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The others were already at the hanger, looking for the most promising plane they might have a chance at flying. Gunny eased down the access road, trying not to blow the motor. His oil pressure was down to ten at idle. Too little in the pan and what was there was too hot. He saw dust clouds from speeding cars far off the south, the men at the crossing must have radioed them, told them to cut the crew off at the next bridge across the river. They were running hard for the Yuma station, at least the Lakota crew only had to worry about zombies for the time being. The gate would hold for a little while, until the main body of thousands stumbled in. Nothing would stand up against that and it wouldn’t be long before Casey’s men found them once they realized the Yuma crossing was a bust.

Gunny grabbed his guns and hustled into the hangar, ignoring the pawing hands and hungry faces in the windows of the little pilots lounge and canteen. Scratch was describing the three airplanes inside to Carl as everyone unloaded gear, just waiting to see which death trap they would be piling into.

There was a sleek Learjet dominating most of the space and he hoped it was the one they’d be taking, it was roomy enough for all of them and their equipment. Hell, with a jet, they could be home in a few hours.

“No way. You have zero chance.” he heard Carl over the radio. “What else is there?”

“What’s going on?” Gunny asked

“The planes outside are junk.” Griz replied, grabbing extra guns out of his Dodge. “Carl said we can’t take the jet, said it’s too complicated.”

Scratch yelled out the other airplanes to Stabby who relayed to Carl what kind they were.

“That one!” Stabby called out after a moment, pointing to a red and white Cessna 210 with Air Tours painted on the side. They ran over and started tossing in gear as Stabby and Scratch scrawled down notes as fast as they could. Carl was trying to remember all the important things he’d learned from the countless hours he’d spent flying the same airplane on his computer. They had the external speaker on as they both tried to understand what he was saying, each grabbing the mic to ask something that didn’t make sense. Both boys had spent a lot of time playing video games, flying all manner of aircraft but not like Carl had. He’d been into sims that were as real as it got with flight sticks and pedals and multiple monitors. The boys played button mashers with unlimited ammo and missiles.

“There’s no keys!” Bridget yelled from the cockpit and they looked around the hangar, trying to spot a key box or an office where they might be.

“Check the sun visor!” Gunny yelled and sprinted to the door towards the front, Mexicali Air Tours and Skydiving stenciled on the glass. Griz continued piling in the weapons and extra ammo as Hollywood ran to slide the bay doors open.

“They’re stacking up fast!” he yelled. “That gate won’t hold much longer!”

They could see them, they had a clear view across the field to the moaning husks pressing against the bent and twisted gate, only held in place with a length of rubber hose.

“Got ‘em!” Gunny yelled and ran for the plane, tossing them to Bridget as she stacked the gear, making room for more.

“You can do it.” they heard Carl reassure the boys. “It’s an easy plane, it’s a trainer plane. Just make sure you’re not overloaded, it can only carry about a thousand pounds, less if it’s old and worn out.”

Gunny and Griz stopped tossing in ammo and looked at each other then at the stack of guns, backpacks, bugout bags and bullets. They looked around at the six of them and did fast math.

“Unload it.” Gunny said and they started tossing things back out.

“Get it started!” Hollywood yelled, they’re coming!”

He shouldered his rifle and took aim at the first of the zeds that squeezed through the widening gap. There were only a few now but when the makeshift latch broke, there would be hundreds keening towards them. The airplane wasn’t like a car, it couldn’t take any abuse. Hitting even one of the runners might ground them permanently.

Stabby threw himself in the pilot’s seat and tried to remember everything Carl had said, Scratch was still listening and trying to write things down. There was a dashboard full of gauges, knobs and levers and two steering wheels. He didn’t know what most of them did, there hadn’t been time to ask.

“Prime the pump, set the throttle… Which one is the elevator thingy?” he yelled over at Scratch as he remembered to enrich the fuel.

“They’re coming!” Hollywood yelled again over his constant gunfire. “Get it started or we’re gonna have to make a break for it!”

Bridget ran for his Cadillac, fired it up and squalled the tires spinning it around on the concrete. She shoved a CD in, cranked it all the way up, threw her go bag on the gas pedal then rolled out the door as the car shot across the parking lot towards the other end of the runway. Michael Jackson started asking Annie if she was okay as it picked up speed, the motor racing in first gear. The horde pouring through the gate turned to follow. Hollywood stopped firing, stopped drawing attention to the hanger and ran to meet the two that were reaching for Bridget. He started to shout a warning and aim his pistols but she rolled to her feet and smoothly sliced one open belly button to sternum. Her blade found the other one’s eye socket as she hopped out of the path of the first one, tripping over his spilled guts. His feet tangled and his face broke his fall. She plunged her other blade into the back of his head. Yellowish brain matter and black blood sprayed up, splashing her

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