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remember, told me to watch thebabies.” Stockton swings legs off desk like kid in park.

“You scant, you like Preston.” Geneva peelslips curvy, shoots, fiery.

Stockton frowns, ugly, strikes back, swiftly.“Don’t insult my ego, Geneva. I’m straight pin straight. But, I dowonder about you?”

Geneva bites, stingingly. “Don’t bruise yournose sucking it up my ass. I strive to keep my private life…private.”

“You’re straight. I’m straight. And…Prestonis definitely healthy heterosexual male.” Stockton concludes,socially, grins, toothy, hops off deck, moves to chair.

Geneva voices, devilishly, sits on edge ofdesk, chuckles, lightly. “Forget the sex part. I can use this. Yes.I can use Preston to find Pamela for me. Give phone track to Ilenn,I have another project for you, Stockton to be completed ASAP.”

“What’s your new plan, Geneva?”

“To get both Pamela and Preston.” She laughs,evilly & dials familiar telephone number on landline waiting,patiently on connection. She demands, authoritatively. “Preston, behere….” Geneva stands, swiftly. “WHAT?” She reacts, violently thenshakes, vertically dirty blonde skull. “I’m right here, Preston.Not leaving any time. Yes. I’ll be waiting for your arrival in 15minutes.”

Time 10:31 am. Birmingham UniversityComputer Center. 10th Avenue & 14th Street. Pamela taps,briskly into computer room on 2nd floor of “Burn U”. She enters& swings, left & waves, flirtatiously at corner videocameras used to observe students committing evil crimes. Shescoots, quietly chair from table then sits, quickly & types,rapidly her professional ID and password from work on collegedesktop accessing her professional work email, files, databases andmost importantly secret personal credit cards accounts of herfellow co-workers. Camera views only her head and shoulders as sheclicks on keypad & smiles, sweetly.

While learning on Geneva’s workstation aboutIP address concepts, she had used Geneva’s work sign-on andpassword freeing her own work ID for use. By now, CIA wasinvestigating Geneva, first about the mysterious hacking from herPC giving Pamela more time to figure out how to get out oftrouble.

Geneva, of course will blame Pamela for theentire hacking and attacking of CIA website while trying,unsuccessfully to collect illegal information about an agentnicknamed “BOA.” Pamela plans, brilliantly to turn the tablesagainst Geneva by placing focus of this investigation at Genevawhile Pamela’s vacationing in Paris or London. She hasn’t decided,yet then smirks, slightly.

Pamela memories, quickly credit card accountnumber then exits, swiftly work ID station. She’s being tracked byremote station in IT Alabama Department Division of Cyber Crimes.Her professional ID relays, immediately through remote thenmainframe computer for valid identification than alerts ITDirector. IT contacts, quickly Geneva of Pamela’s location at thisterminal on Birmingham campus taking 30 minutes.

She creates electronic filing cabinet named“POV” on desktop and prays, hopefully Preston gets curious. Sheaccesses, rapidly airplane flight information on Internet. She eyeburns clock, 10: 36. Time flies with fun and games.

She punches, quickly credit card number intoslotted boxes reserving flight & hotel room for 7 days leavingfrom Birmingham, Alabama at 11:45 exchanging plane in Atlanta,Georgia with finally destination Paris, Frances at first classprice of $8,537.22. Credit card accepts, slowly. She presses Ctrl Cthen copies face of electronic airline ticket to POV filing cabineton desktop, then clicks Ctrl V as electronic print face stores intofiling cabinet.

Pamela repeats, successfully airplane flight& hotel room for 7 days from Birmingham, Alabama through NewYork then landing London, England in first class for $7,893.51.Credit card accepts, slowly. Pressing “Ctrl C,” then “Ctrl V,” shecopies electronic ticket to desktop “POV” folder. To add to thefun, she books rental car & four different tours of famouslandmarks in both France & London priced at $6,963.84. Creditcard accepts, slowly & copies, swiftly receipts to “POV.”Finally, she orders four lovely evening gowns, purses and eveningshoes for $2,129.54. Credit card accepts, slowly then copies,swiftly paid receipts to “POV” desktops. Pamela smiles, sweetlythen eye burns wall clock, 10:48 am.

She types, immediately on Internet name of“Geneva Lassater” then pastes “Ctrl V” electronic page to POV iconfolder on desktop. She repeats procedure four times using Geneva’sname and her full name, Pamela Craft as well as her pen name ipamshe uses for her published eBook novels. She eye burns clock, 10:58am. Time to go!

11:01 am. Federal Building.

Preston slams open, nosily door into CyberCrimes then eye burns Geneva. He sneers, disgustingly. He and herhates, passionately each other from the beginning of introductionof Cyber Crimes unit located in Birmingham, two years ago. And heand her watches and waits, patiently to de-throne the other one inthe finally fugly fight. Today’s that day for Preston. Prestonsmirks, victoriously with latest and greatest CIA news tracking,directly hack job back to Geneva’s personal work ID & PC. He’sgot her, finally. Arthur and Larry follow, closely.

Geneva stands upright with arms over chest inmiddle of open space & smiles, sweetly. She motions,horizontally with hand. “My office, Preston, we have much todiscuss.”

Preston struts, manly toward oversized deskthen pivots, soldierly facing Geneva. He holds, vertically brownpaper. Geneva recognizes delicate item as Federal warrant searchingwithout permission her private office and personal computers.

Geneva smiles, sweetly. “Truce, Preston. Igot a rouge Retriever….who used my PC to hack into the CIAwebsite…and who has escaped by feet and claws.” She grins, toothy.“That means, you…” She steps, quickly into his face & winks,flirtatiously then talks, softly. “…help me.”

Preston frowns, softly then paces backwardlyfrom her stinky breathe & poses, threateningly. “Show me yourrouge, then maybe, I might help ya…otherwise I’ll haul your flabbyass to jail.”

Geneva claps, silly hands like toddler &points, rudely at Stockton. “Lights, camera & action,Stockton!” Stockton chuckles, lightly shifting chairs in front ofdesk directed at blank wall. Stockton motions, horizontally handsfor sitting position.

Geneva pats, warmingly chair next to her& smiles, sweetly. Preston struts, cautiously over as everyonecalmly sits for the mysterious picture show. Geneva orders,commandingly. “Display, please, Stockton. Everyone pay closeattention, first time, we don’t want to repeat our Oscar winningperformance.”

Lights darkens, quickly. Digital picbrightens, clearly. Geneva smiles, wickedly. Preston gasps,nosily.

Geneva talks, demandingly. “Stockton, whydon’t you tell Preston our fascinating little story that occurredthis morning.” Preston growls, deeply at Geneva.

Stockton clears, dramatically throat. “May Iformally present Pamela Craft, rough Retriever just in case you’venever met.” Preston snorts, lightly

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