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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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his. “Whyhave you done this?”

Tomas glanced at the body in thecorner. “That was not my doing. He and his followers entered thecity and Gwendolyn defended her territory. No doubt she was hungrytoo.”

My mouth swung open, and all I couldsee was a chain of events that had spiraled out of control and ledme to this moment. Was this my fault? No … he had come here toescape his own mad actions. Knowing this made the sight in front ofme no less easy to bear. “Do you have any idea what you’vedone?”

The body explained why Devlin hadunexpectedly disappeared from my future, from everybody’sfuture.

He simply did not have oneanymore.

In this moment of pain, I did notthink of the entire fairy race but of Wasp. She would bedevastated. Hell, deranged would be a better description. Iremembered Devlin speak of his life-mate. The way the insanity haddrained from his eyes to be replaced with adoration. He would nothave left her, anyone else but her. What if that had been Breandanlying there and I was her?

I spun on him with tears in my eyes.“You evil, heartless–”

Blurring into motion Tomas pressed hisforehead to mine and backed me against the wall. My wrists werepinned to my side as one of his thighs slid between my legs untilmy feet lifted off the floor.

“No. No, I have a heart andit is yours. I even have a soul though you may question this as Iwillingly did this to you despite the tie we share. You put yourtrust in me, gifted me all faith in the hope I was a clean dark. Ihave manipulated and pulled you. Twisted your mind until it wasconfused and pliant.” I turned my head as the knife in my hearttwisted at his words, but he simply pressed himself harder into meand spoke into my ear. “You should know I always meant to bring youhere, but I could not have imagined losing the love that lingersinside me to one such as you.” Stunned, my head snapped round so Icould see his face. He peered into my eyes, his blinkless stareallowing my own unfaltering gaze to measure his. “Whatever youthink of me, if you never dare trust another word that comes frommy mouth, I beg you to believe that.”

He released my wrists and eased back.My feet touched the ground and my heart thundered in mychest.

My hands lifted, fell. What did Ifeel? Not the same overwhelming need to connect that broke me downeach time Breandan came too near. It was not the flare of need, andwant, that attacked me before Breandan and I touched.

I reached up again, steeling myself,and my palms slid over his cool face and my eyes closed.

When my skin touched his, there wasnot a dual sense of completeness and breathless infatuation.Something was there. The same spark that allowed the blood tie toform between us. It was hot, and bright, and when I tried to touchit or see it more clearly it burned me. Possibly such a thing isnot to be understood, or endured? How did it get there in the firstplace? Why did Tomas appeal to me so but not enough to form anattachment over what I felt for Breandan? Why was I pulled to himthen ultimately here? To this Nest where once again my life hung inthe balance.

“I don’t understand you,” Iwhispered. Frustration gave way to anger for I simply could notfigure this thing between us out. I knew I should hate him but Ididn’t. “I don’t understand us.”

He looked saddened when I took myhands away. “You don’t have to. I will protect you, Rae. Believe itor not you were not brought here for blood. Gwendolyn has a plan,but the Nest is hungry, and they will do everything they can totaste you. Few have any control and that situation would be … badfor you. So only I will feed from you and the others will feed fromme until I mange to discover what Gwen has planned.” He jerked hishead toward Devlin’s mangled and dry corpse. “That is more than Ican say for him.”

“Lucky me,” I muttered andput my hands back on him. I let them slide down his neck to hischest. Keeping eye contact, I started at his collarbone and draggedmy talons down his chest, ripping through the fabric of his top,and gouging deep groves that gushed with blood, my blood. I hissedand bared my teeth at him, as he snarled at me. “You will nevertaste me again. This I swear.”

As expected magic thickened in theair.

Tomas sniffed and his eyes darkened.“I don’t want you to die.”

I hissed. “How touching.”

“Don’t be like this.” Hetouched my cheek and I turned my head away, disgusted that my heartstill tripped at his touch. “We can make this work.”

I snapped my head back round to glareat him. “You’re delusional if you think Breandan is not on his waydown here with an army to tear you apart.”

The vampire’s lips lifted with a hintof a smirk. “Will he? The last memory he has of you is you walkingoff into the dark, with me. The vampire with whom you share a bloodtie.” He leaned in to whisper in my ear, his cool breath ticklingmy neck. “You’ve mated your fairy but still your tie to me remains.Why do you think that is?”

My conviction waved for less than abeat, and I ignored his barb about the blood tie’s significance.“He won’t be fooled. Breandan knows I’m his.” I shook my headpityingly. “When he gets here this Nest is finished. Hell, I’llhelp him stake you all in the sun with a smile.” I snapped for histhroat and he never even leaned back, he did not flinch.

His arms bracketed me and I bashed myhead back against the wall, upset with the wholesituation.

“Bold words yet here westand. You could kill me if you wanted to,” his gaze flicked to thecirclet that framed my face, “Priestess. So why don’t you? Kill methen walk out that door.”

I lifted my chin. “Step back.” Hislips quirked but he did as I asked. Pushing the hair out of my eyesmy hand trailed down to touch

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