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The Great. First of the celestial spirits, 142–143

One-armed People, 389, 391

One-eyed People, 389

One-legged Bird, 206

One-legged People, 389

One-sided People, 389

Organic Environment, 19–20

Origin-s. Of the Chinese race, 13 sq.; of name China, 27; of worship, 93; of deification, 93; of T’ien, 94; the Three Origins, 125, and see also San Yüan, Shun, Yao, and Yü; legend of origin of a lake, 405–406; origin of dog-worship of Jung tribe, 422

Other Self. Idea of the, 93, 97 sq. See also Second Self

Otherworld. Parallel to this world, 93–94; populous, 93

Ox-yellow. See Niu Huang

Ox-head, King. Father of the Red Child Demon; Sun Hou-tzĹ­ and, 351, 358 sq.


Pa Hsien. The Eight Immortals venerated by the Taoist sect; and the Dragon-king Ao Ch’in, 214 sq.; and Ao Ch’in’s son, 215; favourite subjects of romance and frequently represented, 288; term used figuratively for happiness, 288; legend of, probably belongs to Yüan dynasty, 288; Li T’ieh-kuai, 289 sq.; Chung-li Ch’üan, 291–292, 297–298; Lan Ts’ai-ho, 293; Chang Kuo, 294–295; Ho Hsien-ku, 296–297; Lü Tung-pin, 297 sq.; Han Hsiang Tzŭ, 299–300; Ts’ao Kuo-chiu, 300 sq.; legend of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, 303–304

Pa Kua. The Eight Trigrams; Wên Wang uses, to divine the flesh of his son, 193; discovered by Fu Hsi, 247–248

Pa-ch’a. God of Grasshoppers, 165

Pagoda-bearer, The. Li Ching, 237, 305 sq.

Pai Ma. The White Horse of the Hsi yu chi; Sun Hou-tzŭ and, 340; son of Dragon-king of the Western Sea, 340–341; Kuan Yin and, 340–341; changed into a horse, 341; journeys with the Master to the Western Paradise, 341 sq.; bearer of the sacred books, 341; Temple of the White Horse, 341; his reward, 368

Palace. Of God of Literature, 106; of Hsi Wang Mu, 137; Shên I builds, for Chin Mu, 183–184; of the sun, conferred on Shên I, 185–186

P’an Ku. Mythical being, alleged first development out of Chaos and fashioner of the universe, the Chinese Adam; myths of, 76 sq.; creator of the universe, 76 sq.; origin of, 76; meaning of name, 76; representations of, 76; death of, 77; and the sun, 77–78; and the moon, 77–78; with head of a dragon, 78; with body of a serpent, 78; Ymer and, 79; a late creation, 79–80; date of legend of, 92; Yüan-shih T’ien-wang an avatar of, 128 sq.; and T’ai Yüan, 129–130; a God of Medicine, 247

P’an Kuan. God of Exorcism, 248; administrator of the infernal regions, 248, 268, 274

P’an-t’ao Hui. Feast of Peaches, 137–138

Pao Lao-yeh. Imperial Censor; and Ts’ao Ching-chih and Ts’ao Ching-hsiu, 302–303

Pao Shu. Kuan Chung and, the Chinese types of friendship, 383 and n.

Pao TĂŞ. Maiden name Po Ya; Queen of Miao Chuang, 253 sq.; canonized, 287 Page 545

Pao Yüeh. In legend of Yü Huang, 132–133

Parents and Children, 25–26

Pastors. Also called Lord-Lieutenants; the chief of the nobles in a province, 29

Patriarch-s. Of Buddhism, 120; T’ung-t’ien Chiao-chu, 133, 191

Peaches. Feast of, 137–138; Chang Tao-ling and the plucking of the, 140–141

Peach-orchard, The Oath in the, 114 sq.

Pearl, The Intelligent. See Li No-cha

Pearly Emperor. YĂĽ Huang; Chang Tao-ling Vicegerent of, 141

Peking. Capital of China; Shun-t’ien Fu, originally Yu Chou; Pei-p’ing Fu in T’ang dynasty; legend of the building of, 227 sq.; Prince Chu-ti and, 228 sq.; Liu Po-wên and the founding of, 228 sq.; to be called No-cha Ch’êng, 229; description of, 230–231; prosperity of, 231–232; the dragons and the drought in, 232 sq.

People, Four Classes of the, 28

Perfect Man. See ChĂŞn-jĂŞn

Period of the Warring States. Mythology in, 72

“Permutations, Book of.” See I Ching

Pestilence. Demons of, subdued by the three musical brothers, 151

Pets. Kinds kept, 47

Philosophers. Of the Sung Period, and mythology, 73; apotheosized, 148

Philosophy. Effect of Chinese, on mythology, 423

Pi Fang. Mysterious bird belonging to Hui Lu, 239

Pi Hsiang-yang. Attacks Han Chih-hsien, 159

Pi Hsiao. Sister of Ch’iung Hsiao; killed by Yüan-shih, 158

P’i-lu Fo. See P’i-lu Hsien and Vairotchana

P’i-lu Hsien, or P’i-lu Fo. An Immortal; and Chun T’i, 324; becomes a Buddha, 324

Piao. See Shao

Pig Fairy of the “Hsi Yu Chi,” 326 sq.

Pills of Immortality. And vital force, 135; Chang Tao-ling and, 139, 140; Shên I and, 184–185; Hêng Ô and, 184–185

Pitch-pot. A game, 45

Planet-s. Influence terrestrial events, 176; abodes of stellar divinities, 192; Jupiter and T’ai Sui, 194

Pneuma. Ch’i; one of the elements of creation, 90

P’o Chia. Name of King Miao Chuang, 253

Po I-k’ao. Stellar deity of Tzŭ-wei constellation, 192; eldest son of Wên Wang, 192; and Ta Chi, 192–193; canonized, 194

Po Shih. And legend of Ch’in Shin Huang-ti’s visit to the Spirit of the Sea, 212 sq.

Po Ya. Maiden name of Pao TĂŞ, 253

Pole, Pivot of the. Tou Shu; a palace, 144

Political History. Summary of, 27–28

Polyandry, 23

Polydemonism. Great extent of, 93

Polytheism. Great extent of, 93–94, 174–175

Pootoo Island. See P’u T’o Island

Population. In early times, 27; in Manchu Period, 28

Presents. Ceremonial governing giving of, 42

Priest-s. Wu, or exorcists, 34–35; first, 34; king as high, 34; held in low esteem, 36

Priesthood. In Buddhism, 119

Primary Matter. See Ch’i

Princes of States, 29

Princess of the Golden Stem. Ch’un-yü Fên marries, 412 sq.

Products. Processes of production, 48; habitations, 57–58; food, 58; clothing, 58; land-works, 58–59; implements and weapons, 59; æsthetic products, 59

Professional Institutions, 36

Prostitution, 24

Provinces. Administrative divisions of the country, 28–29

P’u-t’i Tsu-shih. Immortal; becomes master of Sun Hou-tzŭ, 327 Page 546

P’u T’o Island, or Pootoo. Throne of Kuan Yin on, 252; Miao Shan goes to, 270

Punctured Bodies. Legend of People of the, 390

Punishments. Nature of legal, 30; lex talionis, 30; codes of, 30 sq.; changes made by Provisional Criminal Code, 31–32; of the gods, 99

Pygmies. Legend of, 386–387


Queue, 39, 58


Rain. Myths of, 205 sq.; the Master of, 205–206 Red Child Demon. In Hsi yu chi, 350 sq., 359

Red Country. See SsĹ­ Ha Li Kuo

Red Sand Battle, 158 sq.

Redcoat, Mr. Purveyor of official posts; companion of Wên Ch’ang, 110 sq.

Reincarnation. Of Chuang Chou, 149

Religious Ideas. Nature of Chinese,52; Confucianism, 52, 53; State religion, 52; Taoism, 52–53; Buddhism, 53; influence of, on mythology, 62—63; Chinese religion not a monotheism, 97; the Three Religions, 99 sq.; of the learned, 102

Republic. Races represented in flag of, 28

Republican Period. Marriage in, 24–25; administrative system in, 30

Revenue. Whence derived, 29

River-s. Ch’ien-t’ang, chief God of,

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