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Book online «Cyclone of Chaos E.C. Land (debian ebook reader txt) 📖». Author E.C. Land

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and hide her body from my sight.

Even after all these years she’s still the most beautiful woman I ever met.

“Are you going to answer me or stare at me all damn day?” And there goes that temper of hers that always went straight to my dick.

Smirking, I sat on the edge of the bed and waved my hand in her direction. “I think I’ll sit right here and watch as you get dressed then maybe I’ll answer your question,” I say.

If Emery’s cheeks could have grown any redder, they’d be the color of the damn bikini top she was holding. Turning on her heel she heads into the bathroom and damn if I didn’t enjoy seeing her go, since I got to see her bare ass. Scanning the rest of her back my heart stills for a moment.

“Samuel, we should get a tattoo meant just for you and me. One we could add to over the years as we have children,” she says as she lifts her head from my chest to meet my gaze.

“Oh yeah Angel what are you thinking?” I ask brushing the hair from her face.

“We should get our Celtic astrological symbols combined,” she suggests.

“Whatever you want,” I murmur before rolling her underneath me and sinking back into her.

Shaking my head, I have to swallow several times to clear the lump in my throat. She’d gotten the tattoo she’d wanted to get, the very same one I have on my chest but hers has another symbol with it. Where mine only has a sea serpent and fox combined, hers has a hawk as well.


“Why did you get the tattoo?” I demand when she comes back out of the bathroom. A rage fueled by the pain I had endured for the past ten years breaks free.

“What?” she asks quietly as she stops from coming any closer.

“The tattoo Em, why the hell did you fuckin’ get it?” I growl.

“Because it represented us and that I belonged to you.” I barely hear the last part of her reason.

“Bullshit. If you belonged to me, you would have fuckin’ been with me.” Getting to my feet I storm over to her.

“If it was supposed to represent us then you wouldn’t have stood in front of me to take a fuckin’ bullet,” I snarl, punching the wall directly next to her.

“Samuel . . .”

“Don’t fuckin’ call me that name. He fuckin’ died a long time ago. You made sure of that.” It becomes harder to breathe as I look at her. Shit every time she says my name with her soft voice, I want to take her in my arms and hold her to me and never let her go.

“I’m not going to call you Scorch, you will never be him to me. And for your information I wanted nothing more than to be with you. By the time I recovered enough to be able to come back my father thought it was best I didn’t for the sake of not just my safety but yours. Until the threat was taken care of. You of all people should know I’d have never done anything that would ruin what we had without a reason that meant keeping you alive.” Tears fill her eyes as she screams the last three words.

“It wasn’t your place to save me. If you had been honest with me about the situation, about the dickhead stalking you, I could have stopped it. But no, you didn’t trust me to keep you safe,” I grind out.

“I didn’t tell you because in my mind I thought at first it was bullshit then the threats got worse and I really didn’t want to bring it up because I knew we’d argue over it. I kept thinking that if I told you that you’d leave me.”

“I don’t want to hear excuses. The truth remains you didn’t fuckin’ trust me.” Turning away from her, I pace the room. Being this close to Emery and in this place where we used to be happy is fuckin’ with my head.

“They’re not excuses but think what you want. You’ve turned into a complete jackass and I’m done with this. You have a family here. I didn’t come here to change that. Just go back to them and leave me alone. I’ll pick Stone up from the clubhouse, then get out of your way,” she sneers.

“What the fuck are you talking about woman? That’s not the first damn time you’ve said that shit. Yeah the club is my fuckin’ family. They were there for me when I needed them so get used to them because you’ll be seeing a lot of them. As for you taking my son away from me that’s not happenin’ either. I’ve lost enough time with him. Shit I still haven’t even met him yet because your ass had to come here of all god damn places.” I need to get my anger under control.

“Are you forgetting I saw you?”

“Saw me doing what?” I demand, turning to face her again.

“Your baby. I saw you holding your baby.” The hurt in her voice is almost unbearable.

“I don’t have a baby. If I did, it wouldn’t be any of your business. The baby you saw me holding isn’t mine. I was preparing to return her to her parents,” I mutter. That’s the only information on it she’s getting out of me because the rest is club business.

“Wait a minute. You were returning the baby to her parents. What did you kidnap her or something?” She snaps.

“Club business Emery and I’m not tellin’ you anything else,” I say crossing my arms over my chest.

“Whatever. Okay so she’s not your child doesn’t mean you don’t have someone,” she mutters.

“I’ve fucked plenty of women. Is that what you want to hear? That I wasn’t a saint this whole time. My heart may be dead, but my dick isn’t,” I snarl.

She doesn’t have a right to ask if I was with someone or not. And I’ll never admit to her that

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