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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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“Do you have any idea why you might be 99 percent?” he asked.

“As I’ve already said, I’ve not a damn clue. Sorry to ruin the moment for you, but really there isn’t anything special about me.”

“Very well. I thank you for agreeing to share your screen. I must be on my way, but I will return very soon.”

“Okay, Jezai,” I replied uneasily.

Chapter 4

Fade to Black

After Jezai left, Ember and I continued to enjoy our drinks. “So tasty, huh?” I said to break the silence that had fallen over us. Ember, who was deep in thought, looked up at me as if I’d woken her from a deep sleep.

“Oh, yeah it is. Surprisingly so. I just hope the FSU can make it.”

“It’d be a nice change from coffee… Are you okay?”

“Just thinking, you know I think you're special, right?” she said, looking at me more seriously than normal.

“Yeah, I think you are too,” I said gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. She brought her hand up to cover mine.

“Not just like that, but like special, special. Like your insane luck. It's fucking weird.”

“I didn't have any luck before the game. Hell, I didn’t have any luck in the game until I met you.”

“Don't be a sappy prick,” she said, but without any heat. “You know what I mean.”

“Look, Ember. I don’t really feel like I’m that lucky. Even though I make what look like seriously dodgy decisions to everyone else, I just get a feeling, you know?”

“Not really Shaun, no,” she chuckled.

“It’s really nothing specific, just a gentle ingrained feeling that what I'm doing is right or wrong. When I follow the course of action that feels positive, no matter how ridiculous it seems, it turns out to be the right decision. Like breaking into the Mindscape that first time, or flying into the Dark Sector fleet.” I smiled.

“Wish I felt something like that, instead of just following you around like a lost fucking puppy. And worryingly, that’s about my only driving instinct,” she sulked.

“Yeah, that’d probably worry me too,” I replied and started laughing. “If it's any consolation, I didn’t pick up anything, positive or negative, about disclosing my Potential to Jezai, so hopefully there won’t be repercussions.”

“If you say so,” she said, drinking the last of the tea, and got up to leave.

“How about that walk, then?” I asked.

“Nah, I'm not in the mood anymore.”

“Okay, then we should let everyone know that Ogun was okay. I’ll get the other captains to make their way to the Uprising, rather than fucking about.”

Instead of answering me, she brought her comm to life, contacting Acclo. “Hey, do you mind organising a meeting on Uprising with the other ships’ captains? Elyek and Calegg too. We need to have a quick briefing.”

“Absolutely, Ember. I’ll get straight on it,” Acclo’s voice came back.

When she’d finished, I smirked at her. “Becoming accustomed to delegating yourself, huh?”

“Acclo will do it ten times faster than me. It’s what we’ve asked them to do. If the job was to keep you on your toes, I wouldn’t need to delegate that.”

I nodded. “Definitely one of your strengths,” I said as we left the tearoom and headed back to the ship in a comfortable silence, taking in the views.

We went straight to the captain's office for the meeting. No sooner had we sat at the long table than William arrived. He received surprised looks from us both.

“That was quick, William!” I said, impressed.

He looked like he was about to speak, before letting out a loud belch then laughing jovially. “Fuck a duck! Firsht time ‘ave been firsht to a meeting, ever!” he said drunkenly, flopping into a chair. Then he leaned forward, pointing at me. “Ah, ‘cept fer that one AA meet, cos a got the wrong bloody time!”

“Okay, so you’re drunk. Great!” Ember said. “You may as well go back to your ship, we’ll let you know what happened when you sober up, you daft arse.”

“Nope, I’m fine,” he said, slapping the table. “Anyways, a weren’t on me ship. A was ere where the good FSU is.”

I remembered this was the only place to access alcohol, so that solved the mystery of why he was early at least. I was still confused why the captain of the Flying Scotsman was so preoccupied with alcohol.

“Hey, William. Wasn’t Anatoli supposed to cure you of your addictions?” I asked, hoping to get some insight.

“Aye! An’ it totally did. A still like a sup though! Just don't develop a dependency on it anymore. A can teke it or leave it now ‘n stop when a’ve had too much!”

“Fair enough. I suppose that makes some sense,” I replied, still confused.

“Damn right it makes sense! Naebody said oot aboot teking all the fun out of life, jus’ cos a'm nae an alcoholic anymore!” He punctuated the statement with another epic belch and table slap.

Speechless, I left it at that. Opting to greet the stream of people entering the office instead. First Elyek and Calegg from the bridge, shortly followed by Wulek, Rufus and lastly Astrid. Once everyone was seated, I began our meeting. “Okay, everyone. Just a little heads up on Ogun’s condition. Putting it bluntly, he was a raving loon when he first woke up. But the Apochros medic has provided some amazing care in both settling and healing most of the damage done, both inside and out.”

“How are his hands and feet?” Rufus asked.

“Well, they’re still just stumps. They had some kind of jellylike shit that will apparently encourage and feed the growth of his new hands and feet.”

Wulek raised their hand to speak. “Should I really be present? I mean, I was only temporarily put in charge of the Photia.”

Before I could respond, Rufus spoke. “William was only temporary too. I’m not entirely sure what he is doing here.”

William guffawed. “Rufus, ye wee shit-for-brains. Ye din’t know yer asshole from yer elbow! If anyone doesn't belong here it’s…”

“Stop,'' I demanded, slamming my hand on the table this time to get

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