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Book online «Myths and Legends of China E. Werner (best reads of all time .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author E. Werner

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Cycles, 177; of the Door, 165, 172 sq.; of Epidemics, 240 sq., 274; of Exorcism, 248 sq.; of Fire, 236 sq.; the ‘Five Mountains,’ 242; of Grasshoppers, 165; of Hades, 120; of Happiness, 165, 169–170, 177; of the Immortals, 136; of the Kitchen, 45, 128, 165, 166 sq.; of Literature, 104 sq., 177, 299; local, t’u-ti, 165; of Longevity, 165, 171–172, 177; of Longevity and the Eight Immortals, 214 sq.; of Medicine, 247–248; chief God of Rivers, 218–219; River-god, marriage of the, 225 sq.; of Sailors, 165; of Serpents, 165; of Smallpox, 175; of the Soil and Crops, 165; of Thunder, 128, 198 sq.; of Time, 194 sq.; of War, 113 sq.; of the Waters, 208 sq.; of Wealth, 165, 170–171; of the Wind, 204–205; of the Year, 194; names of numerous, 174–175

Goddess-es. Earth-mother, 82, 109–110, 165; of Lightning, 203; of Mercy, 251 sq., and see also Kuan Yin; of Mulberry-trees and Silkworms, 168–169; of the North Star, 144–145; of Sailors, 165; Old Mother of the Waters, 220 sq.; names of various, 174–175

Golden Big Pint. See Chin Ta-shĂȘng

Golden Cuirass, Mr. See Chin Chia

Golden Mother of the Tortoise, 136

Golden-bearded Turtle. And Chun T’i, 324

Gourd, The Magic, 347

Government. General, 29 sq.; local, small scope of, 32

Graduates. Legend of the five, 242 sq.

Grand Terminus, or Great Ultimate, 85

Grasshoppers, God of, 165

Grave, Fanning the. Story of Chuang Chou and the widow, 149

Great Bear. Constellation; WĂȘn Ch’ang and the, 105 sq.; the residence of the Fates, 176

Great Bell, Casting of the. Legend of the, 394 sq.

Great Ultimate, or Grand Terminus, 85 Page 436

Green Lion. In Kuan Yin legend, 283–284, 285–286

Guardian-s. Of Buddhist temple gates, 145–146; of Taoist temple gates, 146 sq.; of Gate of Heaven, 305 sq.

Guardianship. Of the young, 26


Ha. The Blower. See Ch’ĂȘn Ch’i

Habitations. In early times, 57; development of, 57–58

Habits and Customs. Festivals and holidays, 43–44; domestic, 46–47

Hades. The God of, 120

Han. Early monarchical dynasty, 27

Han Chih-hsien. Fights for WĂȘn Chung, 159–160

Han Hsiang Tzƭ. One of the Eight Immortals, 215, 303; legend of, 299–300

Han YĂŒ, Statesman, philosopher, and poet; and Han Hsiang TzĆ­, 299–300

Happiness. The term ‘Eight Immortals’ figuratively used for, 288; Gods of—see Fu ShĂȘn, Kuo TzĆ­-i, and Li Kuei-tsu

Hare in Moon, 176, 179

Head-splitting Helmet, 325–326, 368–369

Headless People. Legend of, 387–388

Heaven-s. Repair of the, 72, 81–82, 224–225; Temple of, 95; Taoist Kings of, 142; Mother of, 150; Guardian of the Gate of, 305 sq.

Heaven-deaf. T’ien-lung, or HsĂŒan T’ung-tzĆ­, one of the attendants of WĂȘn Ch’ang, 82, 109–110

Heavenly Dog. Tien Kou; legend of Chang Hsien and the, 177–178; and Sun Hou-tzƭ, 331

Heavenly Peach-garden, 329–330

Heavenly Stables, 329

Heavenly Teacher. See Chang Tao-ling

Hell-s. Kings of, 120, 267–268

HĂȘng. The Snorter. See ChĂȘng Lung

HĂȘng Ô. See Ch’ang Ô

Herdsman. Legend of the Weaver-girl and the, 189 sq.

Heroes. See ChĂȘn-jĂȘn

“Hill and River Classic.” See Shan Hai Ching

Hindu Kush Mountains. K’un-lun Mountains identified with, 16

History. Summary of political, of China, 27–28; mythology and, 63

Ho FĂȘng. Marries Miao Yin, 258; conspires against Miao Chuang, 277 sq.

Ho Hsien-ku. One of the Eight Immortals; and T’ai Sui 195; legend of, 296–297; mentioned, 293, 303

Ho Li. Conspires against Miao Chuang, 278–279

Ho Po. The Spirit of the Waters; HĂȘng Ô his younger sister, 182

Holidays. Observed at certain seasons, 43

Horse, The White, 340–341

Hou-t’u, Ti-ya, or Ti-mu. Earth-mother, 82, 109–110, 165

Hsi Ch’i. Town and mountain; TĂȘng Chiu-kung and battle at, 147; burned by Fire-god, 236–237; LĂŒ YĂŒeh in battle at, 241

Hsi Wang Mu. Golden Mother of the Tortoise; her story first mentioned, 72; her names, 136; sovereign of the Western Air, 137; head of the genii dwelling on the K’un-lun Mountains, 137; and Feast of Peaches (P’an-t’ao Hui), 137–138; her palace, 137; her birthdays, 138; and Li T’ieh-kuai, 289

Hsi YĂŒ. Miao Chuang kinglet of, 253

“Hsi Yu Chi.” Record of a journey to the Western Paradise; a dramatization of the introduction of Buddhism into China, 325–326, 341

Hsi-mĂȘn Pao. Magistrate of Yeh Hsien; and marriage of the River-god, 226–227

Hsiang Shan. Monastery inhabited by Immortals; Miao Shan goes to, 266 sq.

Hsien, or Hsien-jĂȘn. Immortals, 125, 135; yin and yang and, 135 Page 437

Hsien Tung. ‘The Immortal Youth’; servant to Mu Kung, 136

Hsien WĂȘng. See Shou Hsing

Hsien-yĂŒan Huang-ti. Mythical emperor; Chu Jung his minister, 81, 238, 239; T’ai I his medical preceptor, 143; and the Door-gods, 173; instructed in doctrine of immortality, 179–180; God of Medicine, 247; mentioned, 167

Hsing. Form; beginning of, 90

Hsing Lin. Kingdom of Miao Chuang, 253, 280, 282

“Hsiu Hsiang Pa Hsien Tung Yu Chi,” 289

HsĂŒ ChĂȘn-chĂŒn, or HsĂŒ Sun. The dragon-slayer, 222 sq.

HsĂŒ Hao. A demon; exorcism of, 249–250

HsĂŒ Sun. See HsĂŒ ChĂȘn-chĂŒn

HsĂŒ-mi Shan. See SumĂȘru

HsĂŒan Chuang. Also called YĂŒan Chuang and T’ang SĂȘng; the pilgrim of the Hsi yu chi, 325; Sha Ho-shang his baggage-coolie, 334–335; history of, 336 sq.; his father murdered by Liu Hung, 336–337; exposed on Blue River, 337; Chang Lao rescues him, 337–338; named Chiang Liu, ‘Waif of the River,’ 337; finds his grandmother, 338–339; murderer of his father executed, 339; becomes the Emperor’s favourite priest, 340; journeys to the Western Paradise, 340, 341 sq.; and the White Horse, 340–341; is rescued by Ju Lai, 358–359; his return home, 367 sq.; canonized, 368. See also Ch’ĂȘn Kuang-jui

HsĂŒan NĂŒ, or T’ien Mu. The Mother of Heaven; and Chuang Chou, 150

HsĂŒan Tsung. Emperor; and Chang Kuo, 294–295

HsĂŒan T’ung-tzĆ­. ‘Sombre Youth.’ See Heaven-deaf

HsĂŒan-hsĂŒan Shang-jĂȘn. Relates history of YĂŒan-shih T’ien-wang, 129–130

Hu Ching-tĂȘ. A Door-god, 173–174. See MĂȘn ShĂȘn

Hu Pi-li. Chief of the guard of Miao Chuang; sent to burn Nunnery of the White Bird, 264–265; at the execution of Miao Shan, 266–267

Hua Shan. A sacred mountain in the west, 253

Hua-hu Tiao. The white rat of Mo-li Shou, 121; devours Yang Chien, 122–123

Hua-jui Fu-jĂȘn, or Lady Fei. And Chang Hsien, 178

Hua-kuo Shan. A mountain in the kingdom of Ao-lai; Sun Hou-tzƭ born on, 326–327

Huai-an. Kingdom; Ch’un-yĂŒ FĂȘn in, 411 sq.

Huai-nan TzĆ­. A philosopher; apotheosized, 148; and the Eight Immortals, 148

Huang Fei-hu. Yellow Flying Tiger, 122, 146; spears the Blower, 146; and Spirit of the Blue Dragon Star, 147; father of Huang T’ien-hua, 241

Huang Lao. A genie; seeks YĂŒan-shih T’ien-wang, 129

Huang Ti. See Hsien-yĂŒan Huang-ti

Huang T’ien-hua. Son of

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