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Book online «Zombie Road: The Second Omnibus | Books 4-6 | Jessie+Scarlet Simpson, A. (pride and prejudice read txt) 📖». Author Simpson, A.

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couldn’t keep running, they were too easy to track. The sun-bleached houses flew by, garbage and tumble weeds in the streets was crushed or blown away.

Gunny saw the border wall ahead of him and wished there was some way to smash through it, sacrifice his 55 so the other cars could get through. There was no way, it was steel beams set closely together. A big rig wouldn’t be able to knock it down. Besides, there was still the Rio Grande to get across. He cut the wheel, slid back on the main road again and made for the crossing. They were getting close and they’d lost a lot of the zeds in the maze of backroads. Gunny could see the signs coming up, warning him of the turn only lanes and ‘no fruits or vegetables allowed’. The roads were finally clear and they flat footed the machines, leaving the horde far behind.

He grabbed the mic dangling from the rear-view mirror on its bungee cord strap. “The road looks clear but I can’t see the crossing. Could be a trap. Wait here, I’ll check it out.”

Gunny turned in to the half mile long access road and punched it, flying past the concrete barriers and a line of cars, many with their doors standing open. He saw the horde of undead surrounding the check station as he rounded a bend and saw the muzzle flash of gunfire from the roof. All lanes were blocked, cars haphazardly shoved across the road in the narrowest section at the bridge. Gunny cut the wheel and bounced over the curb, ducking in behind some government building. He sat, safe from the bullets and wracked his brain, trying to think of a way out. Smoke curled up from under his hood and the rat motor idled rough but the temperature was holding steady at two hundred. The electric fans were working overtime and the oil pressure gauge was still showing twenty-five pounds. The tri-five had some more go left in her but he didn’t know which way to run. Casey’s men had gotten ahead of them, they would be at all the crossings. It didn’t matter to them if they were trapped by hordes, he was sure they had enough supplies with them to last a few days. All they had to do was stop the Lakota crew from getting across and they’d be rescued later on. Gunny glanced at his gas gauge, still three quarters. All the river crossings were out of the question, he was sure every one of them was manned just like this one. They couldn’t hide and wait things out, the horde would find them, surround them and Casey’s men would spot them.

“Bridget.” he said over the radio “Is there a marina due south? I’m thinking we can get past the Raiders, they have to be spread out pretty thin. Maybe we can surprise them, run right past them before they can get organized and start shooting at us.”

“Checking.” she said and the radio went quiet.

“I took a bullet in the radiator.” Scratch said. “It’s steaming and I’ll never make it a hundred miles. We’re going to have to abandon the car.”

“They all have radio’s and they’d see us coming from the dust cloud. They’d be on our ass within minutes.” Griz said. “Maybe we can get out in the country a little way, get in front of the hordes and swim across the Rio, get back to the States at least.”

“Then we’re on foot.” Gunny said. “Any car we found on the other side would have a dead battery. It might take us hours to find something we could hotwire and get running, meanwhile they’re running a search pattern. Casey must have some military guys with him, he’s not smart enough to pull this off by himself.”

“Yeah,” Hollywood said. “Or cartel guys. A lot of them had experience finding people not wanting to be found. Either way, boss man, we need to move. I’ve got a huge freaking horde coming up behind me.”

“There’s an airport just outside of town!” Bridget cut in, excited. “We can fly out!”

“Still have the dead battery problem.” Hollywood said.

“We can jump a plane with the cars if it is, anyone know how to fly one?” Gunny asked.

There was silence as he dropped it in gear, cut across the parking lot and sped back down the road, away from the border and away from the bullets.

“Stabby.” Gunny said. “Get on the ham to Lakota. Get Carl on the radio and tell him to guide you through it. The kid knew how to operate a train just from playing video games, he said he did a lot of flight sims, too.”

“On it, mate.” he said, not bothering to argue. They were out of options.

“Lead the way, Hollywood. Make it fast, I’ll bring up the rear.” Gunny said as he cut through a sand covered parking lot, dodged around the lead runners from the horde and started chasing after his team.



Hollywood ran through the chain link gate, bouncing it off his bull bar and breaking the lock. Scratch was right on his tail, a huge cloud of overheated steam pouring from under his hood. Gunny slammed on his brakes just inside the fence and jumped out, grabbed the bent gate and pushed it closed. He cut off a good ten feet of his siphon hose, looped it through the bars and tied it in a hurried granny knot. They had out run the horde but it would find them, they had five minutes, maybe a little longer to figure something out. The airport was small, just a single paved runway, a couple of dirt roads beside it and a few airplanes tethered near some hangars at the far end by a squat tower and snack bar. It appeared secure, though. The fences surrounding it were still up, although the piles of tumbleweeds and plastic bags were stacked high on the side the faced the

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