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“What’s your problem, Ilenn?” Geneva notes,studiously similar body language of trouble.

“My pocketbook with all my money and creditcards is missing. It was right here on the edge of my desk, likealways.” Ilenn puffs, musically & slaps arms over chest.

Geneva eye burns Stockton. He mouths,silently. “OMG!” Geneva shakes, sideways blonde skull.

Geneva talks, meekly into Stockton’s face.“No, you’re wrong and you’re loony for thinking those mentalthoughts.”

“Then, where is…Pamela?” Stockton returns,meekly.

Geneva inquires, boldly. “Lacy, did you seePamela at the vendor machine?”

“No.” Lacy shakes, sideways brown skull,voices, weakly, scans her purse.

“Ilenn, have your seen Pamela, lately?”Geneva asks.

“Not Pamela but…it was right here.” Ilennanswers, focuses on her missing pocketbook containing cash, creditcards, ID and major personal items.

Geneva neck snaps to him, orders,commandingly. “Stockton, search your desk, is anythingmissing?”

“Who’s Loony Tooney now?” Stockton mumbles intenor saxophone toward desk. Geneva & Stockton trot, steady tohis desk. He views, carefully any missing items. He shakes,sideways red skull. “Nothing is amiss. She collected cell phone andwallet for money to travel to where?”

Geneva eye burns floors, ponders, deeply.“Why would she leave without her car, her purse? A fleeing vehiclecarries her quicker to any final destination.”

“She doesn’t want to be tracked or…” Stocktonempties, completely.

Geneva fills, completely. “…traced.” Shegrabs, forcefully Stockton’s forearm & twists, painfully towardher office passing frustrated female employees. She stops, suddenlyat computer. “Did you write down these words/numbers from CIA?”

“Of course.” Stockton produces, quickly smallpaper.

Geneva studies information & shakes,sideways blonde skull. “We still didn’t know who CIA operativecode-named BOA is? Do you have an inkling?”

“Absolutely none. Pamela’s our best tool. Ibelieve she has become frighten hacking into the CIA database. I’dbe if I wasn’t smarter then the assholes.”

“Or she knows BOA?” Stockton talks,curtly.

Geneva frowns, ugly, talks, academically.“Impossible! She’s too young barely 20. Way before her employmenthere, as a matter of fact, she was in college a year ago.”

“I meant to present that she’s very good atCyber hacking. She might have uncovered some important informationduring her exercise. She learns very quickly and retains data verythoroughly.” Stockton babbles.

“Never, she’s a babe in the woods.” Genevareturns.

“Then, where is she?” Stockton pitches.

“NO!” Female alto clarinet yells, loudly.Geneva & Stockton pace, hurriedly to outer office. Lacy cries,physically tears & points, rudely at screen.

Geneva & Stockton, Ilenn hurry to herside. She talks, sparsely, points, rudely at PC. “I…trace… cell.See, see that.”

“What have you discovered, Lacy?” Ilenninquires, curiously. She shifts, closely to screen & scans,studiously. “You accessed GPS on cell phone. Good thinking, Lacy.Let’s locate your missing phone.” Ilenn studies screen &frowns, ugly. “This…the number…205-555-5873.” She retypes telephonenumber onto screen then waits, patiently for results. She frowns,ugly & stares at screen. “I don’t get it.”

“Where’s the cell?” Geneva asks.

“GPS locates cell in…this is not correct.”She re-types cell number & waits, impatiently showing sameresults. “GPS locates cell in New Jersey.” Ilenn works,swiftly.

“What city in New Jersey?” Genevainquires.

Ilenn types keyboard then halts, suddenly.“GPS located cell in…” She reads, loudly. “IP address conflicterror. Computer can’t live with them and hate them more than…”

“Re-boot your computer, Ilenn.” Genevacommands.

“Yes, ma’am!” Ilenn executes re-boot ofLacy’s computer.

“Let’s check GPS on Ilenn’s computer whilethis one re-boots.” Geneva orders, commandingly.

“Sure, Geneva.” Ilenn sits, swiftly &types, quickly number on screen then waits, patiently for results.“I will be a Monkey’s Uncle. GPS tells that your cell’s location isin Pakistan.” Ilenn picks up receiver of landline. “We got big timeproblems with mainframe server. I’m calling this one in for troubleshooting.”

“Excellent work, Ilenn! Let the IT boysfigure out the computer error. I…we are going into a privatemeeting for the next…hour or so. Could you watch the door, Lacy?”Lacy nods, once. “Also, when Pamela returns, please send her tome?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Ilenn nods, once.

Geneva taps, loudly heels back to office thencloses, gently door. “Cell phone location in New Jersey thenPakistan, does that GPS pattern sound familiar?” She points, rudelyat screen. “Get that number traced from original source, Stockton,we gotta find that girl? She’s hiding somewhere nearby without caror transportation.”

“Your IP address lesson from last week. Toldya, Pamela’s smart. She’s got money stolen from Ilenn and more if Ibelieve her unique resourcefulness.” Stockton calls.

“Little smart ass, what’s her plot here?”Geneva curses.

“She knows the CIA operative, BOA.” Stocktonguesses.

Geneva neck snaps to me. “Impossible,Stockton! But…the little bitch knows something worth her time tosteal or maybe kill for it.”

“Kill, ya gone loco, Geneva. That girl’s gotkiller looks, not killer bang, bang intentions.” Stocktonadjusts.

Geneva balls finger pads into fists, threats,hotly. “I need to find BOA…now. I…am…so close….within my grasp. Ican’t believe my rotten luck.”

“Ask Preston for help, this is his arena,FBI, fairy buttholes of investigators. But I admit that them Cybercowboys are good, really damn good.” Stockton works, swiftlycomputer & writes, slowly down GPS locations.

“Preston will not help me.”

Stockton talks, complimentary. “I beg todiffer.”

“Preston hates me. This is my problem withPamela and he’d be thrilled to find out and more thrilled if Ifail.”

“He’ll fail, instead.” Stockton hints,chuckles, lightly.

Geneva spits, hotly. “Why?”

“He has a secret.”

“I beg to differ.” Geneva shakes, sidewaysblonde skull.

“Preston’s not the goody-good kid yourimagination ponders, Geneva.”

Geneva adjusts, flatly. “I…me…I’m not lookingfor any sexual relationship with Preston. He’s…”

“…gots himself a relationship with some otherpretty little kitty?” Stockton toots in tenor trumpet.

“Who cares, Stockton?”

“You’re really dense, Geneva.” Stocktonfrowns, ugly, sits on edge of her desk.

“Doesn’t matter to me?”

“It should matter a great deal.” Stocktongrins, toothy, winks, funny.

Geneva parks fists on hips. “I give. What areyou not trying to tell me, Stockton?”

“Preston likes to play with Pamela.” Stocktontattles, loudly.

“I’m floored.” She pauses, dramatically.“…but definitely suspicious. Are you certain of this extraordinaryrelationship, Stockton?”

Stockton holds three finger pads in air likegood boy scout. “Actually, I swear as an eyewitness.”

Geneva parts, widely lips, inquires,curiously. “What, you saw them outside work, together like somekind of dating couple?”

“I met her car parked on Preston’s streetduring my spying mission. Ya

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