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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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Rufus and William’s attention. “This bickering isn’t happening in our meetings. Wulek, you’re officially the captain of the Photia. William, you’re nearly the official captain of the Flying Scotsman, providing you can keep your damn mouth in check during our discussions. Rufus, if I called William here, then that is reason enough to justify his presence. If I’ve doubts about anyone in this room, it is you!”

“Me?” he said, aghast.

“Yes, you! I don’t bloody know exactly how the fuck those Fystr came so close to us at the supply station without warning, but it was on your watch! I’d give you the benefit of the doubt, but then you offered the fuckers amnesty and a place on our damn crew, right over the top of me. Not to mention me having to take over from you because you then fucked about with the Fleet Admiral. I don’t want to think badly of you, Rufus, I really don’t, but I hope you realize, at this precise moment in time, you’re the one closest to losing your position as a captain.” I was overwhelmingly angry, but I was just as annoyed with myself for offloading in front of everyone. It should have been done in private, but I’d let it fester in me for too long. Well, it was all spewed out now.

“What!?” Rufus shouted, getting to his feet, his fists planted on his hips, face bright red. “That is my ship! I don't know who you think you are, but you do not get to make that kind of decision. Once Ogun is fit and resumes duty, we’ll see what he has to say about your handling of things.”

“Nope, not happening. It’s not your ship, Rufus, it's our ship. Uprising’s,” I said calmly but coldly.

“And,” Ember added loudly, “I must make this clear to everyone. Ogun is not in charge of Uprising. He’s more than welcome to join. He’s considered a friend with priceless knowledge, but let’s get this straight, he is not going to be back in charge.”

“That's ridiculous. We’re talking about Ogun! Astrid, are you hearing this?” Rufus said, looking pleadingly to her.

“I’m not in any way comfortable with how this meeting has played out, but I’ve got to agree with Ember. Ogun deserted us! Why would he suddenly just return and take over? If you remember, he was never comfortable leading us in the first place. And I hate to say it, Rufus, but you’ve made some bad calls recently. If I were you, I’d cool it,” Astrid said, with a little heat in her voice.

Rufus looked like he’d just bit into a dogshit sandwich. “Where’s all of this coming from?”

“Just sit your ass back down and let’s get on with the meeting. We can have this discussion later,” I said, trying to contain my frustration with him. I’d let the whole thing go too far, and that was on me as much as Rufus. William chuckling to himself didn’t help matters as Rufus, predictably I suppose, stormed out of the office. I don’t think I would have wanted to stay in the room looking like that much of an asshole, either.

I glared at William once the door had closed. When he noticed, to give him his due he straightened up in his seat and offered me a neutral expression. He couldn’t hide the mirth in his eyes. There was clearly no love lost there. I looked away from him to address those left.

“I am really sorry about that, everyone. That wasn’t what I expected to go down today, and I shouldn’t have done it so publicly. It’s done now, you can’t unscramble an egg. Hopefully I can come to some sort of peace with him.” I sighed, rubbing my face. “Let’s get back to what we’re all here for, to update you all on Ogun’s condition. They’re predicting a speedy recovery from here, a week or so before he’ll be up and about. In the meantime, we’ll wait to see what the Apochros have in store for us.”

“What do you mean, in store for us?” Elyek asked.

“We’ve spoken with Jezai. He’s been pretty upfront and laid out the options considered by councilors. One idea they’ve floated will avoid any chance of the Apochros being discovered by the Fystr. Send us back out and destroy us outside the border of the Dark Sector,” I said like it was trivial.

“The other option, which seems most likely, is that we are sworn to never speak of the Apochros to anyone, then we’re sent back on our merry way. There is a possibility they’ll agree to share their expertise and provide advanced training to increase our skill levels and technology,” I said and took a deep breath.

“What if it's option one?” Calegg asked.

“I think you know the answer to that, Calegg. We won’t last long, but goddamn, we’ll go out fighting. We didn’t get this far by letting people have their wicked way with us. Though at this point, I’m not overly concerned about that. I think Jezai was just pointing out the position we’re in.”

“I agree with Shaun,” Ember chipped in. “I definitely don't think they’ll take option one. Especially now they’re aware of Shaun’s Potential. Jezai couldn’t hide his excitement about that.”

Astrid was about to ask a question, when Acclo's voice came over the comm. “Captain, over twenty Apochros have arrived at the front of the ship. They have…” Acclo’s voice stopped suddenly.

“Weird, I wonder what's wrong with the comms,” I said, concerned, looking at Ember.

She wasn't moving, no one was. It was like everybody had frozen in time. Before panic could really take a hold of me, I felt my mind invaded. I tried to block the intruder, but it was like a squirrel trying to stop a bear from entering a cave. Then a voice spoke. “We are deeply sorry, Captain Shaun. We have no ill intent towards you or your crew, but due to major concerns over your Potential, we have had to take steps. This development

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