She gavesaid mate a lethal look. “No matter, such things can be dealt with.Come along, he is waiting, and the night grows old.”

Gwendolyn waited until Tomas claspedher extended hand. They left the room, but not before his dark gazepinned Daphne for the briefest of moments, and she returned theunreadable look with a deep nod. She motioned me to walk, and sinceI had no choice, I did.

We climbed a steep and narrowstaircase and exited into a long, high ceilinged passage. The painton the walls was flaking and the corners of yellowed wallpapercurled down almost to the floor in some places. The dry, moldysmell was intense. It smelt like vampire and my nature recoiled,disgusted. And for once I didn’t fight the feeling. I noted thebuilding was empty of life apart from us. Where was the rest ofNest? There were no humans to hunt so where had they allgone?

“Are we the only oneshere?” I asked Daphne in a low murmur that managed to echo loudlydown the empty hallway.

Tomas glanced over his shoulder, hiseyes two black pits, unreadable.

“Yes,” Daphne spoke low inmy ear, her cold lips so close they brushed across my earlobe. “TheNest has been sent to look for the grimoire. Cael managed todiscover from the fairy High Lord that he had hidden it somewherein the city.” Her eyes darted forward to the back of Gwendolyn’sdark head. “But they won’t find it,” she said with a hint ofexcitement. “They’ll never find it.”

We exited the building into the emptystreet where Tomas had fed from me.

Raindrops spattered on my face, and Iblinked, wiped them from my nose, and breathed indeeply.

I stopped mid-breath my heartsoaring.

Sunlight. I could smellsunlight.

Chapter Ten

Breandan was alone. He stood at thebase the stone steps with his hands fisted together, head back,eyes closed. He was magnificent. Lean body taut he burned withsilver light. His black tattoos were outlined starkly against hispale skin, and taut dark edges seemed to glow. His wings restedtightly against his back, and his tail weaved lazily through theair. He breathed deeply, this I could tell from the steady rise andfall of his chest though what he tasted in the air I could not say.The angered expression on his face was intense, and when his headsnapped forward, he opened his eyes, and focused completely on ourbond. His gaze became a weapon that flew through the air andspeared Tomas, who stumbled half a step back.

Rain fell heavily and soaked ourclothes. My hair plastered to my head in a matter of moments, andwater ran from my fingertips in small streams, droplets flickingwildly as I trembled.

Delirious with relief I lurchedforward then paused, wincing, expecting someone to grab me. No onestopped me. I shot a wide-eyed look at Daphne.

She tried to smile, but it tumbledfrom her face leaving behind a worried frown. Her eyes flicked toTomas and squinted in pain. I too looked to my vampire and saw hewatched Breandan with a look of resigned acceptance that he triedto hide with defiance. I took a more confident step, and when noone moved I rushed forward. As I passed Tomas, I ignored thefrisson of longing that seemed to spark between us, and jumped downthe steps of the house. The rainwater trickled ahead of me like ashallow river until

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