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Book online «Takedown Heather Atkinson (rosie project txt) 📖». Author Heather Atkinson

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behind the protection of the pillar.

When Amanda raised her gun to fire, Faith said, “Lights Jason.”

Amanda released a startled gasp when the room was illuminated by blinking white lights that quickly morphed into red then blue before returning to bright white.

“Kill the lights,” said Faith.

When it went dark, she took aim and fired at Amanda, who threw herself to the floor. The bullet sailed harmlessly over her head and embedded itself in the wall behind her. Faith tutted. They’d promised Bryan they wouldn’t damage his premises.

Peering around the pillar at Amanda again she saw she was crouched low, not wanting to make herself a target.

“Sound effects,” she told Jason.

An air raid siren burst into life, making Amanda swear so loudly she almost drowned it out. Then a panicked male voice announced that the zombies had broken out of the lab and were on their way.

“What the fuck is going on?” she cried.

Screams of fear and pain added to the cacophony as the voice announced that the zombies were attacking staff members. All this was window dressing for the laser tag, to get the players riled up.

Faith revelled in Amanda’s confusion. She only wished she had some real zombies to set on her.

While Amanda was distracted, Faith hurled another flash device her way and this time she screamed in pain, dropping her gun and clamping her hands to her eyes. Satisfied she was finally subdued, Faith ran at her, boots banging off the gantry. As she reached Amanda she raised her arm, intending to knock her out with the butt of the gun to the side of the head but Amanda’s eyes flew open and she tried to snatch up her dropped weapon. Faith kicked it out of reach and it went over the side of the gantry, landing in the netting. Before she could strike, Amanda grabbed her arm, attempting to get the weapon from her but Faith hung on and the two women started to wrestle for the gun. Faith was strong but Amanda was even stronger and Faith was horrified when the barrel was slowly pointed towards her face. She flicked on the safety with her thumb, so when Amanda squeezed the trigger nothing happened. Faith kneed her in the stomach and she gasped with pain and released Faith’s arm before slamming the side of her hand into her right wrist. Faith dropped the gun and it too fell into the netting.

Now neither of them had a weapon, the two women laid into each other with their fists.

Vance crouched down low behind the pillar, listening to footsteps wandering around the room.

“It’s Ben,” Jason’s voice said in his ear. “Faith’s fighting Amanda.”

The sound of gunshots from the next room sent adrenaline surging around Vance’s body as he panicked at the thought that Faith might have been hurt.

“She’s okay,” said Jason’s voice. “Don’t worry.”

Vance thought that was easier said than done.

“Ben’s off to your right and he’s got a gun,” said Jason. “Want me to hit the lights and sounds?”


An orange light started flashing above the door, accompanied by the wail of a police siren.

“Shit,” exclaimed Ben before charging out of the room.

Vance winced at Jason’s bark of laughter in his ear.

“He thinks it’s the police, he’s heading for the stairs.”

Vance tore after him out of the room.

“Get down,” yelled Jason’s voice.

Vance threw himself to the floor as a shot rang out, sailing over his head and ploughing into the room he’d just exited. He fired back but all the lights and sounds were disorientating him and he missed. When he saw Ben continuing for the stairs, Vance leapt up and ran after him.

Faith was knocked sideways by the blow to the face and landed painfully on the railing of the gantry. Amanda was one tough bitch and she was struggling to bring her down. She dodged out of the way of the follow-up punch and kicked her in the thigh. Amanda grunted and kicked back, catching Faith in the stomach. Her eyes widened when a hand grabbed her hair and pulled her backwards.

“Dead leg you ugly cow,” said Kevin, slamming his foot into the back of her right leg.

Amanda’s leg went out from under her and she dropped to one knee. She grabbed Kevin’s arm and dragged him over her shoulder. He hit the gantry with a clang and blinked up at her in surprise.

“What happened?” he asked in confusion.

His interception gave Faith the breathing space she needed. When Amanda pulled a knife from inside her jacket, Faith leapt over Kevin and grabbed her arm. As Faith twisted her wrist with one hand, turning the blade away from her face, she drew the extendable baton from the back of her jeans, snapped it out and slammed it into Amanda’s extended elbow. Her howl of pain echoed around the room, silenced by Faith smashing the baton across her face. Faith experienced a grudging respect for the woman when she remained on her feet, although her expression was vacant. When Faith rammed her elbow into her face, Amanda finally went down.

“Nice one,” exclaimed Jason in her ear.

“Where’s Vance?”

“At the top of the stairs fighting Ben. It’s fucking brutal.”

“On my way,” she told him. “Kev, tie her up before she wakes up,” she said before charging out of the room towards the stairs.

She found the two men locked in a furious struggle to push each other down the stairs, both matched in strength and ability. They had lost their guns in the skirmish.

Faith chose her moment carefully, not wanting to get caught up in the carnage. She dropped to her knees and slammed the baton into Ben’s left leg. This was enough to give Vance the upper hand, who grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down on the floor, his body making a

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