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Book online «Fulfillment Golland, M. (best classic literature TXT) 📖». Author Golland, M.

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I yelled, hysterically, now moredesperate than ever to get to her.

Scott laughed,painfully, almost masochistically, “You won’t have to.”

What thefuck? I’d lost him. He was going to kill her, kill them both.This didn’t feel like a threat, it felt real—sounded real.

I had to getback to the apartment. “Scott!” I yelled, “Gareth, don’t—.”

The line wentdead.

“Fuck! Fuck!Fuck!” I roared with fear.

I looked outthe window of my car, only just barely being able to see the top ofCity Towers as I pulled into the street of my building’s entrance.Alexis was up there, held hostage by my mentally ill cousin. Shewas terrified, carrying my baby and wearing a ring on her fingerthat held a promise I had made to her, a promise I fucking intendedto keep.


With my heartthudding like fuck, I dialled Dale; my Head of Security, then I didsomething I thought I would never do in my life, I put my foot downand sped dangerously through the traffic, desperate to get to theapartment to save her.

After a coupleof rings, Dale picked up. “Yes, Sir.”

“Dale, get upto the penthouse now!—” I demanded.

“I’ll sendBrett, he’s on level 40 doing a—”

“Just fuckingdo it, Alexis in is danger. Gareth has fucking kidnapped her.”

I sped into mybasement garage and screeched to a stop just shy of the elevatordoors, and not wasting any time, I leapt out of the car and rantoward the elevator as fast I could, hoping to God Scott hadn’talready hurt in anyway. Fuck!

Just before Ireached the button to the elevator, a loud roar echoed up above andthe ground shook mildly. “What the fuck was that?” Oh no. Fuck,no.

“I’ll call youback,” Dale said quickly, before hanging up.

My heartincreased its painful thump in my chest, adrenalin coursing throughmy body. I pressed the button in rapid succession, watching thelight remain lit on the 42nd floor. “No! Fuck! No!” I yelled, whilespinning and heading for the stairs.

The sound ofmy building’s fire alarm rang continuously, reverberating throughthe stairwell as I launched myself up the stairs, taking two,three, even four steps at a time.

In no time atall, I reached the exit to the lobby and wrenched open the door tofind subdued panic on the faces of staff and guests who werelooking up at the ceiling.

“Mr. Clark,”Abigail called out, uncertainty and fear on her face.

I didn’t havetime to reassure her. “Put Emergency Plan B into action,” Iordered, as I kept running toward the elevator. I had no idea whatI was running to, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was gettingup to the penthouse.

My phonestarted ringing in my pocket, and a glimmer of hope flowed throughme at the prospect of seeing Alexis’ name on the screen. I fumbled,my hands trembling as I wrenched it out only to see my head ofsecurity’s name instead.

I answeredit.

“Dale, talk tome.”

“There’s beenan explosion on the penthouse floor. From what I can see on theEmergency System, it’s localised to that floor only.” Geezusfucking Christ! Alexis, please be okay.

“Abigail,” Ishouted. “Cancel Plan B action. Order an evacuation and floorsearch of levels 35 and up. Explosion localised to the penthouse.As far as I know, there’s no other threat.”

She nodded,and with courage and a professionalism I admired, she turned andtook control, shouting out commands to staff trained in theappropriate areas.

I put my phoneback to my ear. “Dale, where’s Brett?”

“He got so faras the elevator.”

“What’s thestatus on the elevators? I’m going up.”

“But Sir—”

“Just do it,Dale. Alexis is up there for fuck’s sake.”

“Okay, hangon. Right, your private elevator is jammed between levels 42 and41. It has structural damage according to these reports. The backupbrakes are locked and it’s not going anywhere. Elevators one, twoand four and at ground level and secure, and cart three is onautomatic override and is on its way down now with Brett init.”

“Good,override number one now.”

“I can get itas far as level 41, Sir. You’ll have to take the stairs afterthat.”

“Just do itnow Dale, fuck! And override the security lock to all my apartmentaccess doors.”

“Okay, cartone is open, go! And Bryce...from one mate to another, be careful.I can’t tell the extent of the damage. Cameras are down upthere.”

I hung up, nothaving time for small talk. I had to get to Alexis. I had to makesure she was alright. Fuck! I hope she is alright. No, she hasto be alright.

The doors toelevator one opened and I wasted no time in stepping inside andindicating to the surveillance camera—the one I knew Dale waswatching—that the cart should hurry and move. The doors then closedand the cart climbed with speed.

Running myhands through my hair, as I impatiently paced the enclosed space onmy way to the penthouse floor, I couldn’t help but replay in mymind Alexis’ terrified voice. Of her crying out what she thoughtwere her last words and telling me that she loved me and alwayswould, that she loved her kids, kids I now loved too.

“Fuck!”Can’t this thing go any faster? I loved her so much, and thethought of her being...dead...hell, I couldn’t even comprehendthat. I’d already had that feeling before for the smallest ofseconds and it tore me apart, was the worst few seconds of mylife.

The elevatorstopped and the doors slid open, and barely waiting till they werewide enough, I squeezed through and headed for the stairwell. All Icould smell when I opened the door and started to climb thestairs—again taking many at a time—was smoke.

As Iapproached the door to my apartment, the roar of flames deafened myhearing and smoke was now visible and thick, burning my eyes andlungs. I pulled my shirt up to cover my mouth and nose then touchedthe door handle. It was hot but not scorching hot, so I gripped ittighter and turned. Then, without precaution or hesitation, Ipushed the door forward, being met with flames, smoke, steam, andwater from the sprinklers—visibility was almost impossible.

“Alexis!” Ishouted, through a wall of smoke and orange heat from the flames.“Alexis!” Please, please answer me. There was nothing, noresponse. All I could hear was the crackling of fire.

Looking upwhile shielding my eyes from the flames, I noticed the second floorto be smoke filled but not yet ferociously dominated by fire, andwith hope,

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