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Book online «Takedown Heather Atkinson (rosie project txt) 📖». Author Heather Atkinson

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lot of good to solve his murder.”

“It would but fortunately I’ve just arrested a vicious mugger who put five people in hospital. He’s definitely going down for it because the evidence is so strong, so I’m the station’s shining golden boy. The local MP had been really pressing us to solve that one as the mugger targeted tourists and he was worried about damaging the town’s reputation.”

“That’s great. Well done.”

She still rested her hand on his and he gently cradled her hand in his own.

“It turns out Amanda was a workplace bully,” he continued, “Two trainee firefighters quit because she was so vicious to them. Both were Asian. It seems she was a racist cow too.”

“That’s not surprising.”

“Are you okay after your run in with her?” he said, noting the faded bruises on Faith’s face.

“The knowledge that I beat her is helping me heal,” she said, the corner of her mouth lifting into a macabre smile.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”

“Thanks for all your help Matthew. It’s good to know you’re there and I don’t mean in case I need help.”

He ran his fingers across the top of her hand. “You never know, things might change and one day there could be a future for us.”

Faith thought it so sad that his words echoed Vance’s. Two gorgeous, unique men wanting an impossible future with her. She couldn’t work out if she was very lucky or just cursed.

“You never know.” She squeezed his hand before getting to her feet. “Now I’m going shopping with Abi for my bridesmaid’s dress.”

“A tight, clingy little number?” he smiled.

“Doubtful. Knowing Abi, it’ll be some ugly thing with bows and ribbons. She’ll want to make sure she’s the centre of attention on her big day. Still, it’s something nice to look forward to.”

“I bet a Chambers celebration is a spectacle to behold.”

“It certainly is, especially if Kevin gets drunk and starts punching people.”

“Let me know the date and I’ll have the riot squad on standby.”

Faith chuckled. “See you soon Matthew.”

“You bet you will,” he said, unable to keep his eyes off her backside as she walked away. Faith Chambers really was one of a kind.

She left the cemetery, walked around the block and got into Vance’s new car, a huge black SUV. Kingston had informed him that his Lexus was beyond repair and needed to be scrapped.

“Sorted?” he asked her.

“Sorted,” she replied, her hand still tingling from where Matthew had touched her. “Dillon’s murder will just have to remain unsolved. You ready for the next thing we need to do?”

“Yes but I’m not looking forward to it. He won’t like it.”

“I know but we’ve no choice.”

He started the engine and drove to Caleb’s flat, who hadn’t been told the reason for this outing. He was waiting for them at the kerb and hopped in when the car rolled to a halt.

“You going to tell me where we’re going then?” he asked from the back seat.

“The Red Lion,” replied Faith. “There’s someone we need to have a word with.”

“Who and why?”

“All will become clear.”

He was puzzled by this cryptic statement but didn’t ask any more questions.

The three of them walked inside the pub. No one was behind the bar, Lil having popped into the storeroom for more crisps.

Faith looked at the customers ranged around the room, numbering eight in total.

“Get out,” she told them.

They all obeyed, getting to their feet and slipping out the door, leaving their drinks behind. Once they’d all gone, Vance locked the door.

“What’s going on?” said Caleb.

Before they could reply, Lil emerged from the back room carrying a box of crisps.

“Where have all my customers gone?” she frowned.

“They remembered they had things they needed to do,” said Faith.

“Let me take that off you,” smiled Caleb, taking the box from Lil.

“Thanks gorgeous,” she beamed. She looked from Faith to Vance. “Why so serious? What’s happened?”

“Why did you do it Lil?” said Faith, the pain clear in her voice.

Her smile faltered. “Do what?”

“We know you put that tracking device in Caleb’s coat. It had to be you. No one else could have got close enough.”

“What?” said Caleb. “No, it wasn’t Lil. She wouldn’t do that.”

“I’m sorry,” said Faith, hating the pain this was causing him. “But she was the only one with access.” She looked back at Lil. “You and Mickey were lovers. You used Ben and the others to get the drugs off us so you could sell them on. Why? You’re one of my oldest friends, the only one outside the family who stood by me when everyone else thought I’d killed Phil Jackson.” Anger and hurt waged war inside Faith. The angry part of her wanted to batter Lil for her betrayal and the hurt part wanted to burst into tears.

Lil sighed wearily and dragged her hands through her thick red hair, suddenly looking older than her years. “I’m sorry love but I needed the money, plain and simple. It was nothing personal.”

“If you needed cash that badly you could have come to me. I would have helped you.”

“I needed big money, not a few grand. I’m in debt up to my eyeballs and they’re going to take the pub off me. I couldn’t lose my home and business. Mickey never meant anything to me, he was just a means of accessing some real money.”

This confession stung Faith deeply. “You were my friend,” she said, blinking back tears as the hurt part of her won out over the enraged part. “And you nearly got me and my family killed.”

“I’d no idea it would go so far. I thought Ben and the others would nick the drugs, give them to us and we’d sell them on. I didn’t think it would turn

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